Why did the party of John F. Kennedy fall?

Kennedy is one of the best Presidents we ever had, but (((they))) had to murder him in order to push both poverty and totalitarianism by calling it "progress".

The Democrat Party died with Kennedy, and will never recover. I fear that the Republican Party will die with Trump, although it was just slightly better than the Democratic Party after Reagan left office.

Attached: JFK.jpg (790x1024, 136K)

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>pissed off the CIA
>pissed off several high ranking generals
>pissed off the FED
>pissed off Israel
Kennedy did not have many friends. Honestly the Soviets liked him more than his own triple letter agencies

What are good things accomplished by President Kennedy?

I wish he never died. I mean he would most likely be dead by now unless if he would live to be 102, but I meant not assassinated. Then we would never had any problems with Leftism or Cultural Marxism.


he was a degenerate but at least he didn't like the joos

he would have still gotten us in vietnam, whether it turns into the same shitshow im not sure
However LBJ's great society, im unsure if that would have happened or not if JFK didnt get assassinated.


He's only the "best" because he died before fucking up like everyone else. Imagine if George H.W. Bush died in 1990 before the economy crashed, he'd be the most loved president in history.

LBJ wanted that, and the War on Poverty, to keep blacks impoverished and for them to continually vote Democrat (and thus started the rapid downfall of the Black community when it was in the process of healing). LBJ was ONLY Vice-President to secure the Southern Votes, otherwise, LBJ wanted JFK dead (and was even hitting on Jacqueline Kennedy just after Oswald put a bullet in JFK's head).

Everyone who put JFK to death should have faced Capital Punishment.

If that was true, then everyone would believe that Zachary Taylor, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley were the best Presidents ever. Nobody knows anything about Old Rough and Ready except that he might have died from cherry poisoning. Everyone thinks about the cat when they are told about Garfield, and the only reason people know of McKinley, was because his name was on a mountain once (even though we should seriously consider meming McKinley back into public consciousness, since he is easily in the top 10 Presidents).

An user posted a very good video analysis here did on why (((they))) assassinated him not to long ago. Along with the consequences afterwards.

Don't know have the link. Don't know if any of y'all do


because the CIA shot everyone. Don't ask stupid questions.

The only thing I found was this:

Not a video at all though

That's because they were too long ago to matter. People alive today remember JFK. He's in the vague "period of history" between the founding fathers and WWI that most Americans know almost nothing about.

Lincoln is the one exception because the Civil War is taught every single year of school from grades 2 to 12, and is the only event anyone knows from that period of time.

Did they have photography back then? Face it, Kennedy is a Boomer meme solely promoted by self-serving people who project whatever they want onto his brief presidency. He's a myth of the media that has no relation to the sick man who was dying from Addison's Disease and getting meth shots and having psychotic breaks.


>Fell asleep on watch when his submarine got attacked
>Hung out on an island for 2 weeks after getting his entire crew killed
>Exploited the grieving mothers and widows to get elected
>Fucked up the Bay of Pigs
>Tried to save face by invading Vietnam
>Chose nigger loving kike LBJ as his VP
>Pushed for civil rights and nigger equality
>Appointed his nigger loving brother as AG
>Policy dictated by his senile dad and his retarded roastie sidepiece
>Teamed up with the ADL to write "A Nation of Immigrants"
>Advocated liberalizing immigration law

He was the original Justin Trudeau. A media darling who was so "cool" and "dreamy" living off his daddy's fortune and while actually just being a retarded airhead progressive faggot.

Attached: ANationOfImmigrants.jpg (261x381, 15K)

Yeah, and they sent the nasty girls after him; just like MLK...better than a navy walrus, but kinda disrespectful they used reservists. Guess that’s why they dishonored their oath

Kennedy didn't even want LBJ, he wanted to have Stuart Symington as VP but LBJ could rig Texas for him and electoral fraud was how he won.

Kennedy would have won even without Texas.

Good thing his dad had Richard Daley stuff ballot boxes in Chicago as well.


Found it. States around 7:00


Found it. States around 7:00