Go to new university

Go to new university.

>large hanging banners everywhere around the university saying the likes of " "I was drunk!" does not mean it is okay to rape me", "No constent is no consent, be clear and sure or else face consequences", "Marraige or relationship does not entitle you to sex" etc etc

>student council is 5 whit women and 1 black guy, im sure this is totally ok.

>women have female only group but mens group has to be open to females.

>freshers events include female empowerment and confidence building, female studies, female only nights out and events... not one male event.

>university catelogue shows one white man, who is wearing a gay rainbow flag. 20 white women, 10 mulsim women and men. Literally.

I have never felt so out of place in my life, thank god I went for a non social studies degree even though that is my strongest area.

I am not going to go near one women at this college/uni, if I get into ones room by accident and they want sex I will ask a clear "yes or no, constented?" question with a straight face, if they laugh, call me weird or don't answer within 3 seconds, I'm out of there.

I literally couldn't care less about not having sex, I'm more evolved than that and no, im not an incel because everyone who knows me knows i could get it but I don't want the trouble... I was red pilled from an early age on women and I've only seen it get worse.

Stay safe men, it's not a good time for us. I love women and am glad they are enjoying themselves, but it won't last and they will realise what is going on really... that is female power, not "equality". Angry, insecure, neurotic, brainwashed women can ride chads dick all they want, but chad will be sitting behind bars, get his children taken away, sued, lose his job and when I'll be there to fuck their ex when she realises she is old and washed up.

Sure I'd rather get that young tight pussy, but I won't give up my balls for it. I've seen what that does to men.

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direct to page 7, lets see if i can boost this.

my last post got 7 responses within 10 seconds, interesting.

maybe i should have put a black man and white women in the picture, fuck.

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Ignore females, study hard, acquire currency.

god bless user. thank you for the support. i need it.

Bump. I felt the same.

My flatmates are all non-whites. Ignore them and focus on your work.

What uni?

When I went to school in the 80s we had none of that

You are witnessing the demise of the English Speaking world

I literally expect to have to swear oath to the vag bow down to a great big vagina statue very soon to attend. I feel like I have no voice at all, and that is literally the thing they are fighting for... but not for men... sorry, white straight men.

I knew it was bad but, god damn.


Have you ever been BLACKED by them?

this shit is why I switched to a trade lol

Leicester for me. Regret going here but parents made me as it has nice infastructure. Wanted to go to a comfy uni like Bath or Warwick.

If you talk to the black guy on the student council and say you were raped by a woman im sure he'd give you permission to form a men only club

Theres a new system man, game it like any other

>"I was drunk" does not mean it's okay to rape me
I get if it's a sober guy trying to coerce a girl into having sex with him, but what if they're both drunk?

yep even if they are both drunk, women can say rape and they believe her, unless you are a rich famous person. No responsibility for it. Basically if she regrets it in the morning, its not longer a case of getting up and going, its rape charges. Fuck that.

The guy committed rape. Not even joking.

My uni had some pride flag stuff up on social media during pride week or whatever but that was it. I haven't seen any female only clubs or whatever.

If a girl is awake when she gives consent but blacks out before I finish, is that rape? Asking for a friend

my uni is probably trying to become a "world leader" in this sort of stuff. Wouldn't be surprised.

Thing is I want to stand up for men, telling women to fuck off if they don't have sex with you is "awful" and you could face sexism charges, expelled from uni etc if enough of them get together to believe it. And if they don't win, its "patriarchy" etc etc. I know all women aren't like this, but a large fucking percentage of them are in universities now, especially the most fucked up under privileged kind.

It's like I'm part of their shit and I can't voice against it or else I might get thrown out the university, at least hopefully that would be all.

Stop lying op, pics or it didn't happen.

the spacing tells me you have to go back. Lurk 2 years before posting.

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Go to a nice trade school and don’t be giving the colleges your money
Fuck them.

I'd rather a professional degree than one in basket weaving, though I'd rather be credited with both.

Just finished and experienced that shit there all the time. Lgbt flags everywhere and women taking lead roles and shit. Just a breeding ground for Marxists. Almost everyone I met was an NPC except for a few guys.


Oh shit, had to read through the thread before I realized it wasn't an American uni

don't even bother fucking at your school. get rich, then at 30 you can bang all the 20 year olds u want.

hahahaha, get fucked faggot

>women have female only group but mens group has to be open to females

As someone who recently finished uni this is the only one that probably isn't true. Societies can't really discriminate, but if it is true then you should grow a beard, not shower for a month, then put on a dress and join their society, tell them you're a stunning beautiful woman and if they don't treat you with respect you'll complain to uni

>Sure I'd rather get that young tight pussy, but I won't give up my balls for it. I've seen what that does to men.
Three years from now, you're going to look back at this post and cringe.