White Privilege

Why can't whites recognize their own privilege? Whites get employed just because they has the same skin color as the employer. Whites aren't discriminated against in the legal system just because their skin color. It's time that Jow Forums recognizes white privilege as a real issue facing America. If we don't have civil and economic equality POC and whites we will never have a functioning society.

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Society was functional before we tried giving niggers and faggots equality

why does the cracka believe this?

haha larp more.

Because racial gaps in intelligence continue to exist. Don't ignore the facts of the matter and then pretend to be fucking shocked by the results.

Dude... equality is a meme.. get your tiny underdeveloped pre-frontal cortex ticking!!!

I'm not kidding Negro brains are literally underdeveloped due to the stupid ones not dying off every winter.

Sorry.. you never had a chance..

Would you hire a nigger? Worse than hiring a cunt. Jeez I love being white.

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Do Asians, Indians, and Jews.

So what if whites like to hire white people?
Even if it were true, there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not a privilege to be liked and wanted, it's a privilege to be where you're not liked, and not wanted.

Negroes have the privilege of living in white society.

a fuckin leaf

Despite all of the improvements to blacks and affirmative action, the wealth gap remains exactly the same. REALLY MAKES ME THINK

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You can fuck my girlfriend(male) if you want. Maybe that will create a stronger strain.

>I'm not kidding Negro brains are literally underdeveloped due to the stupid ones not dying off every winter.

winter never came..

White privilege more like white superiority. Whites barely get employed these days you stupid nigger.
>If we don't have civil and economic equality POC and whites we will never have a functioning society.
POC dont create functioning societies.

Why don't you find similar stats for the rest of the world?

What's the employment rate of whites in non- whote countires, how do South East Asians do in Africa etc etc.

Stats based on 300 Million retards in the USA versus 6.2 Billion in the erst of the world aren't useful.

Why don't black employers simply employ more blacks then?

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I live in Gods green earth, you selfrightouse american dog shit.

What privilege? Usually a privilege is named for what you're allowed to do, e. g., driving privilege. What is the privilege? What can only whites and no Chinese people do? What are the remedies if a white is denied a privilege that he's qualified for? I can call the cops if I see a twelve-year-old driving. Whom should a white guy call about Oprah and Obama?

It aint so green with you in it, nigger.

Whites get employed because they treat a job as if someone is doing them a favor. Blacks dont because they treat a job like they are doing the boss a favor.
Wear decent clothes, finish the last consonant in each word, don't swear or act offended when they expect you to have to actually labor. You will get hired. Because we have laws in america mandating that niggers are hired, but not whites. If you pretend not to be a street thug you will get the job over more qualified whites, because america discriminates against whites in favor of blacks

It’s not white privilege we should be worried about bro. That’s what they want you to believe.

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Yes, do not pay attention to the fact that the curves are basically flat since 1997, focus on the gap instead.

If niggers would work proper and not deal drugs and rob and steal there would not be such a gap.
Also IQ is a big factor.
You see how niggers in South Africa are acting now that they got rid of most white people? They are certainly moving up the ladder.

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>standardized income of a house of three
>not standardized income of two parent house holds
>compare the amount of money a white man and his white wife make with their 1 child vs a black single mother and her two children
>wow the 2 adults are making almost double, it must be white privilege

Equality is a meme. The meme is real, however, in black countries. Plenty of those to go to if you REALLY want equality. Otherwise, you just want gibs.

Hey, everyone, a nigger is talking! Everyone! Listen to his moving and articulate words of wisdom!

Doctors, lawyers and scientists
Rapists, welfare cases and thieves
Their intelligence when left alone excels beyond that of the white man.

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Blacks will never get over this in America. In part because they don't want to, in part because they are disadvantaged. It's because they come from single-parent households and have a lower iq. The solution is for black women to never have children out of wedlock, reduce the number of children so that they can get proper vitamins, nutrition, and tutoring for the child, and honestly for some people to really strongly consider moving to an African or other non-white country where they're competitive or can form a niche market. It is cruelty to keep bringing dark-skin black people into a world that doesn't want them.

Few problems with your graph
>it compares white and blacks, not whites and everyone else, that would be close to parity. if only blacks are denied the "privilege", it's properly called non-black privilege
>set the IQ to 100 and the difference disappears
>there's no rule that blacks can't earn money of setting an income ceiling for them

Income disparity is not "white" and not a "privilege". It's properly called a non-black advantage (in US Indians and East Asians earn as much as or more than Whites)

Standardized to a household of 3...

>It's time that Jow Forums recognizes white privilege as a real issue facing America. If we don't have civil and economic equality POC and whites we will never have a functioning society.
I 100% agree, but this will only come about through genetic engineering.

>Whites aren't discriminated against in the legal system
You don't know shit nigger. Here in Canada at least the duty lawyer (appointed) will throw a white Christian under the bus if they find out they are Christian.
What happened here is the jews hate Christians so much and want full control of the legal system that they shut down the only Christian law school in Canada. This ensures that the jews control the entire legal system here in Canada.
Swearing on the Bible is a joke to them.
Every problem the American blacks have can be traced right back to the jews. From he jews owning every slave ship and black man that brought them to american, to their cultural programming via gangster rap music and criminal gangster lifestyle, to the people creating the music heavily investing in the criminal justice system and the for profit jails to the entire justice system being controlled by the jews.
It's white mans fault....
Black people are by fare the stupidest and most naturally violent of all the races.

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fuck you nigger

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Imagine thinking that whites are the ones with privilege when blacks are the main beneficiaries of every social services program in the nation (paid for by whites).

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I love how the curves are parallel except in the 1970s where black gain triggered white lose. Look closely at the lines

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It's impossible for a reasonable person to think things like: don't have drugs on you at all times, don't get in shoot outs with the cops, and don't spend all your money on menthols is some kind of generational knowledge

Despite making up 13%

white privilege is an artificial fake word

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>get employed just because they has the same skin color as the employer
Black employers too? Would this not just be the privilege of same-ness?

>White people prefer other white people.
Duh. What's wrong with it? Don't you feel the same?
If you are black, go to Blacklandia if you really want people to no see your niggerness.
If you're a Muslim, go to Musulmania.
If you have small eyes, go to Canada.
Etc. You get the picture. If you decide to stay then stop bitching about dumb shit.

>they has
Nigger confirmed with that one.. look nigger, the only thing that isn’t equal between whites and niggers is our work ethic. We work harder therefore we earn more. You scream for gibs like babies and that’s why you earn less. That’s all there is to it. Now fuck off

>they has
Or maybe it' because you can't write??

Allahu Akbar brother.

>employ blind based on resumes only
>MORE white males get hired compared to before

Bad larp

Hey that's not fair. There is SOME increase in minority hiring. Of asians.

Why do people reply to these threads

Yes, that's right, you are correct.

blacks are more racist than whites

Whites get jobs because they have the proper education/skills to do them, and they don’t get arrested because they commit much fewer crimes (50% of violent crime is committed by blacks, who only make up 13% of the population). White privilege is just a way to explain away black failure without actually blaming blacks for it

Listen to other black Americans like Larry Elder. He says the biggest disadvantage to blacks today is the ever expanding welfare state which encourages out of wedlock births. Single moms no matter what the race have a better chance of raising a criminal. The democrats since the 1960s have destroyed the black family unit and you stupid fucks keep voting for them straight ticket.

Go be a nigger somewhere else! Blacks have failed themselves ,illegal aliens come to America and buy a house. Send their children to college in 20 years while niggers cry about gibs. Same white faggot liberal posting this drivel weekly, is tiresome neck yourself faggot !

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That's his point retard. The environment didn't select for intelligence, forethought and ability to plan ahead, etc. in Africa like it did in the harsher northern climates.


Malcom X > MLK that's all I'm gonna say

25, white, no criminal record, cant get a job to save my life because all they want are niggers and spics in the great state of jew york

what privilege? i've had to work for everything in my life. i started woth nothing and worked my way up to having my own home. fuck you niggers. why don't you actually start applying yourselves instead of being afraid of being called an "uncle tom". put your damn head in a book and learn some shit.

Its not that they dont recognize it
They choose to ignore it so they can have an excuse to cope and compare their miserable lives to that of chimpy niggers and spics
Let them cope my friend, their really isnt much for them in this world anymore despite the fact that they were the pioneers of worlds’ arts and innovations. Their modern counterparts have voluntarily abused and gave up their privileges and advantages they had over others.

>be white
>shoot up your own country for the jewish antigun agenda becuz muh virginity and social autism
>be white
>(((finance))) a lifted truck out to drive like a gook
>be white
>actively racemix and dilute what little is left of white heritage, pump out literal byproducts of jewish agenda to further their global scheme
>be white
>enable and enfranchise niggers kikes and spics then wonder why theyre being shit on
>be white
>actively assist their (((owners))) in gentrification of major cities
>be white
>literally die for Israel and its interests since 1940
>be white
>bring feminism, homosexuality, and myriads of degeneracy into mainstream media and society
>be dylan roof
>get beat like a weak soi, become a literal catalyst for a nigger to free itself from jail
>somehow every stereotypical soi and femicunt is a black furred whiteoid
>somehow every farm tool used in major shootings used to divert jewish scheme is a black furred whiteoid
T-this all has to be a coincidence right?
mUH sUpErioRitY right?

Imagine being so inferior you have to cope by comparing your statistic to that of niggers
Imagine being so disgusting that you had to rely on jews to win a war
Imagine being so submissive that you enable and enfranchise every degeneracy in this planet then wonder about why planet is shit Thats white species
How many niggers do you see compared to whiteoids in pic related? Or in any faggot parade or femicunt movement

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I suspect you aren't sharing all the facts user.

Blacks have a shit ton more single parent headed households

Before you proceed with cope, you are failing to realize you arent white
Post skin color hair color eye color and timestamp. If you are one of those black furred creatures youre not white. You are a literal byproduct of jewish agenda, cultureless, diluted mutts with no sense of belonging or heritage to be proud of.
But yes do keep coping with your black fur. Thank you for standing up for our race that you dont belong in. :)

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His parents voted in jews
His grandaddy died for israel and his meemaw worked for jewish he corporation
He buys jewish products and utilizes jew owned services
He is entitled with all the privileges as an american yet he cant even properly engrish despite it being his only language
But he will cry and play vicim. Because thats what his (((owners))) did ever since garden of eden and white monkey see white monkey do ^^
Who do you think brought niggers and taught them the concept of entitlement and self victimization? Those niggers are too dumb to figure such concepts on their own

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The board is dead

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God didn't build white nations. White men engineered and built it.

You are confused user but it's okay.

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Nigger goes to the sea bottom.
Can't breathe.
> Why can't fish admit they have fish privilege

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tu m'as tué.

>Be white
>Be indoctrinated and have culture and power subverted by Jews, communists, elite billionaires and power hungry politicians
>OH MY FUCKING GOD wypipo amirite? This is totally their fault. I couldn't hate whites more as a liberal so I decided to become a blackpilled right wing larper who should just kill himself already if this is what he thinks of the country he's living in
You sound like a jew, only the decadence of the American state could create such a pathetic fucking person, living in the freest, richest country on the planet yet still bitching and being depressed like a tween girl at not being able to change history. Fucking do it already, pussy.

> mUH sUpErioRitY
In a just world, the law would have taken your thumbs for capitalizing like this

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(((White Privilege)))

Affirmative action has been working real well. It wasn’t a scam or anything to put whites at a great disadvantage

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Stfu u stupid fucking nigger. Goodie or go back to africa

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Privilege is a boogeyman of relative value.

Everyone has relative benefits and losses in todays society. Its no longer realistic or rational to claim a sweeping generalization period, of "X" oppressed identity, or whatever you believe white people are. You cant pretend like however you see white people all magically gain the same merit status when any racial identity and groups feature in-group competitiveness in general. Whether over politics, economic status, beliefs, etc. Im not going to pretend all white people have the world handed to them, because thats obviously not true you brainlet

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If you want those figures to change then remove all the Neo Liberals (democrats in the USA currently) from power, they are the ones holding back POC since they have and always will, like to have their slaves.

Since you are complaining why not petition to remove racial questions from job interview forms. But you will not do that will you, everyone knows that business have to hire certain people to keep up their diversity quotas, those ones you meet that do not do much of a job and know they cannot get fired because they are there to help the company meet the diversity quota.

Thanks for giving me a shill post to point this stuff out on.

Huh? Great Depression and shit happened even with Jim Crow in place.

>9 out of 10 niggers are net loss for company
>2 out of 10 whites are net loss for company
>Wooow whitey, having job discipline is privilege!
No wonder you won't get anywhere nigger.