RESIST! We can Win!

We have to resist but we won’t gain anything through isolated acts of violence, such as Christchurch or El Paso.

This was tried before by the Red Army Faction in Germany they were extremely successful at killing business moguls, politicians and soldiers but ultimately failed to bring about a communist revolution or the control of capital over the state. The reason why is that they were just a group killing people that could easily be replaced, killing someone in a high position would ultimately be counter productive as there’s thousands of people clamoring for that position anyway and the state can withstand more blows than you can give it. It learns from each blow and is benefited from it, by trial and error alone the state will become more powerful, less fragile and you will only awaken its ire. There’d be no end to replacements for those in power, but there’s an end to people willing to kill them.

We as nationalists need to focus on community organising, becoming useful, forming social centers where people like us can safely meet in the flesh to plan and advance our goals and radicalizing the community against the system. The IRA weren’t just a bunch of murderers, they were the projected will of their communities. They were nothing without the communities they sought refuge in, recruited from, hid weapons in; gained material, financial and moral support from and used to give themselves legitimacy to the public.

You would effectively turn from being largely young angry men who might pop off now and again to a voting bloc, an economic unit, a collective that the government cannot attack without strengthening their immune system, without gaining their ire. A troublesome group that the state can’t kill away or oppress into subservience.

Successful movements are just the collective will of their people put in action. Your people aren’t weak, they’re lost, they want to resist but they don’t know how. We need to show them how!

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Hey retard you realize my entire point is to NOT commit terror attacks? That they’re bad for us and we should focus on non violent activities primarily before even thinking of violence?

Read the OP again.

are you referring to this ?
Still, you are right, random killings are extremely counterproductive.

>meme flag
Terror attacks are done by Mossad. There are no "lone wolf" mass shootings you fucking kike. There is no "we" or "us". Steve Bannon fucked up and Black Cube should have never worked for him because you're all fucked too.

alright dude you sound totally sane.

just fuck you man. are you actually only one person? because it's hard to believe more people could be that delusional.

Top effortpost.

Get. Fucked.

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Can you actually argue against what I said instead of spazzing out like the schizophrenic boomer you are?

problem with building communities is that you are immediately out in the open and will take a lot of flak. generation identity in europe tried that concept. they had community houses and so on. they are getting sued into oblivion all across europe.

t. mossad

ask yourself, do the jews want the US in a state of stable multiculturalism and support for israel or do the jews want the US in the throes of a pro-white anti-zionist revolution?

>ask yourself, do the jews want the US in a state of stable multiculturalism and support for israel or do the jews want the US in the throes of a pro-white anti-zionist revolution?


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you can't argue with lunatics. you'll never convince them.

Show flag.

nobody gives a shit about that report. it won't change anything. you're just a mentally ill fat moron.

did you know that FBI agents have a...wait for it...US flag?

Yes people do give a shit you fucking meme flag faggot. That's why Mossad is planning another false flag to frame Jow Forums and push more censorship to stifle discussion and dissemination of information.

You cowardly faggots are scared shitless because the house of cards built on lies is all coming down. The coup is gonna be exposed and you're all fucked.

based and redpilled

OP is based as fuck and absolutely correct.

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and if not. are you going to accept that you are a retard. or will you run after your next bullshit?


Every successful dissident movement had an overt political wing, and a covert direct action wing. The covert wing was always smaller than the overt, and both had logistical support structures that were far bigger than their public facing side.
Forming any sort of IRL network is priority as it paves the way for larger operations. These operations should be entirely focused on "getting the message out". The overt wing should be a public structure that resides at the edge of, but entirely within the Overton window. The covert wing will be using tactics such as IOTBW to push the overton window, gaining ground which the overt wing will promptly step into. Membership in these organizations must be segregated, and cellurized. Members of one should not be part of the other and membership rosters are out of the question.

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Getting sued for what?

Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer

violence is for when the anarchy arrives. until then your objective is to prepare for the waves of chaos and confusion, and directly act against the state and it's tyranny using Jesus-style tactics (war thru peace). there is so much you can do to be a thorn in the side of the sick fucks who rule, just wield logic and follow your intuition into the fight against evil.

Usually guerrilla groups and homemade armies arise from political parties—radical wings that advance the agenda while not officially being a part of it. When democratic solutions fail you have a recruiting base. That, and military defectors. But you need a cause first.

The formation of such networks should be accomplished through pre-existing IRL connections. Ideally, you would only join up with people you've known for years and connections between cells only would occur through similar connections across a geographical divide.

Naturally, this is difficult at this stage of the game as our ideas are still quite fringe. In this case, join or create an organization dedicated to a separate but compatible theme. A classic literature, prepping, gardening, technology, hunting, or amateur radio club, for instance. Use the club to cast a net, identify members who may be possible candidates, vet them through your regular interaction in the course of club activities, and then bring them into your inner circle.

Naturally, this method may prove difficult for the neets on Jow Forums.

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“...safely meet...”. Nice try “shiny shoes”.

Don’t argue with schizo boomers just bump and discuss methods of organising.

Thanks lad

"Getting the message out" is still our primary goal at this stage though, and while the internet is still our best means for doing this, we should by no means restrict our selves. A multifaceted approach is likely the best one.

The dissident right already produces a large amount of content, but little of this reaches targets outside of movement. While continuous indoctrination and morale boosting is necessary, we also need to focus on expansion. Online efforts are currently being thwarted by vigorous online censorship and lack of a positive movement. Even recipients of our messaging who agree are still left with the question; "so what do I do next?" We are simply lacking in overt organization. Most alt-right groups were outside the bounds of the overton window and therefore ineffective, and the ones with better discretion still mostly disbanded after 2017. Trump in 2016 fulfilled this role perfectly, and would have been a major force of support for us if he had actually agreed with our beliefs. But he did not, and did not shift his positions accordingly when our groups pushed against the overton window. This is why we must supply our own overt leaders who are loyal to our beliefs but maintain adequate public separation from them.

The belief that there will ever be a no holds bar anarchy to operate within is a myth. In the 1960s there was open revolt in nearly every major city, dozens were killed by the mobs, dozens by the cops, entire cities burned. And yet there was no race war, no anarchy, everything was brought to be just as usual by the state after a few weeks.

We need to have communities to act as strongholds, we need public support and we need active participants to the movement to be connected, coordinated and experienced for WHATEVER comes.