Molymeme nooooooooo

molymeme nooooooooo

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Other urls found in this thread:

>false equivalence
why do plebbitors try to use buzzwords to prove a point?

Goy is okay, but this would cause outrage:

"A non-black person's name for a black person."

Oooo the Jew has waded into his comments

its what jewish masters called their slaves

>Jew tells white person that jewish racial slur for white people is fine
Well, I guess that settles it.


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Comments are spicy kek


it's not a jewish slur for just white people
it's a jewish slur for any non-jew

Jews will try to pilpul you and say "Goy" means "people". It is total bullshit from the hated-kikes.

The way you trip them up is to ask, "If 'goy' means 'people' then why do you have the expression in Yiddish 'goyische-kopf'"? Translated it would mean "people-head" which makes no sense. But if "goy" is an insult (which it is) then it translates to "cattle-brain". The Jews hate ethnic slurs, except when they are using them against us. Then they are OK.

Or call them the "chosen goyim."

I don't remember having a morning prayer thanking God I wasn't born a nigger. Goy has to be worse obviously.

If we want to change the severity of "goy", we just have to change how we refer to it, right?

Refer to "goy" as "the g-word" from now on. Let's see what happens.

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kek I back this

Or just say “why is heathen such a bad word?”

Refer to various Cohens and Bergs as goy and see how they react.

Call the various cohens and bergs "goy" and see how they react.

Base. Fucking jewish goys

Because they're midwits.

You can easily counter this by asking whats the difference between gentile and goy and why goyim is usually a term used edclusively jew to jew.

This, just start calling jews goyim, it just means people afterall, right? Are jews not also goyim(people)?

? Did he switch to Jonah by accident or something

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My only interactions with the Jews ended with them giving me $12k and a free bicycle. A young Jewess with big milkies also baked me cookies once. You all have the most warped perception of reality.

send this to moly

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Oy vey give it back. Taking God's chosen shekels from God's chosen people is antisemitism

"Hello fellow goy!" except unironically?

why is it literally every fucking time.

Fuck of jidf shill

Jews are fucking parasites. They likely Kiked you and you’re too dumb to realize it. That’s why you are called goyim.

i'm glad that your anecdotal experience differs from many of the sad realities being explored here.

uh oh

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NO NO NO! Shut him down!

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This is it, molymeme has gone too far. I'm afraid our noses tell it's time to shut it down permanently
There is no way he can keep getting away with this

>the g-word
does that mean kikes can't use it

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Of course they can, goy, false equivalency!! Oy vey!!

Pfffft you people will never win. Give up, they'll be more dignity in it. Seriously, you're on Arrakis and we're turning this world into ours. Little by little, everyone doing their part. You notice the little sprouts of green here and there and suddenly you're in a green world. OUR world. We've had thousands of years to get this far, cowards posting on a CIA infested website hardly poses a threat. I repeat. You. Will. Never. Win.


>meme of whites black Asian spic, looking into the camera
>Not Your Goyim

Jews aren't actually smart. They just pay off people to give them good results to get their kids into good college to give them a magic excuse for the nepotism of in-group preference. They're fucking idiots with extremely high verbal acuity. What niggers are to jumping they are to bullshiting.

>I said the name of le epic logical fallacy so I win
>actually used fallacy incorrectly like a boss

Also I’m sure fat greasy kike is reading this. Press W to wave at fat greasy kike

u wat m8

Whenever faggots go "muh logical fallacy" it proves they're low IQ. Call them out. Anyone intelligent doesn't need an appeal to authority or lazy "gotchya checkmate, I win" in lieu of simply making an argument against.
>that happened
quit posting this you dumb faggot
meme flag
please keep pushing kike, thank you

now considering 78% of all slave owners where jewish did they use the n-word or g-word?
i am genuinely curious

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Hmmm, that's an interesting query.

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they'd "shape" the form of government to a fascist mossad eu-like and say both means neanderthals

jews think in buzzwords only

My only interaction with them was when my dad asked me to help him one day at a job site. He needed another hand for removing a window. My dad's boss was a kike and tried to pay me minimum wage when it was usually $12 an hour for helping merely because I was a minor. The kike actually tried to jew me down AFTER the work was done and I worked for the agreed price of $12 an hour. My dad quit a couple months later because his boss was skimming my dad's paycheck to pay for the cost of me helping. Fuck kikes

Actually not. It isn't considered derogative among Jews. Shegetz and shiksa are if I'm not mistaken.

But I use the word "goy" to express my detest towards anti-Semitic subhumans on Jow Forums. Degenerate filthy scum who have no brains to outjew intellectually superior Jews.

It's like Moly wants to be punished.

>takes college debate 101 once

>My only interactions with the Jews ended with them giving me $12k

At 25% interest

>In Modern Hebrew, golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a mindless lunk or entity who serves a man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him under others.[2] "Golem" passed into Yiddish as goylem to mean someone who is lethargic or beneath a stupor.
Goylem wouldn't be a thing if goy wasn't derogatory.

Friendly reminder that this is a RELIGIOUS issue, not a racial. This behavior is the result of a toxic ideology.

Another thing that needs done is to never capitalize israel or jew. It'll trigger the shit out of them.

A thicc woman idol?

Highlights? He already blocked me.

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I think goy is pretty impolite, so I don't use it.
The N word is mainly offensive because of, you know, history

>oy vey jew is a religion
>oy vey what? I'm not white, I'm jewish
>white is a religion
I'd say the problem is purely genetic. The only cure is napalm.

Jews are a race or a religion depending on what’s more convenient

So yes... it's a Jewish slur for white people... no one said exclusively white people

Hahahahaha underrated as fuck

Jews are high IQ in general. They are good at math, music (perfect pitch is relatively common among jews), bullshittings, and business. there is a reason they are a force to be reckoned with. add to that a superior culture with a vast global network that works together and you have a people that can easily take over entire nations when given the opportunity to do so.

books that need to be written:
- the myth of antisemitism
- the myth of white supremacy
- the truth of jewish world power
- we are gentiles.

We are in an information war and we all have to do our part to actually give them resistence.

i just tried this
it's true. it's exactly how they behave and talk.

>ive been gaslighted by anti-intersectional nazi sympathizers for my histrionic personality disorder and fake news empathic insight

you could make a generator for this

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About time someone talks about jewish supremacism.

Did molymeme reply to that nose?


Fucken goycles

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>all the kikes seething in the replies

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Damn he’s been going so hatd lately. What’s his endgame?


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The chosen goyim

is this a fake satire account?

The point of a fallacy is that it isn't proper argumentation and is itself an argument. You can't counter stupid logically. In this case the person is retarded, as his argument of "this is also a derogatory word, contradicting your virtue against derogatory words" is correct. Retards use false equivalence as a means to try and stop any comparison which is wrong.

If you aren't part of the group do you get to decide what is derogatory? Nigger and Kike is no longer derogatory because I said so. Yea. Exactly how this works.

7/8 b8 m8
breddy good famalam
The.Writing.Like.This. faggotry was a nice touch

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Who gets to decide that one word is worth 10 oppression points and the other 2? Because that's fundamentally what the counter argument has to boil down to since the words are fundamentally identical aside from their target, a magnitude.

You failed 109 times, and you will fail this time too.

>phone posting
kys retard

Fuck off kike.

>Whenever faggots go "muh logical fallacy" it proves they're low IQ.
>logical fallacies are high IQ goys, trust me spread bullshit and disinfo
honk womp

Meanwhile the Talmud says its ok to rape kids.

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Pointing out a logical fallacy isn't an appeal to authority, which is itself a fallacy. The only valid response is to say that your argument was misconstrued and is not a fallacy. If you say fallacies only matter to spergs, you just lost the debate and are no better than people who reject logic as a white supremacist construct.

Oh my god
I just realized we call each other goy just like how blacks call each other nigger

checked mah goy

Good goy

Is this supposed to be a merchant?

Goy is our word (((they can't use it anymore))) it's like the n word to non Jews

>They are good at math
lol no
every notable jewish composer was second-rate
Which is bullshiting.

it is so hard to tell isn't it

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Stefan, this new schtick is getting old

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He's looking into the talmud and quoting Ovadia Yosefs "goyim were born only to serve us" numerous times

How long until he quotes our boy Adolf? That's the only pill left for him to take at this point

it kinda is.
So is "pagan" if you think about it, since its definition is "anything not semitic". Pretty xenophobic if you ask me.

Molly is showing you who rules over you, pay attention. He's gonna prove that even someone as harmless as him will be censored by the fucking kikes

So is it finally ok to call Mexicans niggers?