The background to all of this is that, although I am not a broke NEET, I am close to broke, underemployed at around $20/hr who jacks it to porn in his late 20s. Pathetic, I know but bear with me.
The reason is what I really get off to is literally inseminating a girl, getting her pregnant with my seed and being proud of her as she grows with my child. It sounds stupid and vanilla, but it has a particular meaning; having a kid and raising him or her well enough that they have friends and grow up to become functional adults is itself an undeniable accomplishment. Being underemployed and still living with parents throws a wrench into this whole fucking plan that I had, because such material/financial arrangements immediately proscribe me as a potential partner. It means that either my kid gets aborted, or I am on the hook for child support payments for the next 2 decades while the woman hops from cock to cock and my ids gets neglected and grows up to hate me.
It means that when I take my fantasy to its logical conclusion, it becomes a complete and total nightmare. It means that not only can I not attract a girl for sex or long-term relationships with a long-term perspective, I CAN'T EVEN ENJOY PORN AND MASTURBATION ANYMORE.
I literally cannot masturbate anymore, or I will hate myself. Here is the reason:
I tried nofap and ended up cumming in my sleep all the time so now i fap to stop myself having sex dreams.
Teach your sons not to masturbate. Save it for their wife.
I tend to enjoy the orgasm and stimulation more than the porn itself. It's very powerful and mess with you. However they say it takes only 21 days to change a habit.
You mean
>Get married
>Have kids
>Wife leaves you so she can have gib me dats
>You end up with nothing while your ex lives in your house with your kids and raises them to be pooftas
No thanks.
She's out there user. Waiting for someone like you.
When I need you
I just close my eyes and I'm with you...
Keep at it op and dont give in. Abstinence from porn and even from ejaculation will build character.
Or just marry a virgin so she won't divorce you
I’m on day 5 of nofap. Since I started school, I’m too exhausted to jerk off.
I'm on day 2 of nofap. I get urges to suddenly wank one out but I'm holdin in there. Wish me luck lads.
Pray you dumb idiot people haven't just been doing it since forever for no reason. Pray for wife material. In Latin
The urges will go away after a couple of months, half a year.
Went 14 days fapping without porn...broke my streak today.
what does it matter anyways?....
ignore women. play videogames. fuck this declining wreck of a country.
I was on 6 days nonfap, but then I dreamed about my cousin and couldn't handle it, felt really guilty because I was really willing to do it right.
dont worry about the trials of you see wetbacks worrying about it with their 5 kids? Why should you? The MSM has poisoned whites with doubts of “overcrowding, global warming, childless families” etc... You can live comfortably on $20 an hour, as long as you arent in CA.
>what does it matter anyways?
I'm addicted to porn, and it take a major portion of my day up thinking about it and fapping to it. My dick and mind isn't even sensitive to stimulation anymore so I have to fap for long periods of time to porn that I immediately have to incinerate my hard drive for lest someone discovers boob hanging black shemale midgets in my history.
i've went without masturbation for a while. though i get aroused i never came in sleep, it's like there's a barrier. especially when i have dreams where am going to fuck a girl but then the dream ends or does something else. it's fucking weird
hard to tell bro. even when you think they're a good christian virgin, you can't be sure. best thing you can do is literally get her naked then see if she has a hymen lol.
I wake up multiple times a night needing to masturbate, i usually fap like 2 - 3 times during one whole night..
>dreams where am going to fuck a girl but then the dream ends or does something else. it's fucking weird
same here, i don't fucking get it
I don't understand the male compulsion to be constantly masturbating. Fuck, maybe just don't put your hand on your dick? What do you think people did before porn?
Stop fucking diddling yourself you mongs
I notice as the years go buy with no sex I fap more and more. 3-4 times a day and Im 33. I think it's my body telling me it has been too long.
Just get high dude. You’ll have the best jerk you’ve had in a while.
>The reason is what I really get off to is literally inseminating a girl, getting her pregnant with my seed and being proud of her as she grows with my child.
See picture.
I suggest you masturbate though, before your sex drive goes around full circle and you become one of those guys who's fetish is never having sex.
Get a flashlight faggot stop thinking about rubbing dick
I'm married and usually only orgasm when she does. It's the only real turn on you should have. Otherwise if she says rape me or gets on her knees and blows me then I just care about myself
Wait, $20 an hour is underemployed? Well I’m fucked then.
Sorry I stopped reading 3 lines in
Great blog post. Subscribed!
How in the hell am I supposed to fap to this post user? Please use sexier language. THanks.