Brit/pol/ - Shortbread Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:–Picot_Agreement

Got a yeast infection

Bit of a whiffy stiffy

tim is ON ONE today

those bears will be crusty tonight

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I'll kiss it better

I like to watch clips of deaf people hearing for the first time

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Recycling the whole fucking post
>If you're trying to say all the world's scientists are wrong you'll need some really good evidence.
Wrong isn't the right word. I just acknowledge that the presumption that CO2 is the driving factor is false but not that it doesn't play a role. There have been times in the past when temperatures were much higher than now yet CO2 was less, likewise there has been colder global temperatures with higher CO2.

CO2 is the boogie man. If they can get specific but still be broad enough for people to feel like they know what's going on even intelligent people will believe it.
>all the world's scientists
I believe you are referencing one of the studies that said that 97% of scientist believed that climate change was real and man made.

The first study was done in the states. Under further examination it was found that the survey was sent to college professors teaching this shit and their students. An obviously bias sample.
Of course nobody really took note until Obama mentioned it and then people exposed it as bullshit.

Luckily another brave scientist in Australia at the time just happen to come up with the same numbers through a different method. If he found a paper written in any field (social sciences/geography/biology) he would mark it as a believer.

A researcher tried to get his original workings off of him and he refused stating "I'm not going to give you my life's work just so you can try to find something wrong with it!". Like a true scientist. I'm pretty sure his emails were leaked on wikileaks and he talks about falsifying another data set to show a warming where there was none.

But sure if all the scientist agree that humans are all equal who am I to disagree

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I like to read about how the germans should have easily won ww2

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Pretending to be a terrorist is still terrorism.

Evening lads. Big police presence in Sheffield today, looked like they were expecting trouble.

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Do what you want but it's still the case that Americans have twice as much responsibility to reduce their CO2 emissions as China does.

HAHAHAHAHAHA cope you fucking faggot.

>literally has ZERO argument so has to pretend i'm jewish

Tony fucking Blair and his Think Tank specifically called out Generation Identity and demanded they be made a terrorist group:

So if there’s any time to join it’s now.

Cut the shit will you ffs. No-one gives a fuck.

I like to watch boat salvage videos

How’d you get on their radar?

I like to watch videos of dogs being reunited with their owners after a prolonged period

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Why haven't we raised Titanic yet?

Don't give a shit paddy

Is anyone from hate chan here?

Wish I could relate but I'm alergic

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>I'm on to you /brit/pol

Nonce Not Hate

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Because it's a bag of rusty dicks.

its pretty fucking deep lad

also nice get

Why are our countries not best friends again?

I like to watch videos of people hunting rats on farms with Jack Russell terriers

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>Dr Shipman was a member of both NAMBLA and the BNP

>Pretending to be a terrorist is still terrorism

No it isn't and NA did not

Was going around different movements at the time and got grassed on for something I clearly didn't do. Still, gets you on the record of both the police and their controllers.

Can't spend your life afraid of a database though. What are you gonna tell your granddaughter when she's been gangraped in the hell scape? "Sorry hun, at least I'm not on a spreadsheet"?

White people will be on a spread sheet automatically by 2025 anyway

I like to watch vids of machinists with autisic levels of accuracy making shit on lathes.

When people find out it was the Olympic and was planned to be sunk it would raise a few awkward questions.

I like to watch videos of histrionic foreigners.

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>Why are our countries not best friends again?
You and I both know our nations were never friends.

here you go

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The terrorism laws are so widely drawn that doing a shit in the morning can be terrorism

I like the 'Nick Lowles MBE' parody account who used to post under Millennial Woes' Youtube videos.

she seems like a really nice lady
why is she so upset

After my night out they can be pretty toxic

mfw you see a Somali with a limp and you know he is probably getting full disability even though he hasn't put a penny into this country

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What a mess!

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Because of the mishap with the tatos?

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>In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet.

>The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last 150 years. The panel also concluded there's a better than 95 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth's temperatures over the past 50 years.

>The panel's full Summary for Policymakers report is online at

Seethe more you fucking faggot.

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Their was a fire in storage burning for weeks before its departure which weakened the area struck by the iceberg

whos cutting the onions in here

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yfw you see a Somali in fucking Somalia limping and benefiting from British taxpayers. Thanks Brussels

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Always some dumb d&c cunt has to chime in. Perhaps you should get a grasp of basic English and grammar first?

He has finally gone off the deep end

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>tfw I’m loosing my sight day by day
>have to wear glasses
>fuck my life

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Imagine the first thing you hear being a Yank

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Here's a good reminder for those who don't like migrants pouring endlessly into your country.–Picot_Agreement

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give me a reason to dislike this dude

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What's that? I just saw it for the first time in my country on a British expo. Not joking, 5 minutes ago.
Now this thread shows up.

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I'm talking about the politics of current events and I'm blown my mind

Is that a boner? Jesus, no wonder he is mental.

He is kind of right, they used to have a rebellion every generation. There is no reason we can't be friends now though, it was nearly a hundred years ago.

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damn like a retarded donkey!

part j*w

Here have a spud to make up for it mick .

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why the fuck are you all bullying this schizophrenic man

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You mean like this?

The Brit who asked the question is right - "again" doesn't refer to the friendship, it refers to the question itself. He's saying "asking the question again: why aren't our countries friends?"

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eating a plate of mince and onion and cheese.
i am unstoppable

What, Eddie? He deserves it.

I heard the Olympic had a collision that damaged the front so they're painted the name to Titanic and sent it out in order to not loose face. It sinking (with opponents to the federal reserve) was a happy accident for everyone as they could claim the lose of a brand new ship rather than a damaged one.

It's been a practice in shipping for centuries to sink ships on purpose to claim insurance


Someone I worked with claimed that he ate mince and tuna mixed together

Tom & Jerry was violent as fuck. Glad I wasn't raised in this fag era.

because he's bullying the builders next door

How long until is outed as a nonce?

>I'm on to you user.

Nonce Not Hate has your ip and work address.

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If you were in National Action you can’t join but otherwise I say sign up.

You sound like you've just discovered the Sykes-Picot agreement.

There's also this theory
>Some theorists believe that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage, several of whom, including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. All three men died during the sinking.

Obviously I was not making that comment inviting a debate on complex disputes going back centuries. Rather a rhetorical fucking question to how we still remain so divided despite having everything in common. The fucking state of summerfags.

hmm, could be a good reason
some call him a populist, but that's like, whatever, everyone's one now

He's a corporate puppet controlled by zionists and US neocons. Because his Party's corporate donors love immigration - for the pool of cheap labour it provides, allowing them to undercut Brit workers and trade unions - then he loves immigration.

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>Sykes Picot Agreement
that is not the reason migrants are pouring into Europe

There's an extravagance in this cookery operation, and that's a bottle of beer

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The Norfman who became a matador:

No, just posting some memes.

call him out on his bullshit


because women opperate based on their emotion, which is very easy to manipulate

jocko is not racist or this or that
but if everyone was like jocko there would be no problems
be like jocko

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Lol its always whitey man bad but never the low IQs' fault.

that video is actually a classic

>group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world
A person studying migration patterns that includes climate change in historic times is included in this
A person studying an extinction event that mentions changing climates is included in this
A person talking about any long term span of time will be included in this due to the reality of climate change without human activity.
>But muh CO2
My post clearly shows that man made CO2 is a fraction of 1% of the CO2 being produced naturally. In fact a single volcanic eruption can release more CO2, methane and have a far greater effect on the weather than 1000 years of industrialisation.
>scientific experts
Well good to know the experts covered this. I was glad to hear the experts told us about gender reassignment surgery for kids, white privilege and the patriarchy
All hail the experts

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>women are more romantic than men
high praise indeed

>just look at what the ipcc have to say

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Its the kind of thing that a certain type of seething foreigner says. Like Germans claiming the migrants crisis started in 2015 because we invaded Iraq in 2003 and definitely not because of Merkel.

What was he doing in this video?

Wouldn't that make him be anti-brexit?

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he's just as slimey as any other backstabbing zionist politician

I mentioned that in my post.
I think it's possibly the most likely reason. Every time there is a modern equivelent like a plane crash there sees to be some individuals of note on board.
That flight that went missing off Australia mh370 I think, had some important dude associated to Soros. When he died Soros got full rights to some patents or something. That's one to look into.
That plane that got shot down over Ukraine had some cancer scientists on board.

Lame memes.

Why can't they just redraw their damn borders?

flour and sugar basically but its damned nice

It's almost as if they play both sides?