Would you refuse to date a woman if complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex, was narcissistic, had no confidence, and hated men? No. So why do we pretend the opposite is true?
Why do normie women hate right winger men?
Are you describing yourself? Pretty accurate description of the typical roastie.
everyone hates the alt right. They're just a bunch of mass shooter virgins.
First of all that describes women to a T and second yes, I would refuse.
Alt right doesnt exist tard
whores are not womens
stop fucking
They don’t. Most of them don’t care about your politics either way
Actually they like right-wing guys if they look well and do sport.
who knows
They hate us subconsciously because we are weak faggots that won’t take back our countries from the Jewish bastards that plague it.
They are dying for men to be men again and save the world and put them back in their place as house mothers. The current state of women is a massive shit test to get men to do what’s demanded of them. If we fail the shit test our species (whites) will go extinct.
Women love gamer NEETs, nobody wants a man who has no time for sex because he's too busy working for Mr. Shekelstein and doing boomer shit like watching TV.
>the more you hate them the wetter they get
we're talking about women here, logic need not of apply
It’s a bait thread. Women don’t care about politics beyond a surface level. They will eagerly fuck an actual neo nazi, a communist, or a pedophile for that matter if they’re tall and handsome enough. It’s a male conceit to think that they can control their attractiveness to women by acting or thinking a certain way.
I would 100% refuse to date a girl like that.
>Would you refuse to date a woman if complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex, was narcissistic, had no confidence, and hated men?
You just described thot SJWs.
here are some links to some news articles about far-right fascists.
Atomwaffen Division: independent.co.uk
National Socialist movement: adl.org
I'm too lazy to search for other examples but they're here. Being a conservative it pisses me off greatly to be somewhat affiliated with these terrorists. I hope Trump deports them next.
nice try gamer NEET
>Would you refuse to date a woman if complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex, was narcissistic, had no confidence, and hated men?
wtf there are loads of car crash women like this and they have no shortage of dates believe me. Even the ugliest most repulsive and bitter women have orbiters they can call up and have over in a moments notice.
A little old guy advice to you young bucks. Stay the fuck away from any cute quirky emo dark edgy girls. No matter how cute they, walk away. They are mentally broken from something you can’t fix.
Because women have bipolar brain wiring and can not think in terms of straight logic nor straight emotion. So every logical decision they make is tempered by their emotional fears of making the wrong decision. Thus they side with the opinion they hear the most. It's really that simple. Built-in confirmation bias. Inescapable need to be accepted.
Girls listen to my redpills and often reveal hatred for the so called refugees themselfs
might as well be a german thing but i dunno
this is why i joined nazbol gang
The last few shooters were literally socialist eco-terroists.
they don't
They don't though. Girls are attracted to fitness, status and dominance and nothing does it better than a right wing man.
I've noticed that good looking girls are especially like this.
criticizing women =/= hating women
are you kidding? if I were a working man the only thing I would want after a hard day's work is sex. I don't want sex with a landwhale lib, why would any self-respecting woman want sex with a male one? its just not appealing.
Did you double negative yourself there user?
Cos men will pretty much fuck anything no matter what it claims to believe, or even say.
I mean... I've... fucked entitled feminists who hate men. Didn't seem to hate me... but then my politics were unlike my dick, kept well under wrap.
i can't stop looking at that pic jesus fuck
why are you gay
Bot poster
They don't though. Girls are attracted to fitness, status and dominance and nothing does it better than a right wing man.
I've noticed that good looking girls are especially like this.
right winger men don't care what normie women programmed by MSM think Juden sage.
But it's true. All the cute girls are gamers.
>If I were a working man
Buddy, you don't know how soul-sucking that shit can be. Most NEETs aren't landwhales. Lots of us go to the gym, brah. Mommy pays.
lmao, Jow Forums is transforming slowly into Jow Forums but more retarded.
>Why are so many right wing men single?
>why do normie women hate right winger men?
Those are some of the threads going on right now.
Why the fuck a girl would want to spend time with a retard who spends most of their time in being anger at people and trying to transform her into a house cleaning, baby factory, instead of dating some chill dude who is not a retard?
I dont know man... is such a fucking mistery...
The right offers nothing positive for women, and constantly seeks to undermine them at every turn. It's no wonder they are hated by most women.
Hate working with them. Have a girl who is completely left, very passive aggressive, complains about how men are all the same etc.
I stay as far removed from everyone at work as possible, put on a fake smile, and make sure to only talk about work, I respond to non work with run-around fluff talk that doesn't agree or disagree with anyone's ideas, but occasionally you'll get the "haha you definitely voted for Trump then" comment or the dreaded "why is that so funny? Its not funny at all so why were you laughing?". Gotta stay on my toes so I can get rich without any fake charges dropped
yes normies
twitter schizos and shills arent normies
normie girls who arent thots or feminised trash (or shite) love the BWC big white cock but that has nothing to do with what we are talking bout here according to the optard
First of all you just reposted this from Jow Forums so what an extremely low effort post. But your answer is that women, even more so than men, are extremely dependent dependent upon their social standing amongst their peers and will do anything to be popular. They’re basically the NPC gender.
Wimminz are by nature liberal/leftwingers, men are by nature conservative/right wingers. That is not really a problem, you just gotta raise them properly, which men do not do right now, instead they act like beta cucks, allowing women to keep thinking wrong
Well for one thing male and female sexuality are different. You can do every one of those things and if you're good looking women for the most part will not care.
I have no problem getting women despite being natsoc in mindset, because I'm in shape and make good money. Maybe you're just an ugly bum. And if you're a bum, you should be worrying about improving yourself more than finding a woman.
Niggers are the highest mass shooters in the US you dumb, axe-wound tranny
I have no problem getting women despite being natsoc in mindset, because I'm in shape and make good money. Maybe you're just an ugly bum. And if you're a bum, you should be worrying about improving yourself more than finding a woman. If you're worried about what women think of you, you're already inferior.
Niggers are the highest mass shooters in the US you dumb, axe-wound tranny
Is that a psyche ward
These trashbags are an anchor/anvil in the evolution of humanity (aka men).
Why do you think they love and defend parasites so much? They are that too.
They're fully aware of it, so though they hate men they want to be where men are. Without men they would be living in caves.
As parasites they are, it's obvious that they have no boundaries, no awareness that if the host is too weakened, he too is in danger of perishing.
This. Women are followers as ascribed by nature. Whatever's the dominant culture they will adhere to. Their opinion about literally anything doesn't matter.
The left wants free abortions so when they let in immigrants and you get raped its no big deal.
Brainwashing propaganda. If you are Jow Forums and reliable, they will follow you. So /SIG/ retards.
>Would you refuse to date a woman if complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex, was narcissistic, had no confidence, and hated men?
What the faggot fuck are you talking about OP?
Right wing wing males, the we osmosis to create a right wing wife, and make families full stop. The liberals among us cannot be relied upon to create a new generation.
>Say what I want you to say or no pussy for you
No thanks.
Gamer NEETs with a magical non-wageslave source of income. Rich wasters basically.
>Would you blah blah blah
What the faggot fuck are you talking about, OP?
And then they brainwash white women to blame white men.
These threads couldn’t possibly be made by Asian masculinity, trannies, Jews, or chinks though right?
Why the fuck wont my posts post? And then suddenly they post and theres a dozen of them repeating themselves
>Why do normie women hate right winger men
They don't. Imagine thinking jewbots on twitter represent real people. The absolute state of Jow Forums's IQ
> complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex, was narcissistic, had no confidence, and hated...
And you have your modern normie woman.
>Would you blah blah blah
u wot
Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.
No confidence is a huge turnoff. All women bitch about stuff on the internet. Women only value politics when they can link an article to their FB page and get attention for being sooo caring. 90% of women function this way.
maybe where you live, not in the states my friend.
is this niggerglow?
i ain't a bot. Trump is dad. still these national socialists and fascists need to gtfo. I cant practice my political beliefs with these white trash trailer park cracker boomers ruining the world's view of the American conservative.
>tfw this is actually yheir narrative
>have sex so that you don't have energy to fight back
>boiling frog
I want off this ride
They aren’t alt-right
She looks comfy. She also looks like she probably needs a shower.
>one post
Learn to spot a glowing tranny bot thread faggots
They don't they just hate the ugly ones
Atomwaffen are national socialist satanist muslim federal agents set up to attract people who are edgy for the sake of edginess so they can trap them into saying that they are going to do something illegal
Jow Forums is being spammed by a mad shitskin
Two posts.
that is not a goth
Ok bot