Democracy the worst type of government

Incompetents who don't know their senator erase your vote.
Herd mentality.
Is a facade legitimizing the rule of a particular elite.
Squabbling factions fighting over petty wants.

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Only land owners and veterans should be able to vote


only neets should be allowed to vote.
they're the only ones who have time to sift through the garbage.

>Is a facade legitimizing the rule of a particular elite.
Guess what happens when there's no democracy. Wait, here it comes: the rule of a particular elite, fuck even the appearance of legitimacy.
>Squabbling factions fighting over petty wants.
Implying this doesn't happen under undemocratic systems.

Anarcho-capitalists can go rim each other with their utopian castles in space. (Not saying you OP are one, but I wanted to say it preemptively so I don't have to stick around waiting for someone to make their pitch for it.)

Democracy was really just the evolution of dictatorship into a form that hides the dictators and tyrants from the public.

Men will never find happiness under democracy for sure.


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countries are too big to begin with. Inside each country are several different groups of people that will never agree on particular points.

I say bring back the city-state complete with walls or palisades, and then we can go on from there.

But but you elect the people who go to Brussels so you get a vote.

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giving women voting rights was the worst idea ever.

it is the tyranny of the majority

The only time actual democracy existed on this planet was for a few decades in classical hellenic civilization. Stop kidding yourselves.

And to get it working, it only took a civilization at the apex of its scientific and cultural advancement, a metric fuckton of dedicated slaves, men and only men in all positions of power, and women solely dedicated to staying at home and raising a family. Good fucking luck with that and your (((democracy))).

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The issue isn't democracy. It's representative democracy. We should be getting rid of congress and voting on shit directly.

Land-owning veterans. Otherwise the jews will just buy up the land and subvert shit. Again.

good point. I think decentralization is almost always the way to go.

this would make it even worse you nigger. How do you think can normies and npcs decide on difficult and complex issues. yeah lets give these niggers more power, great idea...

Pic related lays everything out perfectly.

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In ancient Athens, they would hold votes to execute, exile or otherwise punish subversives. If only we retained that principle.

The issue isn't government representation, it's egalitarianism. You've run this world into the ground with your idiotic and quite frankly, baseless assumptions about the human race.

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This is my issue with ancaps.
The idea is only good if you’re rich.
Many of Jow Forums are fash but the same issues with politicians arise but in an ethnic sense.
Do the [white] politicians really have the interests of the [white] people at heart?”
If I can’t trust politicians now how the hell can I trust them under any other government?

Authoritarian democracy is much better

No, it's not. Democratic systems prevent that by safeguarding individual liberties. Only Muhammadans understand democracy in the simplistic terms of having the right to do the rest of the population whatever they want.

That's the path

Switzerland seems to be doing better than most representative democracies.

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REPRESENTATIVE Democracy is a thoroughly failed experiment.

DIRECT Democracy (with a large population) has not been properly tried. We've never really had the tech, until the past century. That telecom tech is now becoming sufficiently withered that it is absolutely time for new experiments in DIRECT Democracy.

And jobs outside of child care, teaching, etc

Libertarian artificial intelligence monarchy is the best.

> Maradonna was doing better than most other football players although he was a smoker and drinker

What you said makes no sense.

The whole point of democracy is freedom but at the the same time democracy always leads to tyranny. This is why the founding fathers were brilliant. They built America as a constitutional republic, where your freedom is guareenteed by the Constitution not the government. Hence the reason why they don't need a pure democracy because you always will have freedom, regardless of the government in power. It's the best system in the history of human politics

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It does.
It says Switzerland would even do well under any system.

>Democracy the worst type of governmen

Absolutely correct.

Democracy is complete garbage. That's why the founders of the USA chose a republic; They even knew back in the 1700's that democracy is the road to totalitarianism..

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this, now democracy is a kike keyword to bring wars to a country

suddenly I feel an urge to drink a big glass of milk

What do you define by "doing well"? In theory all Western nations are doing well, but under a different definition.

he was high on cocaine of course he would do better

Spend some time in Switzerland user. I know you haven't yet because we would not have this conservation if you did.
Switzerland is on its own way the greatest country in the world by distance.

Change Maradonna with Paul Gasgoigne then.

so, cocaine is good?

nobody cares incel, have sex freak

Careful, you could poke an eye out with those.

I visited both Germany and Switzerland, yes they look good but they are not perfect. If Switzerland were a representative democracy instead of semi-direct democracy it would be worse off.

My boss, a liberal, told me the other day that Brexit was a joke because the people were tricked and democracy was to blame. I bit my tongue of course because I have a wife and kids, but I really wonder what his alternative suggestion is. I mean, I’m sure he doesn’t support the electoral college or a republic. So, what’s left? Dictatorship? These liberals are fucking retarded. They whine and complain - usually based on their feels, but never offer any real solutions. Muh free stuff. Muh representation of the under-represented.

All voting is stupid, voting is what causes the media to turn into a divide and conquer psyop. Return back to autocracy like mankind is intended to be.

Two wolves voting what to do for dinner with one sheep.

Good point

Absolute monarchy under a Christian king who doesn't care for Jews is the best form of government, everyone knows it and most are extremely assmad about it.

Even this doesn't adequately protect against retardation. The main issue with democracy is that it works in short cycles, most leaders don't have to think further ahead than 8 years. The only way to solve this is to either elect people for life, which presents its own problems in terms of democratic process, or have some kind of royal family. An improvement that could be made to democracy that would allow for the short cycles to not produce complete chaos in the hands of idiots is that all politicians it should be forbidden from arming and or defending themselves. The effect of this would be roughly the same as the intended effect of the second amendment in the United States, but would all but guarantee that no advances in technology would allow rich politicians (a concept that shouldn't exist by the way) to completely suppress all opposition by force and guarantee their safety in the cases where they use the power to exploit people. Of course, this means that politicians must be able to give up their power with little notice if they decide that they want their right to defend themselves back.
The other improvements that must be made is voting tests. Specifically members of government on both sides of any issue should have to make a test for the opposing side to take before voting. Obviously there needs to be a complex process to ensure these tests aren't exploited, but the gist of the intent is to make sure that only people who actually understand an issue are able to vote on it. This could either weight the votes by the score look a person gets on the test, or simply demand a passing grade. However good luck getting this past anybody in the modern world because they'll just call it racist and shoot you down despite its necessity.

who's this titted whore?

thats true

Randomly choose the most stupid redneck in your neighborhood as your totalitarian dictator. This is the solution.
This or bustycracy, the female with the biggest natural tits without cheating (getting fat, taking hormones...), rules.

pic related is gonna rule the world i guess

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Honestly if we had a democracy like Switzerland we probably wouldn't have had the immigration act of 65 pass.


>Democracy the worst type of government
Agree. All derivatives of liberalism are poisonous and antithetical to proper rule.

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Second. Who is this?

India is the perfect example
The average voter here is kinda retarded especially in my state where they like communism

Here. Use it. Spread it.

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It's not a democracy, it's an elective dictatorship

To be fair, their system did result in a civil war.

No party in any government should have a majority
A system where different parties and members of a legislative body take turns every week or so, to allow for equal representation
And government consists of multiple party members too

I want that as a pillow.

I don't normally notice, but what a horrible tit job. Hope she didn't pay much.

I would prefer for a voted dictator on a ten year cycle with a commission who proposes a referendum on an issue once a year.

Ayyy sagrado rostro!


Oh aye, the dickhead GI who buys in a suburb is perfectly capable of understanding government policy.

Who is that?

You need to address the Retard Question first. Any idea to idiot-proof it is welcome.


>Cucks for Israel should vote.


Checked. This is the biggest problem. Direct democracy would open the door to so many terrible things. Not only would voter fraud increase exponentially we would be subject to tyranny of the masses. The kike masters need only to broadcast their programming and their puppets will go out and vote how they want. US would be ruined within the year. I can think of a few things that could help but kikes wouldn't allow it.
>Strict voter ID laws
>Exams for ID to prove you aren't completely retarded
>Immigrants of any kind cannot vote
>Policies voted on are closely followed and results posted publicly to decide whether it can be voted to abolish it

I would replace the exam with a requirement like this:
- Suppose a proposed bill affects several areas (budget, healthcare, public health).
- Only people with proven experience or a lot of useful knowledge in those areas can draft, comment, review, discuss and vote it.
- They must be over 25 and under 65 and have full citizenship. Maybe dual citizens should be blocked.
- Criminals, wackos, people with conflicts of interest (potential contractors, gibs seekers,...) can't vote.
- Everything is stored in the on-line system for auditing if SHTF later.

No, niggerloving caused a civil war.

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Go back.

No one who receives government money should be able to vote. Every last one is a welfare recipient.