Italy and Romania

Do Italians and Romanians have good relations with each other?

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who cares?

Italy is Rightful Romanian clay.


Shitskins usually don't get along very well so I'd say no



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yes i let romanians fuck my wife

Romanians are rapists and thieves, like all balkaniggers.

Most of the Romanians I met are gypsies that migrate into Italy because Romania is a shithole.

But honestly, Romanians aren't that bad. They stick to each other, and don't really pollute the streets with crime and drugs.

Niggers and sandniggers are much worse

Attached: IMG_20190828_170852.jpg (552x1456, 199K)

Do you have good relationship with Mexicans?

Is that what Romanians are to Italians?

half romanian spotted

I'm 100% Italian, te lo garantisco

The problem is that Romanians just live in segregated communities and don't interact with others.
they don't live an impression on the overall life that we live

I'm about tired of seeing all these niggers and sandniggers trying to sell me shit I don't need around the steets

yes but no, if you actually were to check statistics you'd realize that romanians, moroccans and albanians are the top 3 nationalities to get incarcerated the most,à but yeah keep on falseflagging gypsy


Italy has a rich culture and history.

Romania has poverty and gypsies.

Romania and Italy are very similar

Now that salvini is gone, the ports will be overflowing again too.

stocazzo zingaro, i rumeni sono la peggiofeccia

obviously yes, them being enemies would be the interest of the enemies of both.

Romanians have more Roman blood than Shitalians.

Even with Salvini, they still docked in Italy and disembarked.
The good thing he did was sending a message and keeping them at sea for weeks, showing how false they are.

Zingaro sarai te, negriero di merda

>source = mi culo


That's it, chief

Transylvania is Hungarian clay

Italians fuck our women for spare change.