ITT: Jews you'd hide in your cellar during the second shoah

ITT: Jews you'd hide in your cellar during the second shoah.
>inb4 there was never a first one
I'll start with pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It never happened and if it does id execute you for hiding jewish rats.

I didn't know he was a jew.
Now i hate him twice than before.

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OP's house in on the list

The one with the biggest tits

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yea his mom was a jew

>t. lars ulrikos

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None. Not a single fucking one. They killed my best friend and the only person I ever loved on this day in 2009. Lazy greedy kike doctors did nothing to save him,you can be sure if he was a fellow kike they would have pulled out all the stops to save him. Then the fucking kike doctors killed my Grandmother a year later. want jew blood,jew blood in the streets and on the walls and all over my body. I want them gone. The world will know nothing but misery as long as kikes live.

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Hes a born again christian now. He literally never exhibited any kike traits unlike Scott "I invented rap metal, youre welcome"Ian.

Normally I'd say kike doctors are shit and probably do purposely kill organ donors but you seem incredibly mentally unstable and it was probably accidental. Not like you'd know anyways.

He is also very red pilled, he made it with his music despite the fucking jews.

I thought he was Christian?

I managed to get them all in one image

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As much as I could. Then I would denounce them to the Gestapo :)

dude... i do not think i would hide any of them. sorry but maybe back in 2012 i would have hides some but they destroyed too many things i like. Gas it is!

>State starts holocaust
>Hide hot Jewish girl in basement
>State mandated gf

>she backstabs you and subverts you like the jew she is

Fuck off kike.

Allah bless you!

I never thought Anthrax was interesting (nor Slayer)

what led you to believe hes a jew? as i recall hes a christian, probably anglo saxon too

AFAIK He is ethnically 1/2 Jewish (maternal) and converted to Christ later in life.

Mustaine is a crypto-Finn so of course I'd help him out any way I can.

Think Scott would write songs like Speak English or Die in today's climate? Would be ripe for the pickings if you ask me.

Mika Häkkinen is not jewish.

C'mon Jow Forums, you're getting sloppy, lazy, and, frankly, gay.

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sup bro how's things?

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He has maternal German Jewish ancestry, but was raised as a Jehovah's Witness growing up.

He is. He didn't know his mom was a Jew until later in his life.

Based dude, fucking based

For me it's Scarlett "fuck trans and asian women" Johansson

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ok ok marty can live

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Youd be "unstable" too if everyone you loved died by the touch of a jewish doctor.

She is cute until she moves her face 5 degrees left or right.

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Eh, after nose jobs jew women look like grey aliens with a tan.

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If that's really her, then she looks even better in that photo.
>ywn have that hooked nose massaging your anus

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(Even though it's an "ironic" song)

so that's why they kicked him out of Metallica huh? those racist bastards LMAO

He did well on his own.

it's because jewish arrogance knows no bounds, and gets worse when they absorb Japhethitic genes.

Speak English or Die was a phrase used to identify interlopers in war. That kike read a bumper sticker and cobbled a song around it. So original. Just like muttalica. All there song titles and ideas came from books and movies. So original.

Megadeth is better anyway. They would have entirely eclipsed Metallica if the latter didn't have the backing of the big labels.

They look prettier than the ugliest whitey woman

I too did not know that fag is a jew. Just deleted rust in peace and forgot the lyrics to it. Fuck this shit

According to your theory everybody is a Jew because some half-Jews of somebody being born in community that you think was Jewish but really they weren't.

He's a Christian now

thats a dude

I'd chain up all the milker sluts and lebensborn the Ashkenazi out of them. They'd beg to go to the camps.

Him and that’s it.

>Grey aliens with a tan
Good one desu

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No guarantees a benign Jew won't turn malicious.

Here is the Jew I would protect

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Reminder that women like Dennings and pic related would've been made pornstars, not actresses if they were goys.

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see pict; related.

You still haven't paid their full medical fees, user.
Pay up you useless fucking mutt.

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Ben Shapiro
Constantly BTFOing normies.

Scarlett Johansen ;^)

Jesus Christ, HIM TOO? Makes sense I guess. FUCK.

I knew she'd be in here.

stfu. Dave mustaine isn't a fucking JEW!!!!!
But mine stowaway would be chuck schuldiner

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this dude

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Ben shapiros sister then

Fucking hate those pepperoni nips she has

isn't he a mega sjw? or am I trippin?

Jack Black


Don't you mean Jacqinski

Internet says Danzig's jewish but I somewhat doubt it. He's of Italian ancestry and knows Planned Parenthood is up to snuff business.

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I just want to stop jerking off for two months, and then fill her up with a mountain of jizz.


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what you’d rather have pancakes?

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hmmm, that daughter fucker is one of the worst

slightly off topic but does someone have the slayer apu? i ve seen it once but didn't save



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>Scott "I invented rap metal, youre welcome"Ian
Imagine being stupid enough to want to be credited for the abomination that is rap metal.

Who the fuck is that?

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"Dana Scully" is jewish???!!!

I might be wrong, and to be honest, I hope I am.

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Dave is Christian. He's ethnically like 1/8 jewish or something.

At this point, I'd believe anyone is. I mean, Dave Mustane?

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Jeovha is being jewish


Jason Genova, founder of bodybuilding.

No, Gillian Anderson is not a jew

Seems legit.

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becuase there are no jewish pornstars? Abella Danger, Sarah Vandella, Joanna Angel, Dana Dearmond, James Deen.

hell thats just the 5 i could name that are still working.

you have to save wonder woman

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Because the beauty of the jewish woman must not perish from the earth

He ded.

>Visible cross around his neck
Based retard


I refuse to believe that Scully is a Jew!