Strasserist Thread

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sooo.. national socialism?

Ah yes, good thing that Hitler purged the SA so that he could plunge Europe in to the deadliest war in history, imagine if he instead improved the conditions of Germany's workers!

Meant to reply to this post

yeah bro it was totally hitler's doing and not the international kikes who were threatened by the loss of power.

Attached: hitler war.png (880x366, 254K)

Why shouldnt Strasser go to war against Poland etc to reclaim lost territory if nationalism also a core part of his ideology. Maybe an alliance with the soviets would be possible, but a war would break out anyways.

That quote is such cringe

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So the international kikes rolled their tanks in to Prague, Warsaw, Paris and Kiev? I thought that was the mustache man who killed millions of his white brethren.

nazism is cringe in general

you dont want nazi tanks in your country? dont rape and kill german women.

Attached: hitler poland redpill.jpg (717x292, 62K)

Hitler made a deal with the Junkers, who were fundamentally imperialistic and who were as content ruling over Germans as they were with ruling over Poles (that's how Empires work). If Hitler sided with the SA then Germany would have truly been ruled for the benefit of the German volk, which doesn't include getting millions of Germans killed for imperalistic gambles.

>the holocaust/all the other german atrocities aren't real
>but the ones perpetrated by the poles are!
Come on m8... Either way, it was their land. I think Hitler had the right to put every jew in Germany in an oven since they were parasites living at the expense of the German volk, so why wouldn't Poles have the right to put their German minority in to gas chambers if they saw them as parasites?

No way, revisionism from the Great war was too strong in Germany. And there were germans living in both Poland and Czechoslovakia. And an alliance with the soviets would antagonize the west even more than Hitler did in our timeline=>WWII.

no matter what happened there would have been war shit stain

R - What does your re-armament give? If Hitler reached this despite all the
bourgeois economists who surround him, then he was quite capable, in the absence of the
danger of war, of applying his system also to peaceful production. . . Are you capable of
imagining what would have come of this system if it had infected a number of other
States and brought about the creation of a period of autarky. . . For example the
Commonwealth. If you can, then imagine its counter-revolutionary functions... The
danger is not yet inevitable, as we have had luck in that Hitler restored his system not
according to some previous theory, but empirically, and he did not make any formulation
of a scientific kind. This means that insofar as he did not think in the light of a deductive
process based on intelligence, he has no scientific terms or a formulated doctrine; yet
there is a hidden danger as at any moment there can appear, as the consequence of
deduction, a formula. This is very serious. Much more so that all the external and cruel
factors in National-Socialism. We do not attack it in our propaganda as it could happen
that through theoretical polemics we would ourselves provoke a formulation and
systematization of this so decisive economic doctrine." There is only one solution — war.

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people who rape and murder women and young girls do not even deserve a nation. and your beloved russia was begging hitler to save them from bolshevik corruption.

Attached: hitler russia.jpg (386x533, 63K)

Influence from the orthodox church was still strong. But the moment Hitler came to "help" even ukrainians decided that soviets werent so bad after all.

Ah yes, war was inevitable which is why Hitler drove tanks in to Prague because the Czechs were going to invade, with their less than 1 million population! And don't forget Poland and France, France clearly built the Maginot line in order to drive tanks in to Berlin! No you see it's everyone else that is the aggressor never Germans.

.... and everyones money.

He got long knifed because his policies would take away not only the capital industry depended on, but also cause mass capital flight.

So Germans, who invaded most of Europe and raped countless European women, do not deserve a nation? Good to know, I'm glad Ahmed and Tyrone are making sure that will be the case.

I guess that's why Ukrainians are Communists to this very day. Oh wait.

Attached: hitler russia 2.jpg (1280x1738, 386K)

>NatSocs raped countless European women

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t. Tranny

Yes, what about it? Have you not heard of the Lebensborn program, which was state subsidization of the rape of European women by German men?

Noone is anymore exept Transnistria (even if its a hoax). But when the global economic crisis due to extreme debt hits, the east might remember they were a superpower once.

Women applied to be part of the Lebensborn program and only 40 were selected. kys you low quality shill.

>surround and corner and animal with he intent of enslaving it to your will
>dude wtf the animal lashed out at us, what an evil creature! he drew first blood!

Why do Hitler sycophants know surprisingly little about the degenerate shit he allowed to happen under his command?

>oy vey those evil nazis!

In all seriousness, a clear strasserist victory in Germany would be ideal in the long term for Germany and for Europe. I’m not a strasserist and I hate their socialist ideals and their lack of understanding of hierarchy, but the strasserist would not have led Germany isolated diplomatically. He would have allied with the west against Bolshevism. It was better than turning against the west, allying with the east, and then turning against the east.

Lmao where did you get that number, there were 400k European children kidnapped under that program, the rapes were in the millions.
Yes, you corner an animal by giving it ever more concessions. Clearly the allies allowed Germany to re-militarize the Rheinland, annex Austria and take the Sudetenland (against Check will), all before seriously militarizing themselves, because they were cornering Germany! You see, if you don't give in to every demand of a madman who is threatening a bloody world war then YOU are the one who started the war!

Yes somehow a traditionalist worldview without wanting debt and wage labour is somehow "neutral" fencesitting? Not at all like the Neo lib boomer "conservatives" Americans keep voting for.

Imagine Germany and the Soviet Union allying against the degenerate capitalist west. Ugh, what could have been..

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to be fair even other nazis hated the dirlewanger brigade and tried to get it shut down

funny how you neglected to mention that tidbit

So you approve of degenerate rape of European women and smashing the skulls of babies, fuck off you moron

>Lebensborn program
You stupid kike even your fellow kike resources prove you're a stupid kike.

Rebranded natsocism?

Like what the Bolsheviks did to German women and children?

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Incorrect, SOME members of SS high command didn't approve but the high ups in the party allowed it to continue unpunished

>muh concessions! they were totally cool with germany!
you act like they had a choice in the matter

I notice you still haven't came up with a reasonable rebuttals to Nazi approved rape units other than silly deflecting, typical mutt

the whole point of the soviet union was to get rid of the "four olds". meaning destroy any historical landmarks, architecture and works of art that basically prove its race existed. the soviets were the degenerates

i like how you say incorrect then basically confirm exactly what i said, are you fucking retarded or something?

>there were nazi rape units because my rabbi says so
>lets totally ignore the actual bolshevik rape units

A more communist version, yes

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Again, nice non argument

Wheres your proof of Nazi rape gangs? There is ample evidence of Bolshevik rape gangs.


Uh are you illiterate, that says 40% not 40 women you moron. There were millions of women who were raped and the children taken away by the program the figures are something like 400k children so the rapes are in the millions.

There’s nothing centrist about it, faggot

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Lmao I just provided you one you fucking retard or does the Amerian education system not teach you how to read, scroll up and look again

>they volunteered
>but they were also raped
seems legit

Uh Germany was almost completely disarmed after WW1, the allies could have rolled in their tanks with zero problems if they wanted to as soon as Hitler started re-militarizing the Rhineland.

None of them tried to "shut it down" fuck face, there were just minority dissenting voices disapproving.

fuck off kike

Attached: the 30 year old jew tumor cancer rabbi.jpg (600x590, 135K)

Nigger are you confusing Maoist China with the Soviet Union?

Your wiki page was created by a kike who also created holocaust pages. kys.

communism has about the same nationalism as capitalism. You fucks both die for jews

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Not quite. You see France was divided politically, it simply did not want a war as a it saw the terror of the first work war. But yes, militaristically, it could have smashed Germany and marched on Berlin, but it was simply avoided due to the fear of war and the division of France.

So every woman who gets raped by Ahmed or Tyrone at gunpoint was volunteering? That's good, I thought there was a big rape problem in Germany but apparently German women are enjoying themselves!

keep in mind communists invented this

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stallin hated jews though retard, and hitler collaborated with the bush family for funds.

False comparison. Women literally volunteered to be part of the Lebensborn and not all were even accepted. Stay defeated Rabbi.s

m8 the link YOU provided literally talks about how many other nazis tried to have the unit shut down but failed due to its leaders political connections

So which is it, were the allies cornering Germany and threatening war or did they not want war with Germany? If they didn't invade Germany when their army was in shambles why would they when it was at its height?

>implying I’m a Natsoc and not semi on your side
It’s the latter. Hitler was autistic in his expansionism, if Strasser kept his proposed foreign policy in Germany tomorrow, it would be quite successful in bringing Germany in solidarity with the West against Bolshevism.

rolled in the tanks and did what exactly, permanently occupy the country with military force? replace the extremely well liked populist government with a blatant hostile puppet government? im sure both of those options would have went over well lmao

Youre retarded

You mean like what happened after the war?

Based Hitler

I'm not sure what your argument is, I'm saying that the allies weren't going to invade Germany and that Hitler started the war, since if they wanted to invade they could have done so when Germany basically had no way of defending itself but chose not to.

i sure hope you didn't just compare occupying a completely broken and defeated nation to occupying a fresh one thats rife with hyper nationalist fervor and ready to fight a war even more devastating then the last one

Uh how are you referring to partisan warfare? Because that is not capable of defeating a standing army as can be seen with the German invasion of the Netherlands and the Soviet Union, you need to be able to win tank to tank and plane to plane. The allies could have easily rolled through Germany prior to the re-militarization of the Rheinland and then instituted a liberal poz democracy (like they did in real life) and I doubt much of the populace would even rebel since Hitler never actually won a majority vote. Yet they didn't and continued to appease Hitler and give in to ever more concessions, but I am to believe that it's the allies and not Hitler that started the war?

So Hitler in the end, betrayed NatSoc for the shekels. Would support the theory that Hitler was controlled opposition.

germany was a cornered animal lashing out which is proven with the power of hind sight by the fact that virtually everything Hitler claimed would happen/was happening came true, you say they could have just rolled the tanks and stopped him but im saying rolled in the tanks did fucking what? waste absurd resources occupying permanently the country? trying to maintain a blatantly hostile puppet government to rule over a fresh nation of hyper nationalists who are ALREADY out for blood? none of these options were particularly alluring

i never claimed they couldn't steam roll them militarily im saying a long term occupation was hardly a realistic option

>I doubt much of the populace would even rebel to a complete hostile take over of your pissed off hyper nationalist nation

thats a pretty fucking wild assumption to be making m8

its not neutral to take extreme positions from either side

And a Jew came up with Communism


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Give me more evidence for both of your cases. I didn't know about Dirlewanger until today, but now I want to know more.

Strasserism is completely ridiculous and a contradiction in terms. Just go back to being a nazi will you, I prefer an enemy that wears their own colours rather ours.


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Give me more evidence for both of your cases. I didn't know about Dirlewanger until today, but now I want to know.

Well, this thread ended fast

Of course they knew about the Dirlewangar brigade you idiot.

stalin had antisemitism laws in the ussr.

>stallin hated jews though retard

Kaganovich slipped him by then. lmao

stasser was a traitor faggot.

>stallin hated jews though retard

Kaganovich slipped him by then. lmao

>stallin hated jews though retard

Kaganovich slipped him by then.
