How do you manage to fuck up so bad?
How do you manage to fuck up so bad?
Let's see how long the coalition lasts before you cry doom.
you're a retard
Reminder to sage leftoid shills threads
4D CHESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AM I RITE'???????????????
Just regular chess, retard.
Like watching a rhino trying to fuck a squirrel, its going to be messy. Remember they blow smoke up each other's asshole all day long and pay peanuts for implemention, the results are going to in that project management trough called planning a disaster.
They deserve the shit kicking theyve accidentally done to themselves.
does this mean Italy is going to be irreversibly blacked? Be frank italobros.
Basically yes
my prediction is they’re going to try and normalize it but it will only fuel more extreme nationalistic sentiment
what happens from there is anyone’s guess
Can I get a quick rundown
>Implying they won't keep making them vanish near the borders
They just want to go to the uk, france, germany
Pianura Padana is where most usually stay
fuck. I guess it was too beautiful to be true.
That would be alright but I have a hard time building any hope right now
He resigned for literally no reason, letting the Democrats in government again for another 4 years of blackening. LOL!
Any reliable news link I can use google translator to read?
Last time I went to Genoa I was baffled by the amount of Africans there.
>Muh major cities
>Muh pianura
Now go to Rome
salvini tried to dissolve government in order to trigger elections (because lega is way higher in the polls now)
5star (salvini partner party in current government) allies with PD (globalist cucks) to form new government without salvini
Do you live under a rock, you stupid faggot.
KYS you useless pos.
By having a government full of traitors and collaborators.
Lets face it, Italy still has a history of switching sides which is what every Italian who sides against Salvini is doing now, hoping that if they swallow some pozzed cum from globalists and put on a fake smile they'll be eaten last.
why the fuck is Italy so unruly?? What's wrong with you, you fucking pasta retards???
egoistic capitalistic shills btfo
did you live under a rock? how did you know that italy is place filled with treacherous bastards with no courage? you never heard of what we did in literally every war?
Imagine unironically falling for the Lega meme
Holy shit, nu-pol is actually a double digit iq board
>I stopped studying history in middle school
The post
Just keep sucking the dick of monied capital while pretending to be fighting for the proletariat, being a traitor is in blood.
>Everyone who doesn't support my gigashill daddy is a supporter of the globalist cucks
Cute, here's your (you)
>being a traitor is in blood.
So you are telling me you are an inbred dumb brit criminal who got fucked by anglos?
I'd ask your price, but you've betrayed your country for free.
t. patriotic terrone
italy is not a real country
t. Italic uneducated wagie
porcoddio negro dimmerda levati dal cazzo
and how is giving pro immigration parties more power any better? genuinely curious
gambling vs. taking risk
>resigns denouncing the obstructionism from M5S and deep state ministers/functionaries who wouldn't let them fulfill their government-contract points
>proposes to go ahead with the cut of the number of deputies everyone agreed on and proceed with the elections
>M5S shit themselves, ally with the greatest enemy in order not to lose their jobs, becoming an accomplice of all the horrendous stuff the Democratic Party is involved in
He'll do obstructionism with the many commissions Lega obtained for a few months - a year tops, reach unseen popularity at the polls, bring up nationalist anti-EU rhetoric again and go for the jackpot. Whoever tells you muh 4d chess is a politically illiterate whelp, it's actually the most linear and smart course of action.
He is a PD voter
>He doesn't know Italian politics
Oh no no no
Can't make it better
t. absolutely butthurt lega voter
>he will rise in poll
>in 2 days he got -5%
imagine being this much of a gullible retard
larpers on suicide watch
Didn't it simply show how cucked 5star is, obviously? They should lose votes now, right? and Salvini will get probably more next time.
>w-we are w-winning!!! getting 1 million more niggers for the next 4 years is winning!!!! trust the god emperor salvini!!!!!!1111
Can it be true?
What is the % Lega needs to reach autonomy?
they already lost a ton since the election
at election they were like 35-40% and lega was around 20% or so, now the parties have basically switched in the polls
5star will continue to slide and lega has an opportunity to grow as the new cuck government lets military aged foreign men flood into the country
this sounds more like a win for lega in the long run?
He managed to decrease people smuggling by 92%, this effected the whole of Europe and now the EU has gone apeshit their replacement population program got dunked on so now they're going to try and hit Italy with everything they've got.
I hope that asteroid we've seen in the news hits, it's just what this planet needs to cleanse it of all so much evil and the stupid hands who help it.
Can't be a win if they keep him as a main figure
He managed to fuck everything up so much I guess even most normies realized how retarded the campaign was getting
Also considering the backstab to save some of their people (making everything crash 1-2 days later)
>Thinks he can extrapolate the political trends of the next 6-12 months from a single poll two days from the govt breakup
and i'm the gullible retard.
It's how it is. Lega and FdI will comfortably reach 50%> by the time new elections are called.
>by the time new elections are called.
When will it be btw?
>Lega and FdI will comfortably reach 50%> by the time new elections are called.
Now this is a golden bait, even better if unironic
Whenever the M5S/PD coalition implodes, which is a matter of months. I'm not even counting all the deputies who might just leave M5S or the already fragmented PD.
What does the average Luigi think about that shit coalition?
>right wingers take over
Look in the mirror for once.
Many 5s voters were formerly disappointed left voters, others were in general looking for a jolly party considering the absolute state of Italian politics
If they want to be coherent, they'd be screeching at this double betrayal
The former pd voters could be the ones with actual hope
There’s a Wikipedia Eng page that sums up all recent polls, main parties can differ between +-5%
>cherry picks the one where he dropped the most which is known to be inaccurate
Bros... it's over... guess we'll have to vote +Europa now...
At least it wont last long. Downside is the nigger boats will be dumping thousands a day again soon.
Wither brave Italia
I've used to vote League but after the last events I'm ashamed of that. NEVER AGAIN
Yeah, most of those either become slave-tier illegal workers, or just cross the borders (most want to) the whole point why he fucked up was because the left took over you fucking retard
do you even know where Italy is?
>triggers the fuck out of the whole conservacuck right
>doesn't even get judged guilty
That was one of the many tricks into making him "appear" powerless, well played
Majority single party government next election :)
Salivini mastermind.
>thread about fans of capitone afraid of getting blacked
>nevermind the fact that he literally cucked them with 49 millions
That could only (and most likely won't) happen if they keep him
Even its party was pissed
No user delete this you can't do this it's over Salvirgin is over you have to vote PD or +E now stop it you fascist nazi pig they won't pay me today if you do this I need the money the negro semen prices in Bologna are sky-high due to demand you don't know what you're doing to me
It will happen and every single non-Roman will be sterilized and deported
Do you actually think most parties unironically follow their political line or even most of their public program?
Also because the whole country would have to be actually united (and caring) in the first place
Redpill me about Bologna, is it a leftist haven?
Technically yes
Pretty comfy to visit tho
Good riddance.
pol, does it classifies as aryan?
>How do you manage to fuck up so bad?
He fucked up because he apparently didn't realise what M5S really is.
He thought that after the Lega's victory at the EU elections it would be good to blow up the government and therebeby cause new elections, which the Lega would have easily won.
But what he, and many others in Italy, haven't realised is that the M5S is not an "anti"-party that is somehow different from the established Italian parties.
He thought that because the M5S presents itself as a "us-against-all-the-others"-party, they would never ally themselves with anyone else after he had blown up the government.
But the M5S isn't what it says it is, it is not a break from traditional Italian politics, it is the highest form of traditional Italian politics.
If you think about how the Italian parliament has the highest rate of party defections because Italian politics isn't really about ideology, well the M5S has solved that problem by having no ideology at all and constantly changing positions from left to right.
And of course Italian politicians traditionally would sell their own mothers to keep their seats in parliament. And what did the M5S do? It did exactly that.
The M5S is not the antithesis to traditional Italian politics, it is the purest form of traditional Italian politics.
This user gets it, no party is different
(Same applies to Lega anyways, but 5s has always been a wildcard for this reason)
5s are incoherent, they are literally the bitches of the italian politics by switching from right to left in a couple of days. to me it's not a good thing, btw you are right about the m5s ideology, so nothing at all
Is a leftist shithole
>they are literally the bitches of the italian politics by switching from right to left in a couple of days
You just described the chads of this shitty system
YOU dont stand with salvini? YOU get NIGGERINI
I want to cry. I was hoping for this disgusting monstruosity of EU to collapse and here we are again, on the losing side. But we will endure.
You get them anyway, guess you didn't watch the news, memeflag
Yeah, better leave and suicide
City is full of commie students, but resident citizens started voting centre-right some years ago
Your mother will suicide because she is a nigger lover whore and without nigger cocks can't live. You know nothing, stop having opinions semicolto
cope, bologna must be nuked
A populist European confederation.
Preferably a coalition of countries that have been kissed by E.U.
A place where the interests of the countries would respect.
a place without EURO
What is happening? I don't have time to watch all this stuff.