Should smoking cigarettes be mandatory?
Should smoking cigarettes be mandatory?
Yes. coughing tar is redpilled
>started smoking at 12
>quit at 14
>start at 16
>quit months later
>start again at 18
>stop at 21
>start again at 24
>stop at 27
I am not a weak man in most respects, but if there was anything I wish I never would have been exposed to, it's the sweet, smooth, refreshing draw of a nicotine-infused cigarette.
Sure shlomo. Good goy, buy my tar filled tubes and get lung cancer.
I never smoke, but I just bought a pack of lucky strikes recently and been smoking 1-2 every night while chilling on the patio. Pretty godlike feeling indeed. How much will I have to smoke before the habit becomes difficult to break? What kind of withdrawal symptoms would I face?
t. faggot that regrets picking up smoking cuz he was a weak willed beta trying to fit in with normies so wishes others ruin their lives also
The tobacco industry was made by a Jew that followed Columbus, you decide
Smoking every night already shows you are addicted. Once you even smoke once you have the nicotine in your body, and now will want to smoke again. Just stop smoking, you may get similar withdrawls to caffiene withdrawl
yeah unless you're a virgin lmfao
You’re already fucked.
You’re letting it stimulate your brain.
Right now you’re in heaven, and it’s a luxury.
Then you’re going to crave it, like pussy.
Then you’re going to need it because it affects your mood.
I've smoked for about a year and can go without cigarettes whenever I want for however long I want without getting cravings
My mate got addicted within a month of starting though
>Smoking every night already shows you are addicted.
Smoking every night shows enjoyment. Not being able not to smoke every night shows addiction.
>using the herbal jew
Unbased and bluepilled
youre only actually addicted after atleast a few months of smoking a pack a day
I feel like I can't get addicted to this stuff either. It feels nice but I don't crave it. Give me a cup of coffee or marijuana and I will be using every day for half a year
yes. It makes a man hairy and gets rid of female hysterics a little.
Why should anything be mandatory in America?
Meme flag, meme post.
>hen you’re going to need it because it affects your mood.
Eventually this would no doubt happen to certain extent. What I was asking is: how long do you think it'd take?
if you do drugs you're a fucking pussy
I got a full ashtray and I'm thinking about cutting down my smoking.
>ive been smoking 1 or 2 every night like a red indian would, real peaceful like
>Ask Jow Forums when do you actually get addicted
i got bad news user
>faggot that regrets picking up smoking cuz he was a weak willed beta trying to fit in with normies so wishes others ruin their lives also
Projection on your part.
If this is how you feel, I think you should follow the feeling.
/thread 200 replies.
I was like this for a while. Once you stop getting a head rush is when your addicted. After that you need a smoke just to feel normal.
Just make sex mandatory
two birds one stone
we know. go jerk off your Discord buddies were talking about SMOKE SMOKE NOW
That makes sense.
not really, enjoy coughing faggot
I smoke cigarettes since I was 13 (I'm 21). Nicotine is a tricky thing. I used all kinds of drugs when I was younger but nicotine is the only drug that I can't quit
Jerk them off at the jerk store?
>Stupid question
>1 post by this ID
Its very relaxing to do what you are doing but every day means you are addicted. It will take about two weeks of daily cigarette usage before withdrawal symptoms become noticable if you stop. In your current situation it will take about five days for withdrawal symptoms to stop completely if you quit smoking.
Smoking is the single worst thing you can do for your long term health. More dangerous than chronic amerishart level obesity and more than being a low level alcoholic. Over half of all strokes are as a result of smoking. As good as it feels I hope you quit.
no, the store is for Ciggerettes and fathers
not necessarily
I don't get a rush anymore but still feel totally normal when I don't smoke
Probably because there is no real high involved. Every other drug and intoxicant you do because your state of mind will be altered for several hours. Smoking is just something you do while doing other stuff.
>Its very relaxing to do what you are doing but every day means you are addicted.
Addiction is not about the dosing frequency itself, but your inability to exercise control over your dosing frequency.
>it will take about two weeks of daily cigarette usage before withdrawal symptoms become noticable if you stop.
This is good to know, thank you.
This isn't true. For most people noticeable withdrawal symptoms occur after only two weeks of smoking two a day. This will get worse over time so it should be relatively easy to quit after only the two weeks but its no joke.
Withdrawal from nicotine includes irritability, general agitation, poor mood, varying levels of depression, lower quality sleep, lack of focus, reduction in motivation, lower motivation to maintain positive routines. I recommend you quit smoking.
smoking keeps you focused and with peak brain performance. it even keeps your urges at check, so you don't fall for the pussy bait easily and can rationally decide if it is worth the trouble.
the whole antismoking campaign was a scam, a psyop, one of the first attempt of mass control and induced hysteria.
it is once more the removal of one source of comfort to keep the white man desperate without a single source of relief and enjoyment in his life.
you can find interesting things on
I only smoke a cigarette three or four times a week. A pack lasts me a month.
I can't imagine smoking more than once a day, just seems too unhealthy.
You likely don't. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are relatively minor compared to more serious drugs but they are measurable and detrimental. You likely are less intelligent and focused, more irritable, and less engaging in conversation without really realising it. Almost everyone who quits after any length of time makes noticeable gains in these areas despite not realising they were even stunted in the first place.
It’s rare but some people just don’t have withdrawals, thankfully mine have been relatively light compared to most. You seem to part of the lucky few.