Woman Gives BIrth in Cell Alone

>A woman is suing the city and county of Denver, Denver Health Medical Center and six individuals after she said she was forced to deliver a baby alone on a bench in a jail cell at the Denver County Jail.

>Diana Sanchez said she gave birth to the boy at 10:44 a.m. on July 31, 2018, and that she told Denver Sheriff Department deputies at 5 a.m. that she was in labor, according to a 47-page lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court.


What the fuck is wrong with our prisons?

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Looks like a spic. Who gives a shit? Shoulda tossed her over the wall.


You sure? It looks like a yellow roastie to me. But then again, spics are basically mestizos which qualifies them as Asians.

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She better have been back in the fields picking my salad greens by 11:00.

Good, I hope she wins big and her Jew lawyer gets a massive payout

Her name is right fucking there retard.

So they have cameras in some pregnant nobody spic's cell but not Jeffery Epstein's?


Why didn't they deport her straight off, before she gave birth???

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>yet another anchor baby

WTF is wrong with this bitch to be committing crimes while preggers.

this. this. this.

This be normal do.

Because then she can't have an anchor baby, ensuring her stay in the US.

Podunk jails camera works at least

They had two in Epstein's cell .... but both malfunctioned. Super weird coincidence, right guys?

Imagine being told you were born inside a prison.

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Plot twist.. we all were.

Is crime the best idea right before you're about to give birth? Sounds like a poor life decision to me. Could have let her pay for a midwife though.

they're evil my dude, fuck evil

we need to go out and destroy everything that is objectively evil. the people who pollute their consciousnesses with wicked thoughts and aspirations to the point of acting upon them to the detriment of others are the ones who need to go the soonest.

The goyim are onto us...shut it down now!

The entire system is fucked up, desu.

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Oh I guess it was just a silly little glitch!

All of you are fucking retarded
Everyone knows that if you imprison a woman who is pregnant, you wait till she gives birth and then you can ransom both of them for more money.

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stupid spic

Isn't the baby American now? Useless prison guards should have stepped in sooner.

>gave birth to an anchor baby
>in jail
He should feel right at home

Crooked, corrupt system rotten to the core from top to bottom.

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Are you fucking retarded?


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Shouldn't have gone to jail then.

>cameras malfunctioning in the current year+1
Sole CCTV shit from the 70s in there or what?

Pure coincidence.

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Oh, please. Females gave birth alone for thousands and thousands of years. If they had not, none of us would be here now.

If the baby and mother are healthy and okay, this is a fucking non-story.

ALright YEAH! Right behind man!

Asking the real questions here.

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it was downright goofy!

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And that right there is why its not a good idea to be immortal.

Nigger are you retarded ? Have you ever looked up the most common names in the Philippines?

You're not ok.

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Since the baby was born in jail he is legally a criminal.

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Don't be pregnant while doing crime then

So you hang out stuck between rocks for a few thousand years until some cosmic event or erosion let's you out. Big deal

Delet this right now.

It would by latino criminal anyway so all good, he can now stay in jail.

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That's what im always quick to point out every time there's a victim of one's own actions. It's not difficult to prevent a situation wherein you have to give birth in a fuckin prison. Too easy for dumb people to point fingers and put blame on others when they themselves did this.

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At least it had a camera this time...

Where's whole recording of her shitting out the gooklet

What was she in for?


Prison is patriarchal oppression of women when?

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All of you are acting like you wouldn't give a shit if you saw this firsthand in real life.

We get it, criminals and illegal immigrants are bad. That doesn't mean jails can do whatever they want to prisoners.

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She wasn't descended from the tribe of Abraham, so cell cameras work properly.

>Philippine infested
Fuck off nigger

Does that count as contraband?

Which part of the Philippines though?

No no no no no, user. They had two cameras in Epstein's cell, they just didn't work. So unfortunate!

What did the jail do to her?

lmao dumb faggot
>yellow roastie
they're as brown as you, jose

How the fuck didn't the cops hear this, there would be moaning and screaming going on and oh yeah the fucking SECURITY CAMERA WITH ANOTHER HUMAN EMERGING OUT OF THEIR VAGINA

had to scroll down this far to hear logic

anyone know her crime?

I am saying WTF is wrong with our species that we "must go to muh hospital" for child birth? WTF? Do people realize in 99% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary or we are really dumb down so much to believe anything nowadays? BAKA.....

He's fine, user.

What is actually the rate of complications when it comes to childbirth? Is it actually 1%?

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she will get rich now

Women and children died a lot during childbirth without modern healthcare retard.

>strong independent wahmen who has total control over (((her body)))
>waahhhh where were you to take care of me????

Jail isn't prison, man.

>stronk independent female
>"Men, help!"

It's the money, like always. Women are intimidated and told how scary childbirth is, and what could go wrong, so they come to an hospital that earns money with it. Just a quick cesarian when she takes too long.

This is a myth

>without modern healthcare

Lel no

Your constitution explicitly states that slavery is allowed as a form of punishment.

Now take an educated guess at what is wrong with your prisons.

>goes to prison pregnant
>thinks pregnancy is a golden ticket out of punishment and expects anybody to give a fuck about her or her baby
the only crime here is that she wasn't given a forced abortion on intake. welcome to prison, cunt.


reminder that you have the highest rate of childbirth related deaths compared to all other first world countries

>Shitting out a kid in jail

Everything checks out

This is a good point. Even though Modern Germans are absolutely dishonorable the U.S. is still behind the times in terms of Basic Human Rights. boards.Jow Forums.org/pol/thread/224772422

Can't even read stupid fucking spic. Fucking KYS.

Nothing wrong with a bit of slavery. It's a staple of civilization everywhere.

A lot of that in Europe was from them going to the hospital and doctors literally not washing their hands.

Sorry. Bum link.

Damn it.

Link's shoa'd. Nevermind.

Stop this. Stop this now.

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I'm better than ok.

Murica, you nailed it once again.
Just marvelous

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user dropping a truth bomb

anchor baby documented.
this spic just won the ghetto lottery

This is all Drumph's fault!

BecUse it fun it fun to do bad things

It literally is a for profit slave business when you break it down.

WHAT CRIME DID SHE COMMIT? I've been reading news articles and literally none of them mention it