Climate Change BTFO


This guy nails it. Based and redpilled

Attached: Climate Change Excuses.jpg (462x350, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Family_and_Property


Saw 1st 15 minutes. Even if you think he is nuts, theres some interesting points and theyre relatively well articulated.

Looks like its being (((slid))) hard.

Ill post it in other threads later bud.

Attached: 1Never_believe_masses_2.jpg (1768x600, 317K)

it breaks down like this...

Attached: simple_concept.png (746x817, 42K)

really just so simple to see how hoaxie the hoax is

Attached: CO2_chart.png (1851x1082, 58K)

Attached: CO2_should_not_be_regulted.png (1490x1392, 425K)

Attached: dumb_girl.jpg (415x600, 58K)

Attached: First_Climate_Change_Summit.jpg (600x464, 223K)

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Man, you need to take your meds schizo.

Attached: shill1.png (859x1240, 271K)




Attached: shill2.png (812x1258, 220K)

Literally posting the same exact spam 30+ times in the past few days.

Attached: shill3.png (827x1252, 324K)

Oh look, it has a Russian flag too in some of the archived posts, terrible job shill.

Attached: shill4.png (825x1245, 390K)

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the dude never mentions the consequences of dumping 80 million years of carbon collection in just 100 years. doesnt talk about exinction event we live in today. case in point
>permien extinction event took 200k years.
>came in 2 pulses.
>first pulse at the 70k mark where half the worlds biomass went extinct
>we have done that in 50 years
-normal extinction event 70k years
-abnormal extinction event 50 years
the science is there. this dude is neither based or redpilled. just another christcuck on biblical time.

>Sees an argument he can't debunk or advance past
>Schi-i-izo, chew meds!
Every time.

find a hobby psycho

By the way, your shill thread, and garbage video parroting the same old debunked climate change denial talking points was made by a group connected to this organization:,_Family_and_Property

Naturally, this group is also linked to the Heartland Institute, an organization with a large history of taking donations from the fossil fuel industry.

When you're debunked the same old lies and falsehoods a thousand times, there's a point in which I'm not going to sit here for hours typing out detailed responses to things that can be easily countered with a google search.

Cool projection m8, you're the one literally spamming threads 30+ times with your images. Learn to change your filenames.

So ignore the fucking thread. Or spam your own counter like that guy does. Your laziness isn't anyone else's problem but yours.

Holy fuck lmao
Another sloppy job from Ivan and his friends

Why would I need to change file names... to keep psychos from being neurotic psychos? What do I care you freak. How about you try and make an argument retard

I don't believe you. Show me evidence the world's biomass is half of what it was in 1969.

>>permien extinction event took 200k years.
>>came in 2 pulses.
>>first pulse at the 70k mark where half the worlds biomass went extinct
>>we have done that in 50 years
this is my argument supported by scientific data. prove it wrong.

Attached: cambrian_life_explosion.png (817x859, 46K)

plenty of that reserch available son. it's there and not difficult to obtain. you obviously don't understand how ecosystems work so i would learn to geology first then biology then the data will make sense to ya.

Attached: greening_of_the_earth_from_CO2.png (1003x850, 477K)

lol except O2 was 3x higer as well. and since you just showing someone elses talking points, the co2 levels were dropping while o2 was rising. it's why the cambrian explosion happened. you know nothing. learn to geology m8 and stop rehashing someone elses flawed talking points.

Why do they want to save humanity if humanity is responsible for the climate change?

Good luck being able to form a coherent thought/sentence in a high CO2 environment, although it looks like you're struggling with that already considering you're blindly regurgitating Koch brothers propaganda

So if the rising CO2 levels arent the cause of greenhouse effect rises in temperature in spite of a grand solar minimum, what is causing the temperature rise at a rate far higher than we can tell has ever happened when humans existed?

By the way, the guy cited as a so-called "expert" in OP's video, which, as I said earlier, is funded entirely by the Catholic traditionalist FTP """charity""" is not a scientist, not an expert in anything related to climatology, and is in general a fraud.
But of course, this is the best "expert" that denialist cucks can scrounge up for their propaganda pieces.

Naturally, he has just tied himself to another organization that denies climate science for an easy paycheck.

that is how it works genius. More CO2 is more plants. Plants make more Oxygen. Why would it be any different? "Do more research!" "Quit using other peoples research!" What a neurotic freak you are. Why so smug, you clearly have no reason to be?

Attached: greenhouse_levels.jpg (960x720, 123K)

Just looked through 3 pages of google scholar going by "biomass over time" and "biomass loss" and I can't find anything to back up your claim.

More short lifespan invasive species plants that kill useful ones. Do you like vines? They love the CO2 rise and choke out trees.

>More CO2 is more plants
are you suggesting that more co2 and less o2 is more benificial? is that what your saying? do you even know geology and biology? i guessing you have no idea.

I still haven't seen a climate nigger account for the electric resistance of the atmosphere.

Globalists/liberals/(((satanists)))/democrats inverting definitions.


Plants make a lot of O3 too. Much of our oxygen comes from the UV radiation from the sun splitting up water molecules. Yet another electrical phenomenon.

What does that have to do with temperatures rising alongside CO2 levels at the same time our sun is cooling and the earth isnt showing enough geothermal activity to account for the heat?

Everyone with Google is suddenly an geologist and a biologist. Please freak, no one is impressed with your faux science smugness.

yah, go read up on it. it exists. you will also learn how and why it was created. again, this is imformation you could learn right now, but choose not too. why is that?

Climate change is CYCLICAL through HISTORY.

People are goddam retarded to believe we are the cause of it.

It's just to get more money via taxes and regulations.

Wagie Wagie, go pay that fee.

nigger i've studied geo and bio my whole life. im not some braindead retard who is spoonfed shit because im too stupid to do my own research.

>he doesn't know that the sun is raining charged particles down on the earth constantly and at varying strengths
>he doesn't know that this has a near immediate effect on the ground as the charge works its way down through the ionosphere
Do you also not know where clouds come from?
This is the problem with climate stuff, most people have an elementary school level of understanding, which is also outdated and wrong.

correct. except that cycles takes 10s if not 100s of thousands of years. rapid change is caused by a triggering effect, ALWAYS.

In 50 years weve unlocked 75+ million years of carbon dioxide locked out of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is known to raise ambient temperatures. Why do you continue to ignore this?

There are cycles within cycles within cycles too, we're barely scratching the surface on this.

Go home, you're drunk and rambling.

>muh co2

No, you're just a dumb ass who cannot comprehend.

how so and what is your methodology?

Attached: tax_populated_cities.png (950x938, 782K)

It is relevant. Its known to raise temperatures in enclosed areas via the greenhouse effect and weve accelerated carbon release into the atmosphere by large magnitudes. You're ignoring facts now. If we can't agree on reality we can't continue.

Comprehend what?

But it's all true
>Jun 30, 2017 · Life on Earth was nearly doomed by too little CO2. Guest Blogger / June 30, 2017. ... during the last Ice Age too little CO2 in the air almost eradicated mankind The Ice Age’s combined horrors – intense cold, permanent drought and CO2 starvation – killed most of the plants on Earth. ... Land plants become extinct because they are unable ...
>The new study suggests extinction driven by climate instability may be just as important as evolution as a driver of plant biodiversity. Ice Ages caused a mass extinction of plants in south-eastern Australia around a million years ago, according to a new study that presents a fresh take on how extinction shapes biodiversity.
Even with over 2,000+ ppm a level you pretend is toxic we STILL had an ice age
>May 31, 2012 · Climate during the Carboniferous Period Earth experienced an ice age 450 million years ago, with CO2 somewhere between 2000 and 8000 ppm. According to Hansen's theories - all life on Earth should have been extinct before it even evolved.

This guy has been around for years. I remember seeing his talking head on early Youtube.

It's simply irrelevant as far as climate is concerned. That's the great con of the last century. Cosmic rays seed cloud formation, the sun is responsible for changing weather patterns, the earth's magnetic field is what keeps the jet streams in place, but that's weakening right now. CO2 is a cope, it would be nice if humans were the cause of all this, it means we'd stand a chance to affect some change in our favor, mainly keeping it warm like this indefinitely. But we're a drop in the ocean in terms of relevance. All this plastic and pollution, yeah it's nasty stuff in the short term, but there isn't anything we can contaminate the earth with that won't be digested and broken down in time. I hope you don't think humans are the worst thing to have happened to the earth, this sore old planet has been through much worse before.

so when are we all gonna die from global warming? i've been waiting for 2 decades ever since they stopped talking about ozone

>russian bots reeeeee
Been feeling like 2015 again for a while

>enclosed areas
Well good thing the earth's atmosphere isn't enclosed lmao.

100-200 years

Yes you went on reddit we get it. Are you old enough to even remember peak oil? We were going to run out of oil in 20 years 30 years ago. Nobody believes you anymore chicken little.

And there's large swaths of data and alternate theories that you're simply ignorant about.

>easy to obtain
>cant post any

Keep pounding the retort, that if the world is on fire, and the world could blow up within 11 years...We need a 2020 Dem candidate to take the initiative to threaten and engage war with India and China for their GHG emissions.

Remember, we are all in this together!

>ever since they stopped talking about ozone
Because people actually stopped using the CFCs that were causing the hole in the first place, and the hole has gotten smaller since.

Pay your carbon taxes, goy. That will fix all the problems, until someone comes up with a new grift and you need to pay up again.

Sloppy job Ivan

so you are saying there are NO consequenses for dumping 80 million years of carbon into our environment i over a hunded years? have you studied the permien extinction? it's actually very relevent to this narrative.

So you fail to understand what an atmosphere is.
Stop bullshitting, tell me.

Humans create a lot of waste. The only way to live in balance with nature is to have less humans. There are probably less than 500,000 bears, and around 100,000 wolves. How many humans should there really be?

Prove the ozone hole, at the south pole only, is a flaw and not a feature.

The sun is at a grand solar minimum, so your theory is wrong.

Never mind that Obama had them put his carbon tax climate exchange in Chicago where it will make all of his donors fabulously wealthy if it ever goes into action. Chicago will be the New New York it's all their plan.

>so when are we all gonna die from global warming
i never said that. we are however, in the 6th extinction event and NO, humans are not immune. ask yourself why Jow Forums keeps going on about white genocide. i agree, however, i would replace genocide with suicide.

Prove carbon is a major actor in temperature

There was probably millions of them before we hunted them

>So you fail to understand what an atmosphere is.
I'm afraid you don't know shit about the atmosphere.
>Results showed that carbon dioxide fertilization explains 70 percent of the greening effect, said co-author Ranga Myneni, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. “The second most important driver is nitrogen, at 9 percent. So we see what an outsized role CO2 plays in this process.”
Yes its greening the Earth. For much of Earths history there wasn't ice at the poles. We're still in an ice age. Antarctica used to be covered in trees and humanity could use the space. Wild West 2.0 right here on Earth.

>The sun is at a grand solar minimum
Not quite yet but we're getting there, also that doesn't mean that the influence from the sun drops to zero. There's still quite a bit of stuff going on whether it's solar minimum or maximum.

>popsci articles
So you really, really don't know what an atmosphere is or how it works

sorry, i don't have time to write a book and it's something that takes time to reserch. it's there for anyone who cares to learn. if they want to learn. again, i've been studying this shit for decades. im not an actual scientist, i've reserch this all on my own time because i've have always been fascinated about it since i was a wee lad.

>50 years weve unlocked 75+ million years of carbon
How do you quantify that? What is one year of carbon?

They’re losing traction with this so it has switched to the rainforest burning as the next idiot bait.

>doesn't even read to understand my point
The point is, you ignorant clown, is that the atmosphere leaks into space at the poles.

So whats causing us to warm? Right now CO2 is the most likely bet based on the properties of CO2 and the insane rate we're throwing it into the atmosphere

lol i've always said on Jow Forums that in a hundred years there will be wars for supremacy for gondwana.

No one asked you to write a book, you were asked to post a link of the info thats "easy to obtain"
Since you cannot easily obtain that info, I will assume you're full of shit

Are we even warming right now? That's yet to be proven to me, I just see fudged data based on fundamentally flawed models.

You have zero argument. Fuck off.

Not at the rate you're implying. You people just take 1 fact and run with it, completely ignorant willingly of everything else that contradicts your theory.

it is. look it up. do your own homework. otherwise im just one more person telling you somethin because your too lazy.

I mean, things are warmer now than they usually are on earth since ice ages are the norm for our planet. But the models used to show things are warming up only go back a few hundred years at most.

He has no evidence. Only his feelings.

>I've been studying this for decades but only at a superficial level never getting down into the data or seeing how they cheat it
>Feb 07, 2015 · New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming. In each case he found the same suspicious one-way “adjustments”. First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records,...
Stupid god damn boomer watches nova on pbs and thinks he can into science.