Whites and heroin

Dave chapelle got me thinking...

Tell me how whites shooting up heroin all over the USA is the Jews fault, Jow Forums? You angry whites bois on here are a damn mess

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I watched that special. He's not wrong, whites need to overcome their own problems. Drug addiction is for the weak.

When it was developed, it was meant to be taken orally, as a non-addictive alternative to opiods
(((American doctors))) started injecting it to save money, side effect was that it made the patients addicted

Zionism > funding military > bomb up middle east > control the opium supply > pretend their is 'war on drugs' > more Zionist funding.

It is the Jews fault. JEWS destroyed the (WHITE) FAMILY.

>everything I don't like is America's fault

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you have natsoc, why cant Jews have their own ideology? hmm
>funding military
we are a strategic ally. and if you dont like capitalism, why dont you fuck off to some communistan country in Eastern yurop, fagot
>Control the opium supply
the opium from Afghanistan is shitty and sand nigger tier. it is not used in opioid production. go and spread your conspiracy theories elsewhere goy
>pretend their is 'war on drugs'
more baseless claims
>more Zionist funding
even more baseless claims

WHITE families destroyed themselves. No rabbi holds a gun to a white girls head and tells her to suck nigger cock. No rabbi forces a working man to jerk off to anime and smoke weed after his 9-5 shift instead of raising a white family. Nobody forced your mother yo buy shit she doesnt need, landing the family in debt. Please refrain from making grandiose claims without substantial evidence

Well, let's see...
Taliban prohibits poppy farming
US boots Taliban from control of Afghanistan
Afghan farmers start growing poppies
Heroin use spikes (no pun intended) in the US

Yeah, probably all a coincidence. Anybody else feel like a nap?

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>how is this the Jews' fault
You couldn't have at least picked a difficult one?

>(((Sackler))) family makes Rothschild profits from selling dangerous opioids
>(((lobbyists))) drive up the price of selling, or outright ban, effective natural pain remedies like kratom and cannabis, leaving the dangerous hard drugs as the only cost-effective (in dollar amount and legal risk) way of handling debilitating pain
>(((insurance companies))) will pick the "medicine" they want you to use, usually perfectly in line with what the (((doctor))) prescribed
>(((hospital))) ends your prescription knowing it got you addicted
>(((heroin))) made from poppy straight from (((the war in Afghanistan))) is now the only accessible option for crippling pain
>(((intelligence agencies))) bring in more opium and repeat the cycle

"The next drug crisis will be very big and very white" - Sacklers

This. They bring the drugs over here. I had a glownigger tell me this. I was out on my smoke break and some random guy walks up to me an my employee. He heard us talking about epstien and govt pedophiles .He tells us all this shit about mkultra and how they brought cocaine from S America over here. I'm not sure if he was legit but he look the type.

Big pharma

Purdue and other pharmaceutical corporations, Forbes #335 getting arrested for supplying Dr.s kickbacks for prescribing Oxycontin, etc etc

Fuck off jew

Doctors were pushing opiates on people post surgery for years and getting paid by pharma commission to do so.


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What'd he say? Is the joke how painfully hypocritical it is for niggers to criticize the white community about drugs?

History repeats itself

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Baseless lies.
Memeflag BTFO

Something about over prescribing opiates

read here schizo

Globalism taking away all the jobs away from America in moving them into shitty places around the world. When men can’t work or support their family they turn into complete and total wrecks. When the man isn’t doing good no one else in the family is doing good. I’m taking a shit but I could go on and on and on. Use your brain you fucking moron.

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The real redpill is realizing it's not just the jews. Everyone hates the US either because they want to be us or we have caused war in their country. They will all do anything they can to destroy us. Including working together. We are the last stand against globalism.

>Anybody else feel like a nap?
I just butt chugged a cotton candy Bang, so no

Read up on the Sackler family.

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Tell me how in the 1980s the crack smoking niggers and their bastard sons as a result of that are Jews fault?

>Everyone hates the US either because they want to be us or we have caused war in their country.
>which happened because of jews

Just say nope to dope, whitey.

American whites are pathetic.

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Going to have to agree here, this one is completely on your whitey.

so a couple jews so a business opportunity, you want to incriminate them for being enterprise?
why don't you prove they are lies fagot. you are the one spreading rumors on this board


Ha ha Beau, taking one for the team.

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saw*, enteprising*

It's not my job to educate you, your claims are debunked

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>being enterprise?
Hello turk roach

stop merely pretending, jew

Where does heroine come from?
Why did we invade that place?
Who benefited from it?

>Dave chapelle got me thinking...
absolute state of lefty-pol

..and they got hooked because they were weak sheltered faggots. Stop looking for other people to blame.

>Dave chapelle got me thinking...
Stopped reading right there, you're already lost.

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>white men overworked
>white men given opiates to manage pain
>China starts importing extremely cheap opiates
>white men have opiates taken away
>white men with money become heroin addicts
>white men without become dilly/fentanyl addicts
>at some point this trickles down to white women

Jews make profit from the original pharmaceuticals. Now that China is undercutting them we are getting legal marijuana, the jews get their money still and pot isn't financially viable for china to undercut on.

Dave Chappelle did exactly what he needed to do to survive. He had a wake up moment, came back, realized his bills were due, so he went back to working for (((them))). Now, he has people debating without understanding the facts.

Whites get into drug abuse: True. Other groups do this as well, but I think it's safe to assume that whites are more prone to self-harm as a reaction to shit society than, say, other groups that rape/pillage/steal/beat others down.

I don't even have to name the other group in that example, and people already know what the fuck I'm talking about. Appalachia is one of the poorest places around. The crimes committed there are not on par with any major city. Different groups of people, different types of crime.

Dave isn't wrong. Whites need to cope better. He's also flipping the script as a means to deter from other issues in society in an attempt to keep wedging people away from each other to keep them from addressing societal concerns.

it's funny when you think that heroin and crack have been afflicting the black community for much longer than the white community and yet always maintained a positive population growth rate. yet white america has a heroin meth problam and the population is crashing.

>government bans psychedelics and weed

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Pretty much, said he sees tons of white people on heroin and he doesn’t give much a fuck. Said he understands the apathy about black people getting hooked on crack.

lol and doctors wonder why no one respects the profession or their "knowledge"

the claim that opioids come from Afghanistan is just stupidity. Show me a source. I know the ingredients come from Australia

A lot of these people just made the mistake of thinking they could trust doctors

Hey /pol why is a substance that comes from a middleastern country we have been at war with for 20 years blamed on Jews?

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>nigger tier posts + pajeet tier grammar
you're a roach

why are you so fucking black

The Opoid Crisis was created to lower healthcare costs. Almost everyone dying is an oldfag or poorfag which cost the health insurance companies a lot of money. It also makes the pharma companies a lot of money. AND it provides the Democrats with an opportunity to push for nationalized healthcare.

Tell me why it's the CIAs fault all the niggers around the US are addicted to crack and meth.

>the claim that opioids come from Afghanistan
you have to look at it from 2 directions, user. street H comes from Afghanistan. Scripts comefrom Australia and S.Africa where big pharma has it's factories.

>watches chapelle
>got me thinking

Wew lads. I just realized how fucking creepy the phrase
>got me thinking
Is. Especially when proceeded by
>mainstream approved gatekeeper

Protip you should always be thinking. Dont just wait for some faggot on a stage to say its ok. Also slide thread saged

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Nigga please. My underwear is browner than bitch ass OP.

Look at the medical industry, the doctors, the pharma companies, the pill makers that LIED and BRIBED their way through, overprescribing this shit to the tune of literally trillions of dollars.

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Jesus that's dark.

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Not really, they are given too many pills for post-op pain. When their real pain is gone, their body still tells them to take it; if they refuse to take it, their brain will make them hurt until they do.

Getting medically addicted to things is not about willpower, it's about withstanding your own body trying to punish you for not feeding it drugs.

Are you talking about Bayer's Heroin® (diacetylmorphine)? It would still be addictive, ingested orally.

The fact that you refuse to accept your debunked theories are false proves you are wrong.

>being paid crazy amounts of money to over-prescribe insanely addictive drugs to specific communities in America, largely 85% of people affected by opiates are white people
>Sacklers and their employees laugh about all the death they are causing in their court documents, double down instead of stopping the mass killings to make more money

Really makes you think , i'd love to see you say this shit in real life UN FLAG KIKE, you'd be gutted in the streets without a doubt.

Weaponized drug campaigns. Just like crack did the Black communities.

Opium was pushed on the Chinese by the British. It destroyed their society. It's not a new concept nor a forgotten concept.

things that never happened LUL

well we were not talking about H were we. Anons on here claim that the tablets come from Afghanistan. And Afghan H is shit quality, only popular around Europe, what burgers die from comes from Mexican tar

Ahh, welcome to the light my son. Would you like a beer, or some tea.

The human brain isn't capable of being in problem solving mode 24/7. Just sayin'.

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Ultimately it is the individuals fault. Blaming others is weakness.
That said, it would be easy to ascribe nefarious motives to the crisis, but I don’t know for sure they are Jews. Would need to see proof.

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wow, i never thought of it that way. yet whites are dying at greater rate than blacks. also, white population growth in negative territory while blacks in the positive.

>A business opportunity
You know the British declared war on China when China didn't want their opium anymore don't you?

My mom was an opiate addict since the 80s and people have been injecting any kind of opiate they can well before the current crisis.

American doctors surely overprescribed but injection has nothing to do with the growth. Every young opiate addict I have met started with pills.

I met a 19 year old girl at a private art college that became addicted to opiates because of a broken foot and the fact that her rich parents are absent from her life. She would just sit in her dorm room and watch bojack horseman all day. Sure she has it easy compared to most people ever but it shows the grips opiates can have on anyone.

I can definitely understand why Jews run shit if this is what they are up against

If anything it is the pharm companies seeking highest profit. I’m not familiar with them so cannot say with certainty.

Jews and the opium trade. Jews have been profiting off of evil substances for a long time. Jews were the leaders in the Atlantic slave trade as well.

Lethal drugs should be freely provided
Easy way to remove waste pop

Look into what percentage of heroin/opiate addicts started with prescribed opiates, then get back to me.

I have to see this now.

Netflix link for the preview.

That's because the opioid crisis is really the Fentanyl Crisis. Addicts buy H or pressed pills off the streets, but they don't test the product (likely to not waste any) and what they take ends up having enough fent in it to kill them.

Whatever....Dave Chappelle didn't think niggers on crack here responsible. Same damn tribe shipped this shit into China too....they can manufacture it to be race specific. Whites now only get 3rd world doctors who give it SPECIFICALLY to them. Whites will take responsibility. We will only go to our own for healthcare. and in the future....so will all other races. We will make sure of it

>Anons on here claim that the tablets come from Afghanistan
either stupidity or shilling for someone for some reason.

The 80s!? Christ, so 25yrs? Have a brother in law on the streets, no one knows where he is or if he is even alive. Is she still with you?

isn't fent china?

Don't you know all wars are fought on economic premises, user? They only shill
>muh honour
>muh patriotism
>muh protect your family
in order to rally simple-minded peasants. Maybe try to profit off of the next one

Right so build the wall, got it.

Gonna need both. Ill wash down the beer aftertaste with the tea

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I want the pharmaceutical stocks to plummet so I can buy them up on the dip. So keep that Taliban = Islamist DARE to yourself.

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I want to try heroin but I'm not from murrica and don't want to use the dark web.
What do?

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>Right so build the wall, got it.
the wall isn't going to stop the tar. also, law enforcement is involved in the trade. don't ever forget that.


BTFO this whole thread

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When is this from?

Why shouldn't people be able to buy opioids OTC off the shelf, anyway? The most addictive and poisonous drug used by man is already legally bought OTC. What, are you afraid people might switch from booze to heroin and save their livers?

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It's funny how people call it 'conspiracy' when even hollywood jews make films about the corruption. Look at 'American gangster' film. Based on factual events.

Very plausible.

White have a propensity to self-harm. Blacks get high and fuck. Who'd've thunk different groups of people react differently to the same stimuli?

It's almost like people knew this from the get go, and instantiated this attack against the country knowing the outcome.

i wonder as a stock holder if i get meds as well. im not an addict but i got a fucked up back and doctors won't give me any and usually tell me to take 5-6 tylonals, which fuck my stomach up but, they don't care. otherwise good idea. i got some money to invest.

Both wrong.

>try heroin
don't. ever. i've lost my sister and a bunch of friends.

His imitation made me laugh. I get the impression he's practiced. Yeah he's right, and the pharma jew affected the demographics with good health insurance the most.