Like it or not this is pretty true

Like it or not this is pretty true

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like it or not he's spitting facts!


David was a kike...


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Not all.

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>muh dick
that feel when you have nothing else as a race

Attached: nigger_cock.webm (220x400, 1.67M)

which statue would win in a fight if brought to life?

>Random graph with words by who knows who
>Cherry picking

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COPE,your best women get blacked regularly.

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which statue would invent clothes and a civilization

>niggers don't understand beauty and only think about dicks


Gawd I wish that were me

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the left one if right doesn't try to steal from left one.

Muh dick nigger. Sage faggot.


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Her nose ring was a DEAD giveaway.

My internal radar latched onto that 100 miles away.

That's a hard pass for me, dawg.

your dick is big, but your brain is small, 60 IQ btw

You're correct. Jealousy of the white man's superior artistry, beauty, culture, and quality of life is what started racism.

Attached: qIvEKlsy.jpg (491x491, 29K)

Blood dicks vs flesh dicks.
Flesh dicks freeze and fall off in winter.

Brain is what most quality girls love.
Enjoy your white trash, negroids.

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They scuplted them with small penises because they want the focal point of the statue to be the head.

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>All these white boys with saved pictures of cherrypicked saved cocks on their devices
The absolute state

>cherry picking

Roman artists typically depicted men of great stature with small genitalia because it was symbolic of their values. If they were a sex crazed lunatic, big cock. If they were a fair and just leader with good morals they got a small cock.

she would not let you touch her,you can only dream of getting a women as pretty as her.

Why is everything backwards in this stupid goddamn world. MUH DIK MUH DIK MUH DIK MUH DIK WE HATE NIGGERS FOR THEIR DYSFUNCTIONAL BRAINS.

Who wants to walk around the town square staring at giant dick all day?
Don't answer that question.

No you don't. Having a dick that big is a sign of inferior intellect, not even kidding.

I always found it strange when I studied in North America. Races rarely interact.
In my mutt ass country, it is rare that a person will give a single fuck where you are from as we can't control into which family we were born.
That being said, we will fuck with each other's ethnicity every chance we get as a friendly bonding experience amongst friends.

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Like it or not i don't care.

Study after study has consistently proven whites have the biggest dicks. Cope nigger

Attached: STIPE HEEEEEEEEEEM.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

>cherry picking

Having a small penis was also desirable in that era because they believed the sperm travelled faster and thus made smaller penises more potent and able to breed, if you will.

I guess big dick can't stop little dick from 'stealing' his stuff, ayyyy?

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or maybe the model was in a fucking cold ass studio and his dick and balls sought to retreat like a turtle being attacked

Can you all guys just find a nice big cock to suck and stop wisiting this website? I mean you all are clear homos, and your efforts to hide it with "racial war" are just sad.

>muh dick
David was Semitic, not European. And he is depicted as he faced Goliath, blood flowing out of his penis to more vital organs out of stress

me on the right

>cherry picking

said dude should seek reparations from the jews for mutilating his dick head LOL

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Calm down russian bro

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>Penile elephantiasis


And I must be a genius then

Unfortunately, you are correct...

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Lol that could be it but even then the sculptor could easily sculpt a larger penis. They chose not to though. Why? Beauty standards were different. Small dicks were desirable because they were more likely to produce offspring.

top kek

imagine being this mentally unstable

No realy they just sending pics of dicks to each other and try to prove which one is better, if this thread is not deffinition of faggatory than what?

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> this kills the nigger

its not unless you get aroused by just looking at penises.Stop projecting your homosexuality onto others.

I, too, could find your "best" women and show them getting bleached.

Our FAVORITE, they say.

Small penis' were actually more prized when David was commissioned