Press F to pay respects

RIP. We barely knew ye.

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will this get really bad worse than last year?

Floridians could be faced with a mass-extinction-causing meteor and still shrug it off. How do I get balls like that?

All depends. Category 4 but could easily become a Category 5. Current projected path takes it through redneck areas, but it could shift south and buttrape the really populated areas too. Who else comfy??

>a bunch of idiot Florida drivers are headed north again


You in the Carolinas, user?

>Oh my gosh the poor Floridians
they go through this shit every fuckin year, these people are fuckin immune to hurricanes


40 years of cocaine trafficking and various drug abuse.

Lol, I have a friend in SC who says the exact same thing about Florida drivers

Reminds me of this awesome Camp place near the beach me and my gf go to several times a year.
Her dad owns a mini-house in the camp we use. He told me this is his 3rd one, the other two were destroyed in a hurricane over the 23 years he has lived there. There is just so much money there they just keep rebuilding it.

Why dont the niggercrats talk about splitting flordia up into 5 states?

Nigga it's just some rain and wind, complete bitch shit.

t. Florida resident



They'll do that to California. That way they get two or four more Senate seats. Breaking up Florida would possibly give Republicans more seats...

Plus making Puertoooo Ricoooo and DC states would give Dems an additional 4 seats. We're in for some tough times when those faggots are back in power

Sorry, meant to reply to this, although I'm happy is partying up

Floridian here.

This probably won't be shit for us. We aren't Texas or Puerto Rico. There's probably gonna be some good hurricane parties with the days off we'll get, though.

Because everything except Miami-Dade would be Republican. It's the same reason they don't want to split up California.

If it makes you feel better, they'll hit us first.

>tfw South Georgiabro

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Also in SC.

Flatlanders come here and drive to fast around towns. Then get into the hills and mountains and can't even run half the fucking posted speed limit. I've been in more confrontations with FL drivers than any Yankee drivers.

If you make the conscious decision to live in a state that gets BTFO every fucking year by natural disasters I have a hard time feeling bad for you