I am black guy but I have white soul (I listen to Richard Wagner and shit) and also I like to read about Aristotle etc...

I am black guy but I have white soul (I listen to Richard Wagner and shit) and also I like to read about Aristotle etc... I like mythology... And all that
Can I fit in a white society?

Attached: Everybody-Hates-Chris-768x460.jpg (768x460, 41K)

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I dunno but you can be my fren.


Nice my British friend!

It's better than liking "Lil-whatever" or other Lil derived rappers.

No but you can escape Brazil to a better black country like Nigeria or Ghana.


Why are all rappers nowadays called lil-something?

>listening to Richard Wagner is what makes you white
I don't even think I've heard a single white person I've encountered my entire life mention that name. Not sure why that would make you white anyways.

I would rather marry a mixed girl than a 100% black girl

There's people, white people, in white society, who have zero idea what you're talking about.

You can spend a few hours with my gf. Be warned it's gonna get kinky and involves nazi uniforms, bdsm and small rodents. I gonna watch in a auschwitz guard uniform, she will lead you trough the whole process before you enter the dungeon.

I know it was just an example
I just don't fit very much in black culture I prefer European culture

Never change Jow Forums
Pic related

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Statistical outliers happen.
However your kids will be as stupid as any other Nigger because of the mean reversal effect.

>Be smart negro in white society who tries hardest to fit and can make himself tolerated but no way fully accepted
>Be smart negro in negro society and achieve high status and respect among it with your abilities
Why would you choose former

Arthur "Bomber" Harris did nothing wrong. Krauts were a mistake.

Nope, fix your society.

Not in a specific ethno-state, but in white society yes.

>I have white soul
ever taken an IQ test?
also thoughts on Hitler?

Get a dna test, you're probably >50% white.

Everyone Hates Chris was a good show

>from negros
most negros would try to kill smart negro

>smart negros
>high status and respect from other negros
If you ain't a thug livin' da gansta life pimping bitches and smoking popo you ain't getting shit.

Whats wrong about letting my gf torture a negro to death?

>I am black guy but I have white soul
I have my doubts, but the grammar checks out.

Because they're what fags call "bottoms" who will suck producer shekelberg's schmeckle for their big chance.

Penis size

Do you wear glasses? If you do, you're white.

Why did everyone hate Chris? Was it because he was black?

Being black is not just color, even if you have some white ancestors doesn’t mean that you developed a white brain or that you lack the alleles to not chimp out when frustrated.... sorry my friend, but gather your non nigger black smart people and start your own group.

What do you mean by that? If an intelligent person have a child with another intelligent person, wouldn't the child have a great chance of being smart too?
(I'm not OP)

Pol is unironically the best place on the internet.

Attached: IMG_1517.jpg (727x465, 73K)

Society is bullshit.
Stay out of it, to keep your soul. Society will rip you down with consumerism and egomania.

Look here, fellow black man ... how do I say this? Continue reading the works of Aristotle, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, whomever writes about the nature of mankind and knows it all too well. You will then understand that your soul isn't "white", it's human and we're all vulnerable to the limitations that our mere corporeal bodies sustain. Better yourself in that regard to make us all better; black, white, whatever. The people on Jow Forums, these white nationalists and supremacists will never accept you, nor should you in the least favor such acceptance. They are biased and flawed to the core, their own hubris and malevolence reflect in their eyes and onto each other. They victims of their violence; if not now then soon. It's inevitable.

Better yourself to better mankind, and your worth will be unmistakable. .

I never tested my IQ but I think Hitler was a nice man that defended his civilization

Top kek

Well, I'm white and as long as you aren't racist and don't hate white people then you are as my brother.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

Aristotle literally stated that niggers(ethiopes, indus river helots and nubians) were animals.
Slow, sluggish of intellect, dim, excitable and with the faculties of small children or the elderly.

Only you.

>Brazil flag
>I am black guy
Checks out

Probably. Invest in some khakis and never leave the house unless you are wearing a shirt with a collar.


I call bait on this one.

Torture is extremely cruel. Your Oriental genes from Hun admixture are showing.

Youre not white Rufus, you can still lick whites feet

there is a place for you in white society, it's just at the end of a rope.

There is a place for you in white society, it's just at the end of a rope

>wouldn't the child have a great chance of being smart too?
>(I'm not OP)
No it's why most scientist that discover stuff don't have children that do the same, also most influential niggers who made it kids go back to being just regular niggers.
There is always a reduction to mean.

No, your penis is too big.

There is a place for you in white society, it's just at the end of a rope

You could maybe have fit in, but unfortunately your fellow niggers ruined that for you and destroyed any opportunity you might have had by being, well, niggers.

No, we won't be able to afford ANY darkies in the ethnostate, besides, we really don't need another poc claiming to be "European"

Doesn't mean he can't learn anything from the man.


If you let one in, they'll let the rest.
Always been the cases.

Your mission is Malcolm X pill your fellow nigs on the JQ. Discipline and refine them as we've done with you to prove your white soul before God. For the record, you're alright in my book. Also, nigger. Godspeed.

>Torture is extremely cruel
Negros are below animals, so i think it should be okay. I would never hurt a actual human or animal.


You have a white soul? You are clueless. Do you think you have the right to wear the flag of my birth? Listen here you retarded mongrel, worse than a racist is a nigger ashamed of his skin, you are the cuckiest bowing down to a 'superior' race. Turn to christ and understand you are more than statistic. I hope you man-up some day because thats not good enough for Brasil.

Good post

Do you have a criminal record? What was your household like growing up? Do you have any white genetics? If I questioned you about philosophy or mythology, would you be able to provide a coherent response? Are you going to have a family, and be a stable, responsible, mature, decent father and husband to your wife?

Just don't be a nigger, but know that nigger fame will always be a shadow over you.

Fuck you nigger.

motherfucking test post

So does every other black man honestly.

Thread reminder that everyone everyone hates black women.

Crabs in barrel theory. Black people as a community are guilty of this. One successful black man and the rest of community cry out and say that he makes them look bad. Blacks in their own communities do not want their own to be successful. This is what happens when the majority of the black communities are a bunch of neglectful psychologically damaged beyond repair incestious single black female mothers.

you can only have sex with other niggers

>can i fit in a white society
no. but you can re-create one with other "based" niggers. then you and your people can genocide the remaining niggers with actual Wakanda technology

No because as soon as someone says nigger you’ll start chimping out

yes...The only requirement is to not be a self centered weak motherfucker, and not a nigger...You sound like neither Sir...

desu if niggers were just as civilized as the rest of white people, nobody would really care about your skin tone or inferior genetics. is the black THUG CULTURE that bothers everybody. Look at south america, the ones that chose to be civilized live between all admixtures of genetic background and the ones who chose nigger gibberish are discriminated.

motherfucking test post

You should understand that 3/4 of white people have become more niggerized than the actual niggers. See, for example, this idiot who doesn't know who Richard Wagner is. Just be a decent person, and you'll always fit in with decent people.

This make no sense. Do you have any data on this subject?

I'm an ardent white nationalist that thinks hitler did nothing wrong, but I dont have a problem with you - though you should work to elevate your people and ahould not be a part of white society.

When the war is won I think our peoples can at least be good neighbors of not friends. As other anons have said, spread word of Elijah Mohamed, Malcolm x, marcus garvey and similar. We are not the same, but I would like if your people did well for themselves so far as we are not in conflict.

This make no sense to me. Have any data?

Just call it white culture, admit it is a better idea than african culture, and get black people to disparage the loser blacks that refuse to act white and civilized. Right now they do the opposite of that.

you can fit in wherever you want to, fren. Just be yourself.

I'm an ardent white nationalist that thinks hitler did nothing wrong, but I dont have a problem with you - though you should work to elevate your people and ahould not be a part of white society.

When the war is won I think our peoples can at least be good neighbors of not friends. As other anons have said, spread word of Elijah Mohamed, Malcolm x, marcus garvey and similar. We are not the same, but I would like if your people did well for themselves so far as we are not in conflict.

I live in a wealthy suburb. the blacks that in my neighbourhood are great people. great families. However, I drive 25mins and I am in mini Jamaica meets Somalia and I no longer want any more blacks coming to my country. period. Blacks will do fine when they are in a white society but only if they are the minority. once they hit start multiply and spawn everywhere you get Baltimore, st Louis, Detroit.

So does every other black man honestly.

Thread reminder that everyone everyone hates black women.

Crabs in barrel theory. Black people as a community are guilty of this. One successful black man and the rest of community cry out and say that he makes them look bad. Blacks in their own communities do not want their own to be successful. This is what happens when the majority of the black communities are a bunch of neglectful psychologically damaged beyond repair incestious single black female mothers.

Only if you promise to not procreate. Admission will be 5 jew scalps please.

No fuck off

I live in a wealthy suburb. the blacks that in my neighbourhood are great people. great families. However, I drive 25mins and I am in mini Jamaica meets Somalia and I no longer want any more blacks coming to my country. period. Blacks will do fine when they are in a white society but only if they are the minority. once they hit start multiply and spawn everywhere you get Baltimore, st Louis, Detroit. Blacks will always destroy anywhere they go when they are handed the keys to the city.


Everybody haates Chris

why cant I post

You need to use black American English...

I'm an ardent white nationalist and shit that thinks hitler did nothing wrong and shit, but I dont have a problem with you - though you should work to elevate your people and shit, and ahould not be a part and shit of white society.

When the war is won and shit I think our peoples can at least be good neighbors and shit, if not friends and shit. As other anons have said, spread word of Elijah Mohamed, Malcolm x, marcus garvey and shit. We are not the same and shit but I would like if your people did well for themselves and shit so far as we are not in conflict and shit.

And shit.

Thank you and good night and shit..

only if you inseminate me with that BBC

you can be an honorary Aryan.

This is exactly it and the reason black neighborhoods in USA are the worst places on EARTH.

1 or 2 will assiminlate fine, a bunch of them together will act like niggers. It is sort of why liberals think niggers are fine, they for the most part are NEVER the majority, they blend in with the hipster scene.

No you don't. No you won't.

exceptions do verify the rule but maybe better serve as a leader or a diplomat for your people?

Because you defend the lie of black oppression,
You defend the bad behavior of low class negros and blame white people for the normal pain of human existence.
Until you speak out loudly about the delusion that the negro owns Pain, you are an enemy of white society.


Yea sure but with 2 restrictions
1) You cant vote
2) You cant have kids

all are welcome, brother. i am sick of all of these contrived racial tensions. and i say that as a descendant of wagner.

there is no black power. there is no white power. there is only.. rabbit power.



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If you go to Africa and make a place that isn't a shithole, I would be very happy to see it happen. Why dont higher IQ blacks do that?

Lol same boat OP, dont worry about fitting in though just live your life doing what you enjoy and attract people with similar interests and values. Fitting in with whotes is only good if you fit in with good whites. Are you planning to move to a white nation?

That wont happen, he would just be outnumbered by the dumb negros. There is no fixing Africa, even the chinese have realized this and just use africa as a resource whore.