Did Hitler really wanted to gas the Slavs?

Did Hitler really wanted to gas the Slavs?
Honest question.

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Pols and russian. Maybe
Other. No

well some

they are barely useful as farm equipment. If Hitler won the wat he could of just bought Niggers from jews living in the United States

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He considered the Poles an intelligent people who would be valuable to post-war Germany, but was not about to not fight them after the whole business with Churchill's guarantee. Who he wanted to be rid of once and for all was the far-left of the time, most of whose more dedicated soldiers would have been Slavics or Jews.

Yes. Look for Generalplan ost

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No, he never gassed nor wanted to gas anyone. Zyklon B was used for delousing. They were forced to work and yeah some people died of starvation also because it's war and a war tactic. and even the soldiers and normal people didn't had enough food.

And he had nothing against slavs as a race. Also what is hilfswilliger?

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implying that he wanted to gas anyone in the first place MUH SIX GORILLION BUUUUH

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Did he ever say he did? No.
Where is this coming from, OP? You're pulling foreskins outa your ass.

Yeah, but thankfully we managed to kick his ass

Well, Kikepedia says that Hortler was going to masturbate to death gorillions of Slavs, but idk if I should trust it or not.

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you answered your own question right there

Also them plus swedes were his only way to get actually blonde haired, blue eyed children for ez propaganda

He never had plans to gas anyone. The nazi concentration concentration camps where similar to the ones America had for Japanese people.

If Hitler wasn't tied up with britan Russia would have been steamrolled for lebensraum

Not really. He just wanted our lands.

Read Mein Kampf at least, its not that long.

>Did Hitler really wanted to gas the Slavs?
Honest question.

Yes. Hitler was a Jew. He was employed to help exterminate ALL Europeans.

(pic related - Walther Funk - one of Hitlers Jewish Bankers and Financiers)

Hitler's Jewish Genealogy:


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>Read Mein Kampf at least, its not that long.

It's also not very good. Even as Jewish propaganda. Which is what it was. (MAGA!)
It was written like they didn't really expect anyone to read past the first couple of chapters.
Looks like they put all their efforts into hiring Hollywood Jews to stage the film sets and photographs, because their written propaganda is auwful and unconvincing to the point of being comical.
Very embarrassing.

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Keep dreaming

only poles and russian, they are subhuman and needed to make space for superior germanic populations moving in

thus spoken the gipy.

I bet you're one of the fags who shit up threads with the sloppy job mossad bs

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Don't pay attention, britbongs are fucking retarded, but I guess you aren't learning anything new here.

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>Generalplan ost
Post the original documents.
Oh wait you can't.

>Did Hitler really wanted to gas the Slavs?
poles deserve to be gassed but I dont think he did sadly


besides whats wrong with moving all of europe eastwards?
true europe is western europe, its his core

why would relocating slavs to asia, germans to eastern europe, and make every country bigger be a bad thing?
it would just make europe more powerful as a whole, I dont see the issue

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You do realise what you are second-rate shitskin with sub 90Iq and your opinion means nothing and you should not open your mouth before white man ask you to right?
Hitla was a manlet who aligned with various mutts and monrgels (like this gypsy above) to try to wipe purest white people on earth just because he felt like it and all his propaganda serve to justify it not to get thing right.

Nice shilling Anglo we know your Churchill n (((Leslie)) destroyed Europe.

No he did not. Jews neither.

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Hitler was friend.
I miss him.

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This. the only target for gas was typhus carrying lice.

Your ears prick up. We call you Hitler