How do we fix the basedboy problem Jow Forums?

How do we fix the basedboy problem Jow Forums?

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Systematically remove them as you would with any termite or roach

Those guys are still far more productive and socially excepted than Jow Forums anons

They're called goys for a reason


Ok Maynard

Reeducation camps with harsh living conditions.

their eyes are soulless yet they are trying to convey another emotion by making their horse mouths larger for some reason

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I know some. They’re all techies making 150k plus a year. Meanwhile, OP is wasting his time posting about them. Lol

That's the point. These guys might look pathetic af, but damn, even they are better than local posters.

yeah, if their tech job/interest didn't exist they would be absolutely useless. Their social skills are like a door nail.

these idiots aren't making 150k a year

and yet they do exist lol

Basedboy LMAO

i hate soys

>Their social skills are like a door nail.
Yet in all those photos they are with friends/girlfriends/family.

if they're based boys why are they a problem?

This is the side effect of men working in redundant, toxic industries i.e. media.
The people I know who work in journalism, film, music etc know deep down that they only took these jobs because they were weak. The open mouth pose is one of submission. It signals this to the stronger males
>My mighty mouth vagina is ready for you, please don't beat me sir

Remember: every time you say a man gape his mouth, what he's saying is "I have nothing to offer but my warm, wet mouth-cunt"

wtf is the that thing at the end of the second line?!

With onions. And more soys.

There is nothing wrong with onions boys or basedboys

You’re right. They make 200k