What Raymond is thinking? (Swedish guy who shoot 2 cops in Finland at last weekend)
What Raymond is thinking? (Swedish guy who shoot 2 cops in Finland at last weekend)
who the fuck cares
"fuck niggers"
I hope my wife will get as many black cocks as I'm gonna get in jail.
your mother
I think this type of guy can make his girlfriend pregnant even from behind the bars.
They should finish sakkijarven polka in his cell until he goes insane.
Yikes... Her neck :(
Why? He shoot cops, not normal pedestrian.
Why are Sw*des such niggers?
why did he do it?
"Fuck you for 1995."
looks like a homo
like damn tho
He looks like Hernik Zetterberg.
Nobody knows. Very intresting case.
So that he could get arrested and get closer to her while simultaneously demonstrating his masculinity.
Finnish women are only into BBC.
I heard he have allready sex with hes lawyer.
This is true.
Swedes are violent by nature.
You get sex time with your girlfriend in rich countries, so that isn't very exceptional.
Your Finnglish is adorable.
Just remember what Kimi says: "Juominen on turvallisempaa kuin urheilu."
Oohhh sweet lord, this gave me a ragin hard-on.
You get the point.
Please be patient, it's our tradition.
thank you Pekka, very cool
Kinda correct sadly
were the cops niggers?
Highly doubt that, most Africans in Finland rarely try to look for a job. They can live very easily with our Welfare system.
What the hell perka, you don't even know who the cops were?
I watched the Ladies Finnish Indoor Volleyball Team lose to Bulgaria earlier... Perkele, those asses.
oh, yes
2 foreigner men with beards and complete media blackout, it's not that hard to know that it was ''new-Swedish'' people
I just dont care enough about people who will arrest others who say bad things about refugees or immigrants. Free speech is probably dead in here aswell.
The brothers had no prior convictions. The whole crime seems nonsensical on the face of it which means there's a different motive behind it than just busting shots at cops for the sake of doing it. I'm guessing it's related to organized crime one way or another. It looks like a very strange case at this point. Should give a shot in the arm for non-Finnish schizos to start learning Finnish and tie this in with some global conspiracy.
Pidän suomenkielestä.
Why did he do it?
revenge against the finnish state for stealing åland and helsingfors.
The difficulty in understanding the Swede is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but a faggot, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Swede than a Tranny or a Furry, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Faggy characteristics, the Swede has no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, queer, and chronic destroyer of his own country.
>The brothers had no prior convictions. The whole crime seems nonsensical on the face of it which means there's a different motive behind it than just busting shots at cops for the sake of doing it. I'm guessing it's related to organized crime one way or another. It looks like a very strange case at this point. Should give a shot in the arm for non-Finnish schizos to start learning Finnish and tie this in with some global conspiracy.
this. these guys was on serious mission.
read more please
The brothers were genetic Finns. Only had swedish passport. They were at most SwedoFinns. Don't try to shovel the blame to us swedes you finnjävel.
>mah POC