Or will it make them depressed and cynical (If they're sheltered trad wives)
But if lefty women browse Jow Forums, can they be redpilled?
Can/Should women browse Jow Forums?
Women are redpilled if the male influence in their life is
I used to be right wing, browsing pol made me more left leaning :)
basically men here are mostly pedophiles who want to institutionalize rape, they are really sick and unnatural. So yeah... Depends what you want to accomplish
Oh, also they are the least race loyal of any men. I would expect leftist men to cheat on their race, however men on pol are the biggest race mixing degenerates out there. Really red pilled me on the simple nature of men on pol. The Jow Forums ideology can be summed up into basically:
> muh dick
Which is nothing will ever come out of these losers who hang out here anyway.
no, she would get stuck in this shithole and ruin her life even more, just like you "redpilled" (paranoid retards) incels are wasting time and energy in this fucked up place, because you are addicted.
I was aleady cynical when I came to pol.
the males of my family mostly aren't redpilled but live in sheltered areas and aren't unwealthy. John Oliver lawer types. They are totally bluepilled and cut off contact with me since 2015 because I couldn't stop trying to redpill them.
I'm not even intelligent but I'm logical enough to be able to add 1+1 and this ability is all you need to understand many things.
yes and no. Jow Forums also can be used as news source. You can read about Happenings, the situation in US, Syria, Russia.
And I also learned a lot about transgenderism
same, most men I know vote left wing
The only men who want legal rape are low-quality men who shouldn't reproduce.
Even with arranged marriages men would have to work hard to impress the lady's father before he gives him his daughter in marriage. Any good father would want a good man for his daughter.
Men who want legal rape, just want to fuck any woman legally for his own cheap pleasure, without even her father's consent. Low-quality men should LDAR
wealth makes/keeps people bluepilled, because their lifes are too comfortable due consumerism, which then consumes their life.
I would mind them, if the were harmless, but due to their wealth they usually have influnce. But since they are bluepilled as fuck and can influence/have power, they mainly cause damage with their retardness.
Kill rich people
women shouldn't be involved in any aspect of politics. their simple minds can't handle it. it's honestly better they just care about extorting shoe money from their bfs.
they browsing BBC, no time for pol!
If these women are so traditional then why don't they just not worry and let men handle the politics?
they aren't men then.
fuck no, women shouldn't do anything but being breeders, nannies and cooks.
cooks is debatable
Being an innocent autistic woman in a nation that only validates women if they are prostitutes and bimbos made me cynical early on. I was already conscious of the evils of the world and humanity long before i even knew Jow Forums exists. Most women here are like that desu.
Uh, that's a child
yes but they are still relatives. I wish I had a redpilled family that would do some prepping together, maybe buy some land in bumfuck Mecklemburg or so and make a plan how to get there in case of a massive crisis. I would feel much better that way, I feel left alone. Why aren't they glad that there is someone who cares enough about them and tries to warn them?
But they only consume mainstream media and just live their lifes. The problem is, I just don't have the rethorical skills or manipulative abilities or charisma to influence people.
maybe they are smarter than me. I have so many worries since 2015 and care so much about what's happening here and in Europe. Sometimes I think people who just enjoy it in blissful ignorance until the show is over live better lifes because if there's really a massive recession or whatever and they starve, they at least enjoyed the time before it happened while the same will happen to people who tried to warn the people and worried.
Need to impregnate
Nannies/Mothers talk to their kids and influence them, even with bedtime stories. Do you want her to be a bad influence or a very dumb mother who can't teach your children anything?
She has to be well-read if you want Homeschooling. Otherwise, are you going to hand your kids to the (((public school system)))?
Little wives don't just exist in a vacuum and talk like dolls, they're the #1 influence in a child's life, especially early life.
This, for once a leaf made a good post.
Im always appreciative when there is adiversity of opinions on a topic. Frankly the muh nazi shit is pretty old hat. But thats just my opinion
i would say most people here dont believe that. They do exist and they can speak freely in this space. Im probably center I guess, I used to be left. I dont think this board made me change my opinion either way. But it did allow me to see the viewpoint of other sides.
It will catch up to them, it always does in the end, the people who see trends before they happen are the ones who win out every time...
No. Nobody should browse this site, it's a venomous, evil place; that's every board. The site has long since lost the charm and magic that it once held. Everything is an argument, everything is set up as a conflict. This place is nothing if not a seedy hotbed filled with contrarianism and sexual frustration. Desperate sides cling to cherrypicked arguments and pathetic images, uninformed theories, and half-assed, pseudo intellectual "debate" tactics. I browse while I'm eating sometimes, like now, only to try to find what few interesting threads crop up. It's like finding one good apple in a dying orchard.
Russians wear that maid uniform when they graduate high school. She is a debutante
This is the essence of Jow Forums. Caring too much.
my family is bluepilled. I have a cousin that is redpilled but she believes a lot of crazzy shit.
Hm, how long have you been hanging out here? This is what this board did initially for me. I started feeling sorry for men, i felt they are abused etc.
Then after years of hearing about "all white women" bla bla, forced marriages, pedophila bla bla bla, women expire at age 20 etc. I frankly started getting sick and tired of it. I am empathetic - but to a point.
Men make get smarter and dumber than women but that doesnt mean they have simple minds. They are half of society and have a lot to offer it. Clean off your mustard stains redneck
I have been trying to wake my boyfriend up, so I can leave all these things to him, but he literally forgets the next day.
I just showed him the joker trailer... and his answer was "well, maybe there are more blacks because the joker is a poor American".
Anyway, the happenings is the most valuable.
This place is for anyone left-wing looking to challenge their beliefs or anyone that used to be left that is here challenging leftists beliefs.
Anyone that was already right before coming is wasting their time. They should be having children and starting a business.
i guess you cant really answer this but what proportion of pol do you think are women? Im a man btw
40% probably
Based leaf. FPBP
>red good blue bad
Imagine having completely binary thinking like this
You're the epitome of an NPC
thats natural selection. I know its difficult to accept, but bluepilled people have caused all the problems we encounter and now they have to deal with the consequences. Their ignorance will lead to their fall, just like their ignorance lead society to the fall.
But why do you want to move to Mecklenburg? Isnt it better to move south, near Bayern for example? In case of rising water or tsunamis you would get fucked in Mecklenburg. There were even some theories and prophecies, which tell about half germany dissappearing due to increased waterlevels.
I could see how as a woman those would stick out in your mind. I dont really click those trheads because they are just demoralization. Im not really in this place for the incel shit. For me its more about corruption and race realism that interests me. I have been here on and off since about when pizzagate was banned from reddit. Sometimes I frequented /b/ before that tho.
yeah that somehow nails it
but that's also the reason you can't really escape pol because at least there are some people who thin similar about many things. And even if not, I like the debate culture here.
There's nobody who says "that's problematic" you can just let your thughts flow.
crazier than pol?
no, but i dont believe all that pol says and one would be afool to.
Jow Forums is my only escape from clown world
it's comfy
Women used to be pleasant, now they are just bitter and angry
>I used to be right wing, browsing pol made me more left leaning :)
Sure thing faggot
I know this is irrelevant but there was a thread on page 1 made by a leaf talking about how some Italian retard will do a shooting but it got deleted and it really concerns me
are they gonna show us bad like they did last time with the Christchurch and el paso Whiggers
I'm saying this here bcz it'll give me more time to deliver a message b4 having to delete it
me too, that is the only reason I am on here too, I am interested in a place for the white race and to communicate with others in other countries of the same mind.
Especially after what happened here in 2015. And all the Muslims we have on this continent. The pedophile stuff is just muslim-tier and it really gets to me. I am usually of the opinion that pedophiles should get the death penalty, so I don't particularly like people trying to justify their sick sexual urges with political opinions.
>But why do you want to move to Mecklenburg?
it was just an example.
But Mecklemburg has the lowest polulation density and many freshwater lakes, property is cheap, Poland and Baltic countries aren't far away.
But Northern Bavaria, or Saxonia Czech border would be good too of course.
>In case of rising water or tsunamis you would get fucked
in Mecklenburg
I know but do you think this could/will happen? Is it because Alois Irlmaier said it?
I rather worry about collapse of the welfare state and Boko Haram like gangs roaming the country because the infrastructure, food supply, police etc don't function anymore
yah i try to ignore that shit. But that is the price you pay for an open and free dialogue. It means all the monsters can spread their opinions too. But since this is anonymous arguments must stand on their own or be destroyed. I would say as awhole pedos are not loved on pol and this is evidenced by their interest in pizzagate and the epstien shit.
>Saxonia Czech border
Don't even get near, we're beyond full
me neither but even the retarded threads are at least funny.
And some bants are funny too. I often have to laugh.
also this
this other one talking about it got deleted after a few replies too
yah, the bants are good. I dont mind at all the leaf stuff, it is hilarious.
you see what I'm talking about
>your wordview grows darker but, to your horror, far more accurate.
so true.
so true.
but desu, the dune saga books started it all long before pol, t destroyed all my happy views of the world and politics.
yes, all good digging threads get deleted
it was already in italian news. So the police will be alerted and ready and not get surprised if it was a real threat and not just a larp.
And as an Algerian you aren't really distinguishable from Italians anyway, so don't worry in case its an incel shooter targeting migrants.
Just don't try to scam tourists in the city that day to expose yourself as a Nafri.
Which I also like is that you can have conversations with people from all over the world and can ask them direct questions about their country and their perspective on things. Pol is very multicultural in that regard.
Well, i believe it could happen, but i have not enough knowledge about the circumstances, which could cause it (like meltic glacials, ice in general etc.).
I wish i would live near the ocean to be able and observe any significant changes during the last decade.
Alois Irlmaier had very interesting visions, but i am not certain i he was talking about rising waterlevels. But he seems legit and many things he prophecies seem to be fullfilled in this timeline.
You are right about roaming gangs, infrastructure etc. We should take both into consideration since one problem can occur after the other, but being able to get/provide enough food, water and shelter has a higher priority, than fleeing possible rising water.
but they larp as men a lot, i dont blame them due the tits or gtfo doctrine.
its good that they dont. Men act like retards around women sorry to say.
>And as an Algerian you aren't really distinguishable from Italians anyway, so don't worry in case its an incel shooter targeting migrants
Idc if few of our niggers die aboard, i am afraid about the state of Jow Forums
>Just don't try to scam tourists in the city that day to expose yourself as a Nafri.
kek. absolute gold
>basically men here are mostly pedophiles who want to institutionalize rape
I would say lurk the fuck moar but I know you are just being a stupid fucking bait faggot.
You know the rules
That is because you are not seriously engaging with Jow Forums. Only idiots get redpilled by the memes. Engage with the literature. Order some of the books off the next Jow Forums reading list thread. That admittedly is harder now than it used to be. Too many shills, niggers, and teenagers.
Good. If what they say has merit then they should STFU with "Femanon here" LULULULULULZ. Fuck their pussy card...right in the pussy.
I ocasionally been browsing for the last year or so. It's fun. I usually don't tell them about what's between my legs though because then they get thirsty
but i wish they did, i like hearing what a woman in specific has to say in some of the discussions ive had here, none would come forth unfortunately.
We do.
he said
>Da seh ich aber oan daherfliegen von Osten, der schmeißt was in das große Wasser, na geschieht was Merkwürdiges. Da hebt sich das Wasser wie ein einziges Stück turmhoch und fällt wieder runter, dann werd alles überschwemmt. Es gibt ein Erdbeben und de groß Insel werd zur Hälfte untergehen.
That seems to refer to Atlantic and Noth sea coastal areas if he's referring to England.
he also said there will be an earth quake and a new country that has been already there once will rise from the water when it's over
You know the rules
only coomers get thirsty. efmale brains work somewhat differently and it is very impostant to me hearing what they have to say.
hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create week men, and weak men create hard times. the hard times are coming soon, so it's up to us to answer the call.
LMAO gtfo nigger there are no women on Jow Forums. Go to R*ddit. Look at how the average user interacts, the weird, artificial mode of expression. That is a feminine or feminized atmosphere. Jow Forums is for men. There are no women on Jow Forums. The few holes that come here are of such low quality they are almost not women at all.
I don't but in at least 85% of all (yous) I get they refer to me as a male.
>i am afraid about the state of Jow Forums
yeah if they wuld take it down too, it would be bad.
also, having a pussy doesnt mean shit to me, im interested in brain activity, the bigger the brain the harder my dick gets, im a simple man.
i miss old/pol/. 2016 was a mistake.
What percentage of Jow Forums do you think even knows about random flags at this point? I bet it's not even 50%. Sad times indeed
I post these caps every once in a while to show people of what Jow Forums should be, and used to be. I don't have alot of hope for it getting better though, sadly
Sure you are, honey.
Lol what, what kind of stupid fucking bait is this, that’s not even very creative
well, i guess just look at this thread. In some instances, when it is relevant, women will reveal themselves.
you can never know that they are a woman, idiot.
how hard is that to understand?
Pick one
id say the way people act on reddit is more because of teh points system. Tehy get addicted to teh rush of getting upvoted, and if they knew somebody wouldnt like their post, they wont post it.
A lot of the pedogate (and to a lesser degree Epstein) stuff seems really cynical - you see posters who clearly know pedos are hated, so they're using it against their political enemies without caring whether it's true or not.
Good to know, but I'm not into Brazilian guys
That's a typical Russian 17 year old schoolgirl, in the traditional outfit.
Those "bantiki", hnng
yes this is true
yesterday I tried defending Jow Forums on plebbit and I got downvoted to hell
it's a form of social peer pressure
No, they should should show their tits AND gtfo
makes me think that most of the old fags really did get v& and are in a FEMA camp in Siberia. the massive drop in quality threads, banter, etc is impressive.
>will it make them depressed and cynical (If they're sheltered trad wives)
Its the opposite you moron
This. The problem I have with the majority of men's opinions on this site is that they think of women only for their weaknesses, women have strengths as well. Using absolutes in your argument about women, i.e "their simple minds," takes away from your argument. I have an exceptionally high IQ, have always tested well, have a career as a nurse and excel in my career and try to take part in other activities that strengthen me as an individual- physically, mentally, etc. I understand where the idea comes from both because of the actions of the majority of women in our current society and because of the strengths of women. But women can and should be challenged to be the best versions of themselves regardless. Also, the idea that women should just trust and allow a man to handle politics singularly in this society is beyond retarded. I wouldn't trust the majority of men's opinions in regards to politics.
I got my husband to start browsing Jow Forums and now he posts regularly. Hitler and Jesus are his favorite historical figures and we shall have 10 white children together, all will be homeschooled. I also had some land given to us as a wedding gift from my dad, we are going to build a house and farm on in very soon to raise our children on.
Something tells me though that the women who do larp as guys on this board probably are not penning really deep thought provoking posts. It's great to think of how use to attention and engagement they must be when they post as a woman and then they suddenly have to realize and come to terms that without that pussy card no one gives 2 shits what they have to say...just like all the rest of us disposable swinging dicks.
But here you are.