How do we stop the incel epidemic?

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Addresing the material conditions that gave rise to it.

idk they all kind of look the same, put them into camps?

Based, better him than Mohammed

Blame white men. Its not worked before but im sure this time it will

Toll paid

we must respect the wahmen. the wahmen can do no wrong.

The 1/10 men date the 1/10 women. Simple.

The problem is that 1-3/10 women put on makeup and slutty clothes to falsely elevate their appearance and are really easy to get, so desperate, peer pressured 6-7/10 guys date them. The real answer to the incel problem is to stop people from whoring. There would be no incels if there were no whores.

>finally get laid
>get hpv, herpes and gonorrhea
well that was worth it. reminder, this is like half these hoes out there.

Why didn't he just rape her? She would have respected him after that

Gould = Jewish.

Bin that knife.

>How do we stop the incel epidemic?
We should just abort the ugly children.

Penis enlargements and acne cream...

He must be severely autistic he's kinda handsome, you can always tell severe autism by dad eyes and retard hair

Ehh, not as bad as that one time in japan, maybe she died quickly

This. Nothing of value(other than easy pussy) was lost

there is no "incel epidemic". There have always been men who can't get laid. Leftists just use the term incel more often these days in an effort to further demonize young white men

It will only get worse, incels will rise up and take what they want


Stop all the bitches under an 8 from chasing after all the top tier males. Put bitches in there place so they know their sexual market place value. Then the underdogs will start looking for incels to bang one out with.

The draft, and à war

unironically make women property again

Oh look another Jow Forums thread, fuck off back to your shit board.

>you can always tell severe autism by dad eyes and retard hair
>dad eyes

>reminder, this is like half these hoes out there.
Only half of the niggers. About 1/4 of the rest

how is a dead jew thot newsworthy?

Good luck in today's political climate. There can be no empathy for young men since they're so "privileged".

this kind of shit has been happenning for time. They just have a new label to shove on it now.

stfu hole

>tube top

Why does he look so much like (((Parkland school shooter)))?

Stop it? What are you a faggot? We accelerate it!
Might is right.

It’s says it’s anglo

Is he an incel? Or a spoiled brat who couldn't handle rejection? Unfortunately it is and has been the norm for men to ask and get rejected multiple times before they find someone, yet people nowadays can't handle rejection at all.
they won't. They'll realize other men are also incels, some of the pressure will be off, and they'll go back to playing xbox. A few murders here and there but mostly suicide.

Grab the shell, go to hell.

She only wanted to date Tyrone.