With whom do you guys go to church? My gf is not religious and i do not feel good forcing her

With whom do you guys go to church? My gf is not religious and i do not feel good forcing her.

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus-is-savior.com/False Doctrines/protestantism.htm
jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Roman Catholicism/catholicism_is_of_the_devil.htm

All by myself and it's fucking horrible. I've been giving my local Catholic Church a try since I am not interested in protesticucks for Israel (Evangelicalism) and it's awful. Everyone is a fucking out of touch boomer who actually get something out of the "Jesus is love" Gods love" "love" "love" "love" it's like a shitty Beatles song. When do I get to hear a priests give a homily on Jesus being a bad ass who came to bring the wrong and not relate that to another trite message of love? What about God's wrath? I don't think I've ever once heard a priests give a sermon on faggotry or abortion. I wish I had some cool , down to earth, catholic chums to attend mass with. But nah, it's Goblina an her three hundred kids and Boomer Couple 1,866 who hasn't believed int eh Real Presence since they were 8.

Start a Bible study group or youth group. Then you get to set the curriculum.

Guilt her, she will follow. Women are natural followers. She'll be a Christian in a year if you aren't a cuck.

What are you, retarded?
Just because she's religious doesn't mean she can't take in the architecture and ancientness and cultural aspect of it.
If you are trying to bait her with spiritual wokening shit, then you are going full retard about it.
Just tell her you feel like going there and that her being next to you is important to you and your feelings. Appeal to feelings. If she doesn't give in to that then seek another girlfriend, she's not really into you.

you must try to talk to her about Christ and guide her through at least the first 3 stages first

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I brought gf to Church.

After a couple of times she received the Body and Blood of Christ. After a year, something happened in her and she became, in a very living sense, a convinced Christian.

I then married her and now our first daughter is 10 months. We go to mass as a family at least twice a week.

Your girlfriend or wife will NEVER understand your urge to alliance with other men who are practicing international geopolitical statecraft, and the international alliances that are formed through faith in the laughably supernatural that shake out over the nervous system of the internet.

It is your job to create frame, and to lead her, and lead your allies to victory for yourself, your wife, your kids, your ingroup and so on. And if you do, she will ride your cock like a porn star every week and enjoy it.

Female nature is Anti nation. A woman's genetic imperative is to break alliances of men, because it prevents men from fighting each other and thus distilling the quality of their sperm to the next generation.

How women unintentionaly destroy nations:


Go to church and go alone. Tell your girlfriend or wife that you're searching for something, and you don't know what it is until you find it, or not find it.

You're looking for that love that transcends nations, so that you can be a tendril to the greatest nation, so that you'll be lifted out of the suffering when we rain fire down upon it.


You will board my boat and we're going to restore the heart of Europa.

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Think for yourself and embrace science and objective truth. Don't let religion cuck you.

Hail Satan.

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Find a KJV only independent fundamental baptist church.

Hint: if the Church drives you away from God, is it the true Church?

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Attend an Extraordinary Form Mass

I have. It's the only Mass I like going to.

You need to find a fundamental Bible church for that. They exist.
But church is not a place to hear a sermon on Sunday. Church is an assembly, a group of believers, a community, a family. You need to find a church where, of course, the unvarnished gospel is preached. But also where you can know others and be known and integrate into a community of people who support one another, disciple new believers, and meet outside of Sunday services.

I always go to church with the baby Jesus in my heart.

>My gf is not religious and i do not feel good forcing her.
Then don't. Live a Godly life as much as you can. Hopefully, it will help evangelize her. If not, then its no big deal because you're going to Heaven anyway.

Women admire men, and will do what their men do. If you GF doesn't admire you enough to follow you to church, you should understand your self-worth better, and find a new GF.

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Wtf I went point for point through the same process in pic

This is the most retarded picture ever. Here's a fish eye lens photo that makes this building look like a snake, that TOTALLY proves the Catholic Church (Which the (((media))) and (((academia))) are constantly demonizing) is from Satan! This picture and about 2/3 of the stupid memes protties post on Jow Forums are boomer tier bullshit at best. They often remind me of those retarded Chick tracts that used to demonize shit like Dungeon and Dragons. Honestly, bro, if you want to argue against the catholic church your little may mays aren't going to work. Use your Bible (which we complied BTW), it's your best tool since you don't have tradition to explain what is being said in it. Makes it really easy to rope in dopes who want to be christian but have never actually read the Book or know the Church's traditions.

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Those are not Catholics... or at least Catholics in Spain are vastly different...

Same. There's no denying the wisdom in the Good Book.

Quality post alert.

American Catholics are mostly baby boomers and they LOVE Novus Ordo Mass and shitty contemporary church music. I was at Mass a while ago and the closing song was some "jazzy" clap your hands crap with that African soul undulating singing. Some dumb boomer bitch in front of me turn to her friend and is like "Who ever said the Catholic church couldn't rock." There needs to be a purge.

To be honest, the media isn't completely wrong. The catholic church violates several verses in scripture so that they can have their westernized buddhist religion. Even their "pope" preaches false doctrine every chance he gets
>lol follow me on twitter and you'll go to heaven
>now kiss my feet and call me father
pic unrelated

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this is my life goal.

bless you

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me too

its a good pic

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Catholicism might be correct, but the Church today and on and off for the past several millenniums is overrun by degenerates
I still go to mass but the central leadership is betraying the best interests of Catholics and Christians

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>The catholic church violates several verses in scripture so that they can have their westernized buddhist religion
Do you think the media gives a shit about that? How many religions don't appear to follow their own rules. All of them. Protestants fuck kids in more or equal numbers but you NEVER hear about that? Why is it? Could it have something to do with the nature of evangelicalism and their idolatry of Israel?


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Yeah, I know, user, but that doesn't mean we should follow false prophets, or give up on Christianity all together because some people can't measure up or at least repent. Just focus on the Bible.

I do animal sacrifices each month to Zalmoxis and I do it by myself.

jesus-is-savior.com/False Doctrines/protestantism.htm

jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Roman Catholicism/catholicism_is_of_the_devil.htm

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>My gf is not religious and i do not feel good forcing her.
You already failed step one of being a man you cuck.


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always alone

In Spain, besides very old people, the only ones that go to church are Opus Dei and Christ’s legionaries types.
I hear shit about Jews being Christ killers and liars , abortion, sodomy etc from the altar all the time.

Protip: Kikes have subverted the churches, and especially the Catholic church via the (((Jesuits)))

The problem doesn't solve until the root cause is fixed.

I go alone, my wife joins me on special holidays.

Thanks, user, but I know I'm covered by John 3:16
>but what about James?
Faith without works is dead, yes, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Technically what I'm doing now counts as works since I'm trying to help win anons to Christ. Granted, its not as great as actual soul winning, but works nonetheless

Find one that is religious.

If you have to pick 8/10 non-religious vs 6/10 religious pick 6/10.

And take your kids with you! Sice they are age 0.

Religion is blind madness. There never was a god, there never will be one, and there isn’t one. I don’t bring anyone to church because I haven’t ever had even urge to step foot in a church. My gf is atheist but her family is catholic, they really embarrass her so she doesn’t really talk to her family anymore, and she has no interest in going to church. All of the smart people that I associate with agree: you religious folks are just not mature enough to handle accepting reality as it is. You think in childish ways. You believe in nonsense like a meaning of life and space wizards. But the absolute worst thing is that you guys read Genesis and like half of Exodus before skipping to selections from the NT. All of my atheist friends, including myself, have read the whole bible. We are literally more familiar with your religion than you are. Maybe that’s why you believe.

Well, you can invite her to go.
Maybe she'll like it.
I've went to mass because reasons, while I'm not even religious at all, and I don't see anything wrong with it.
The best part is after the mass, where you get to talk and hang out with your neighbors.

Can I move to Spain? Because in the U.S. it's like a shitty group therapy session it's like watching a lifetime movie every Sunday.

Force her. If you want a long term relationship and a stable household you need to share the same values that includes religion.

Haha in Rotterdam it's mostly immigrants that go to catholic church and here they preach for hospitality for foreigners in the Netherlands

>i do not feel good forcing her
If you have to force gf to do anything, then its countdown to brake up. Shes basically only with you because she has no better options.

If you have money you can come live, easy. Buy a house and show you will not be a burden on the state. If you are not your only way is to marry or become and English teacher...

Hail Satan

Look, youngling, you don't know shit.
We don't know shit about why we're here in the first place. And no amount of science will do that.
This should make us humble.
Religion isn't about claiming "my God is real".
It's about making peace with our existence.

They have a very twisted understanding of hospitality... are they southamericans mostly?

Christian religion gives hope to people.
It's a false hope; Jesus isn't coming back so fucking deal with it.

Nonsense. I am at peace with my existence. Part of being at peace with existence requires assuming nothing and only considering verifiable truth — whether it be scientifically verifiable or rationally verifiable. The claim of a god’s existence is baseless fantasy. The claim that life has meaning or that there is a “why” involved at all in human existence also has neither a scientific nor a rationalistic defense. Philosophers have argued over this for thousands of years and EVERY attempt at demonstrating that there is a god or an objective meaning in life (metaphysically, ontologically) has failed. Hell, Nietzsche drove himself insane trying to come up with some kind of affirmation of meaning in life.

The fact that you are religious suggests that the truth about this world and your place in it is not something you’re concerned with or “at peace” with. You’re ignoring it completely for a bag of senseless, irrational, baseless lies that make you feel good. You’re rejecting reality to be happy precisely because you’re not at peace with it.

Literally just bring her, I bring my girlfriend she’s not religious either but she comes. It’s an hour a week it’s ridiculous that people can’t be bothered to do that.

This is exactly what I went through

Look into SSPX they have a growing presence worldwide. You may be impressed with their ideology and how faithful they are.

You're clearly not.
Religious people don't really care that this is all real.
They entertain the though that it might have.
If we're here in the first place, it means a Universe exists, which we have no clue why it's here.
Why is it here?
And just maybe some entity made it happen.
It's not probable, but it could be that it made the Universe to bring up life, don't ask me why.
If so, then maybe they've got a way to interact with it, like giving a kid superpowers.
Now, I know it's a lot of ifs, but fuck it, it doesn't change anything.

>My gf is not religious
Better check out whether she's a libtard, this could be a first sign

Nobody, my family is cucked and friends left me high and dry.

This guy gets it.

I go to temple with my mum

That’s because “why” is a meaningless question here. “Why does the universe exist?” Is nonsense because it assumes that there is a conscious entity who created the universe for a reason. For example, we don’t say “Why did the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone form?” Rather we ask “How did this form? What processes are necessary for such a thing to happen?” Likewise, asking “how did the universe come into being?” Is completely acceptable. It presumes nothing. And IF the science points towards a metaphysical, conscious, supreme entity making the universe for a reason, we then have reason to ask “why?”
How are you confused by the concept of being at peace with the meaninglessness and absurdity of life? Life is, as far as science and philosophy can tell us, devoid of any objective meaning. I am fine with that. Why do you have to play along with a nonsense fantasy like religion? Does it sincerely bother you that life is meaningless? Why would that bother you? How does it even impact you?

I used to go to church alone. I quit going.

Yeah, and you know better.
It will come to you, eventually.
I'm not criticizing, and for the record, I'm not religious at all.
Yes, I was you a decade ago.

First motion dictates actual motion comes before potential motion, and furthermore philosophy asserts the need for a singular, omnipotent God to make the universe. Science cannot prove ethics, the scientific method, morality, numbers, nor even the thoughts behind it because minds are immaterial. All things have objective meaning, you just drank the materialistic kool aid that came out of the enlightenment and treat it as gospel via sheer assertion.

I understand. You don’t have a rational argument in favor of any form of religiosity. There is simply no reason to even consider for a moment the validity of the concept of god or an afterlife. There is no reason for anyone to ever accept claims about there being a heaven or a hell. It just makes people happy.
See, people want to think that there are clear-cut moral rules. They want to believe that they will be praised and their enemies will be punished. They want to believe that death is not the end. They want to believe that an all-powerful being loves and protects them. They want to believe all these things because it makes them happy, not for any scientific or ontological reason.
We don’t need that nonsense in our lives. Instead of worshipping god for an hour each week, do something productive. Volunteer somewhere. Help someone. Your time is being wasted on church and religion, ergo your life is being wasted. Don’t try to convince people to flush away more of their precious few moments before permanent death. Please. Nobody needs it and we could do great things if those people would spend that time curing disease and really building the future. We’re talking about people who don’t even believe in evolution because of the church; how will they ever contribute to modern medicine or zoology or genealogy or any related field until they abandon their nonsense religion? They can’t.

I don't.
There is no rational argument to be had.
Here's the thing, and you'll realize it later.
You're so bent on disproving any kind of got, you're forgetting you don't know nothing.
My stance is that it might be so, or it might not.
We just don't have data.
Where you're wrong is when you say the lack of data disproves creation.

Anyone ever been to a revival? They look awesome as shit.

>“how did the universe come into being?”

a multiversal actor on a power scale fractally larger than you personally could imagine designed it

it's so fucking simple dude. religion is meant to take you to the dude who made the place because he is pure love, but it seldom does anymore

Whatever religion you are you must be against racemixing and fight the demographic replacement of white people, otherwise you are the enemy.

Also, you're missing the whole point of ceremonial worshiping.
It's hard to explain, but I'll go with the science approach with you.
Most of them don't believe this bullshit. But they're social animals, and not going to mass, in most parts of the world will just paint you as a weirdo, that don't want to interact with his neighbors, because he's a child rapist or something.
Now, it's not the case in western societies anymore. Look what happened.

You don't even have an answer for the performative contradiction you have for materialism yet here you are.