Well looks like canada is on top the us literally and figuratively now eh?
American dream moves to Canada
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Canada's constitution is a much improved version of the US one, and values humans more.
The US constitution has been legally twisted to where human free speech is equivalent to a company spending millions of bucks to buy political ads.
>bagged milk
So, it was jealousy all this time.
>Werr rooks rike canada is on top the us riterarry and figurativery now eh?
That's bullshit lol the American dream was being able to raise a family and own a house on one income. Not possible up here I'm taxed 45% of my income.
Stupid amerilards
We warned you. You should have posted the in store prices.
Good, now accept every third world migrant to continue your prosperous economy!
Always take these sorts of editorials with a big grain of salt. This is a globalist, corporate magazine so it will find stories and opinions that bolster its own ideology.
That said....we’re number one baby, eat a dick and die losers....wooohhooo...we can’t be stopped. We are gods on earth!,
Just post the in store prices and this all goes away.
This fake news.
Canada is worse the Liberia.
>living the dream
Canadians can't even afford laptops to post from and have to use laptops instead. Case in point
Great! See this, you filthy shitski- er... lovely economic migrants? The states are a horrible, racist, and desolate land. Canada is your future home! They will welcome you with open arms of gibs and white women.
Quick someone tell the Mexicans so they can get the hell out of the US.
Sucks but US isnt that much better. I get taxed 30% and have to pay 10% sales tax on anything I buy.
If they think their metrics is the dream they know nothing of the American Dream.
I'm pretty sure the Canadian gov is paying these companies to shill Canada for migrants.
>Canadians can't even afford laptops to post from and have to use laptops instead. Case in point
>can't even afford laptops
>have to use laptops instead
15% sales tax up here
Though it might vary provincially
yeah right, my canadian friends constantly complain about how virtually everything is way too expensive there
America is a giant shit hole. You have shitty board security right? I might seek asylum there.
That's laughable. Canada is nothing like the USA.
There are hardly any stories about Canadian people rising up from poverty into the upper class. The social mobility is extremely limited, and the elites there (aka WASPs and Jews) hate anyone who isn't them.
At least in America, you could have been born white or black or yellow or brown trash, and still be able to work hard and rise above your station in life.
And never mind that there is zero free speech in Canada.
Also, the only reason their healthcare is okay is because Canada doesn't have the same corporate lobbyists from the greedy medical and pharma industries fucking things up for everyone.
I will rape his wife, daughter and his laptops.
>That's laughable. Canada is nothing like the USA.
>There are hardly any stories about Canadian people rising up from poverty into the upper class. The social mobility is extremely limited, and the elites there (aka WASPs and Jews) hate anyone who isn't them.
>At least in America, you could have been born white or black or yellow or brown trash, and still be able to work hard and rise above your station in life.
>And never mind that there is zero free speech in Canada.
>Also, the only reason their healthcare is okay is because Canada doesn't have the same corporate lobbyists from the greedy medical and pharma industries fucking things up for everyone.
Is it easy to become a resident in Canada? Can I keep muh guns?
good. everyone can migrate there.
Stay in muttland
How cucked can one President get?
If high taxes if you call the American Dream then you're retarded
>can't afford food
>$60 vidya is $95 minimum
>carbon taxed up the asshole
But yeah.. I'm sure you suicidal faggots are way better off.
Post in store prices leaf and we will see who has the better quality of life.
You're forgetting about all of the niggers and spics. We're still much wealthier than you, faggot.
Bloom is just as jewish of a prefix as Rosen or Gold.
>Most Canadians are better off than Americans
Not us working ones, after this carbon tax hit we're paying close to 60% of our wages in taxes
The American Dream went to B/C, Canada... to buy weed. It will be back when it runs out of tasty US munchies. Hows that Canadian Bacon aye?
this. do the opposite of kike suggestions.
>When you complain about your 45% tax rate but forget Americans get taxed 30% and have trash infrastructure, terrible public schools, have to pay for college, and get completely scammed on healthcare
I would literally rather pay more upfront to stop getting Jewed, honestly
>did you just blow in from stupid town
We're going to be gloriously annexed change my mind
>When you complain about your 45%
plus 15% sales tax.
>have trash infrastructure
plenty of this here. meanwhile i crossed the states by train for $100. train from toronto to vancouver is $1000.
>terrible public schools
same shit.
>have to pay for college
so do we.
>get completely scammed on healthcare
so do we. get insurance and yours is better. no end to horror stories about canadian hospitals.
Since when has extremely high prices on food been the American dream?
That looks like a Canadian night mare to me, and all the money you'd save in packaging, you lost dud to inflated food prices
for now
>US take home pay after taxes = $52,000
>Canada take home pay after taxes = $32,000
AND that doesn't even include all the other insane taxes we have like the carbon tax which increases the price of EVERYTHING. So in short the average leaf takes home $20,000 less than the average burger, and everything we buy costs more.
hardly, were fucked. We can't afford houses.
>inb4 "just leave the city"
There are no jobs outside the cities
>sky high taxes
>sky high food prices
>hate speech laws
>sky high immigration
no u deluded and brainwashed faggot, canadaistan is still a 3rd world country.
>>>When you complain about your 45% tax rate but forget Americans get taxed 30% and have trash infrastructure,
>terrible public schools
>have to pay for college
...Education isn't free in Canada. Cheaper, but not free.
>and get completely scammed on healthcare
Cool take our Mexicans
Sales tax is a non issue unless you buy stupid shit like boats. Our infrastructure is worse. It's worse in states that don't even have bad weather like the deep South because they're so poor and black. Our death rate on roadways is more than twice yours.
Our colleges are more expensive. Average Canadian tuition is $5k usd/year. Here it's $20k.
Our health insurance is extremely expensive for shit coverage and our outcomes are worse than yours. We spend like 10k per capita while Canada is, what, 5k? The only time American healthcare is superior is if you're filthy rich...at which point, none of this even matters
I love America but Canada has a higher quality of life for the average citizen.
>values humans more
Do you know how vague “human” is?
Too vague for a nation founded by European men.
why does canada never shut the fuck up about america
people meme on yuros for being "obsessed" but honestly at least places like germany are relevent, canada just shut the fuck up lmao
No dude
This country sucks and the people are shit not even mentioning the hordes of non whites
As a Canadian our charter of rights only benefits you if you're gay/tranny or a Muslim. There is no free speech. There is no right to defend yourself.
You deserve the rope. What I would do to trade places with you.
>Is it easy to become a resident in Canada? Can I keep muh guns?
Not easy to become a resident, but most guns are transferable. You may need mags for them though.
Edit *that $32,000 should be $35,000
Also the guy that wrote this article is a retard which isn't surprising since it's Bloomberg
>All depends on how you convert money guys
>If you use the normal currency exchange it doesn't fit the narrative
>If you use the international standard purchasing power parity(ppp) it still doesn't work
>But when we used a Canadian cherry picked version done by Trudeau fan boys it works so we're going with that
Do you really want to go there? Because American in store prices are high too.
the american dream is a social construct
>no freedom of speech or belief
to hell with canada
>High IQ leaf post
Are you voting for Max user?
Cool take all of our shitskins for us
sadly washington state legalized before we did so the cross border bc bud trade has essentially died
>Hows that Canadian Bacon aye?
great, how's that sheep pussy?
oy vey buy hebrew national goyim. support barbaric kosher slaughter.
Those are brand name dogs. I don't have any photos, but I only spend about $3 for four organic generic Kroger brand hot dogs.
They're even a little bigger than that.
Please: move there.
I'm a retarded American who moved here. Trying to get out hard but the Mrs is a serb and hates filthy Clinton country. Most of my friends have died of over doses or suicide, no one can afford to do anything and everyone is highly brainwashed.
I learned a few years ago, some police depts pay cops min wage in USA
Lmao 3rd world shit hole
Having a legal three way with your dog and a farm animal is purely a Canadian desire and not the American dream.
Imagine the outright delusion and mental gymnastics it took to write this.
Tip top kek
Absolute savages
If I'm not mistaking they sell milk in bags like that in Western Wisconsin.
Here is the USA people I've formed friendships with, they all owe me from 150 to 1200 bux
1 got killed cause he got ran over and ODed on the painkillers he got addicted to
1 got arrested for grand theft from his own dad pressing charges (even tho he returned the goods) and ended up homeless
1 lives in a sun room and slowly went blind in 1 eye for 8 years, lived with family the entire time, they never gave him a break on rent to help him save for operation, and all he did with his leftover money is sub to hulu and Netflix now he just shrieks all day cause his other eye is going slowly blind. Lmao
Meanwhile every one of my Canadian friends including a cocaine addict is a success story, Combat engineer, welders, electricians ect.
our public schools are good, it's just all the nigs and spics bringing down the averages. We would be top 10 globally if it was just white people
This is the problem with the USA, You kept the powerful minorities in absolute destitution for far too long and it's all blowing up in your faces now.
Yes these prices are due to the liberals letting anyone and everyone in.
the immigration target with the liberals was 350,000 last year. The liberals let 980,000+ in. 87% of them and on welfare and they have also caused a housing crises.
The liberals are giving them homes with no money down and 10 year mortgages. So it increased demand bigly.
And how much does health insurance for a family of four cost? Throw that particular number into that graphic too, sweaty.
We've been getting A LOT of spics since Trudeau was elected 5 years ago. I MEAN A LOT.
I wouldn't trust that thing with my security. I would much rather give myself security by carrying a pistol on me, I could do an infinitely better job.
i actually laughed some of you mutts are alright
Their measure of "better off" is usually based on how pozzed a country is.
Thank fucking god.
Please let all the spics and asylum seekers go to leafland. Better yet, all the migrating californians should go too
oh Andy.....
Is this like when Bernie said you're more likely to find the American dream in venezuela?
The Hispanic menace hasn't made its way North yet. Wait until they're done with us.
Why are opinion articles even allowed?
Based on home values that are x4 inflated.
Fucking Bloomkike.
>Canadians actually believe they are free in any way while being unable to legally criticize Islam
The absolute state of the canadian "male."
Fake news.
In Canada you can literally be fined by the government for misgendering someone
we will always be better than them