RETAIL APOCALYPLE - over 700(!) stores could close as Forever 21 faces BANKRUPTCY

>Trump's economy is going gangbuste-


>Forever 21 Prepares for Potential Bankruptcy Filing

>Forever 21 Inc. is preparing for a potential bankruptcy filing as the fashion retailer’s cash dwindles and turnaround options fade, according to people with knowledge of the plans.

>The company has been in talks for additional financing and working with a team of advisers to help it restructure its debt, but negotiations with possible lenders have so far stalled, the people said...

>Forever 21 is one of the biggest mall tenants still standing after a wave of bankruptcies in the retail sector... If the chain were to close a significant number of stores as part of the restructuring, its landlords could have trouble filling the vacancies. Indianapolis-based Simon counts Forever 21 as its sixth-largest tenant excluding department stores, with 99 outlets covering 1.5 million square feet, according to a filing as of March 31.

>Founded in 1984, Forever 21 operates more than 800 stores in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>people don't shop at malls anymore
>mall stores close when malls close


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Who gives a shit about your overpriced garbage clothing? Do you think that this clothing store is the only one in existence? Fuck off. Sage

>I have no idea what Amazon is

Forever 21 is one of the biggest mid-range retail fashion stores in the US.

>Forever 21
>not forever
This is Drubmpghs fault! It was supposed to be forever!!

>what is amazon

Good, all these useless commerce are taking up prime real estate. Shop online bitch.

based millennial parents not buying this garbage for their whiny kids

I don't believe they sell plus sizes, so this makes sense to me!

>Forever 21 going bankrupt

Good. That place is trash and belongs in the trash heap of history

Forever 21 worker here. No one said anything to me about this yet so calling fake news.

How any retailer can justify keeping hundreds of stores open when faced with online shopping is hard to understand. The internet is not going away and physical retail locations are not just going to magically beat online prices

I BLAME MILLENIALS! fucking lazy, basement dwelling, entitled INCELS! They should get 5th jobs if they fucking have to but they MUST shop at these boomer owned establishments! Suffering of boomers at the hands of millennials must stop, NOW!

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Is Forever 21 a store for plus size women?

why don't these retarded mall owners convert to office buildings and rent that space to internet startups?!

Well if they stopped trying to dress young women up as urban baby prostitutes....

Depending on what you do at Forever 21 there is no reason for the company to tell you until they are forced to tell you. Best to keep you working as normal until everything is final and then they bother letting you know that the store is closing

Why don’t they turn abandoned malls into indoor garden apartments for millennials?

This nigger is spamming every keyword it knows

They have that, yes

Dude, if I knew a year ago that F21 was in trouble and I didn’t even work for them (did in 2008), you should have known. You know it sells shit Chinese clothing that others can find on Shein and other nip websites. GTFO.

More like...
>Why don't malls lower the rental rates on spacing and bring in 1-of-a-kind shops that can only be found inside their malls, driving in foot traffic due to people wanting to shop unique and local store fronts that cater to niche markets.

Forever 21 ain't even that good, so bye bye.

So what? Obviously they are over extended. Why do so many people here think that every one event will spiral into a full out collapse. Too much mental illness and miopia here

Going to take a wild guess and say zoning laws are why you can't turn retail space into living space.

wow it's the same nigger that posts this dumb shit every time a shitty brick and mortar store goes out of business due to internet trends

What is this, 2011? Fucking retard, take your bullshit idea the hell out of here.

never heard of it or ever been there.

yang predicted this.

recession isnt the same as the economy is changing. My girlfriend rarely bought anything at forever21 because she said the styles were too boring and they didnt try to update their fashion.
Personally though i was suprised, i thought f21 would be the one store to avoid the retailapocalyse.

also i think its not that online shopping will take over retailstores that offer intimacy via costumer service will survive. Go into any mall store and try to find a rep to help you look for something...everyone is too busy folding clothes or taking a coffee break.
The economy is changing people wont goto into mall for shitty costumer service when they can just go online

It's a shitty, obnoxious store for faggots and women, and I hope they all go under. Only niggers and latinx creatures go to the mall anyway.

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Prime real estate for what? More condos for chinks like you?

Are you literally retarded? What does anything I have to say deal with 2011 or any more inane as "make office space for startups"? You're literally throwing a fit over semantics; no, retail bad, office, good. Fuck off idiot.



how are these low rent niche stores going to buy yachts and vacations for the boomers?!? Millenials need to stop thinking about themselves and start spending everything they earn at these malls! There are plenty of credit cards and loan programs out there!

>giant obnoxious corporate chain going down the shitter
>this is somehow trump's fault
>even if it were it'd somehow be a bad thing

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>$13 jeans

Why are you even bothering, user?

I stopped going to malls long before they placed giant signs that explained their code of conduct at every entrance for our dark skinned friends....

she is qt and I would totally fingerblast her.. but just because they look like jeans doesn't mean they are jeans and will last more than a month of daily wear

>Why don't malls lower the rental rates

Because then they won't be able to pay their payments to Shekels and Sons bank, and then the mall will close anyway

You mean the signs that say no weapons?

Thats what Andrew Yang wants to do.

>will last more than a month of daily wear
pretty much nothing there will according to my gf which is why i was calling that user a retard


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it wont all be condos, it will be pod bunk beds that cost $800 to $1000 a month you pay so can be close enough to work so your shitty PAJEET manager who is based in bangalore can berated for you losing the company a couple cents in down time when you had to take a bathroom break....and screams -thats what "the bucket" is for.


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niggers ruin stores lol

30% of malls are going to close in the next 10 years. Have you not been listening to Yang?

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It's not that fucked up, people either want convenience (amazon) because they're lazy fat fucks or handmade hipster type shit because they're try hards trying to look unique and worldly on their insta profile.


Just goes to show you can't be 21 forever

Forever 21 is a store for 30-40 something roasties to dress and act like they felt when people will still chasing after the lukewarm wrinkly mass of raw hamburger they have between their legs.

Hence the name.

On August 29, 2029 skynet becomes self aware.

Should I buy 50 dollar chink shit from forever 21 or 10 dollar chink shit from Amazon

>business with antiquated business models are going bankrupt

Shopping malls are shit. Good riddance.
Local markets are so much better. Some things about the third world are indeed better than the first world.

City Council is to retarded to make them residential zones.
Make a post office and little village store center, the rest of it apartments.
Seems easy.

Forever 21 is for teenage white girls... so yeah there are a lot less of them.
The brown "people" buy cheaper clothes at WalMart.
Prices are going up faster due to Trump's tariffs.
Retards keep wanting to increase the minimum wage, so that puts upward pressure on prices too, especially in retail.
Local governments keep jacking up taxes and regulations too.
Retail stores for nonperishable items cannot compete. People can wait a week to get shirts and pants in the mail.
Consumer debt in the USA is way too high.
The USA also is seeing reductions in standards of living, so yeah third world countries do not spend as much on retail items.

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Uniqlo is way, WAY better quality for price than the crappy American mall junk stores. Just a matter of time before they die.

>Prices are going up faster due to Trump's tariffs.
Clothes are not made in CHYNA tho

A lot of clothing is made in China.

witnessed for wisdom.

Fuck JCP!

John cash Penny is rolling in his grave because you fucks ruined it!
(Not Jow Forums, the management (

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Your idea is shit regardless of the year. Niche, unique stores do not bring people into malls, large broadly appealing anchor stores do. You obviously failed Business 101 or never even took it. Stop shitting up the already shitted up internet with your made up bullshit. You are not smart.

Yet that's wrong. Currently, in my city, the most trendy and fashionable place to shop is literally a huge, closed down grocery store that was bought and re-opened a "flea market for rich people". Tons of unique, niche stores operating within the confines of this old grocery store, selling anything from hand made soaps and candles to extravagant furniture and everything in-between.

Garbage stores that sell cheaply made garbage for way too much money are failing and being shut down??
Oh. Okay.

They should rebrand themselves forever 31 as the roasties who buy from them will soon age always saying they're "31" despite being 40 year old dusty hags.

1) A supermarket is not a 200 store, three story mall with 1000s of parking spaces.
2)Niche markets, by their very nature do not have broad appeal.
3) One successful business does not mean the success will be replicated elsewhere. Anybody who has ever taken a college level business class can tell you this. You are not an expert, either educate yourself on the matter or STFU. Talk about subjects in which you do have expertise.

Chink flag calling another Chink flag a Chink. You must be a Newfie.

And nothing of value was lost

Time to grow up!

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It's hilarious that OP keeps fear mongering with the store chains closing like anyone under 65 actually gives a shit, fuck malls, fuck annoying teenagers, fuck old people doing their walk on the mall, fuck the whole culture.
It's consumerism cancer

So the fuck what, like fashion is even gonna matter when it all comes crashing down


This kek

These stores are closing for reasons unrelated to trump

I have never been to a Forever 21 and now I guess I never will.

Physical retail will evolve into a high-end status-symbol endeavor as the low end migrates online chasing low prices.

>Forever 21 Prepares for Potential Bankruptcy Filing
Well I guess we better sue them for false advertising before they completely collapse.
You know. Cause they can't be "Forever" anymore...

The inceldom is of an angry vintage in this one.

I want to go a dead mall. All the ones around me are always packed.

Good. I'm glad the High Street is failing. Too many nogs, dunecoons and pakis ruining the shopping experience.
I got to a shopping town sometimes and you have to go early before 11 o'clock. That's the white shopping hours. After that 3rd world shite floods the streets and shops, creating a very unpleasant experience for myself. The smell, sight and sound of these people en-masse makes me sick.*

*I know not all of them are that bad but you get a group of them at random and they'll be shitty.

This sucks. Forever21 was the source of the most top tier spycam videos. So many mommies and teen daughters getting naked together and groping each others' boobies. That's the kind of moment you can only find in such stores.

our country is flooded with welfare recipients and immigrants. they cant afford anything but walmart. too many damn clothes anyway why arent clothes disposable.

They're getting BTFO by fashion nova

China has become too expensive over the years, most of my shirts come from India, Bangladesh or American Samoa

At this point people should be walking about completely nude. Its not as if we're not headed that way anyways and it would save on clothes to show tit.

A lot of American clothing is made in China.
Some in Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.
It think this story is funny about a patriotic tradthot

Niggers ruined public spaces, these stores deserve to close for their complicity

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>youtubers market sites and apps to people that will be their stylist for them at a premium price
>the upper middle class are using these and not going to retail stores
>middle class buying clothes through Amazon, Walmart and Wish
>below middle class buying clothes through Walmart and Wish
>retail clothing stores not making money because Americans figured out how to shop from home
Truly 'tis a mystery!

i was a child runway model for jcpenny. now i'm a scabby dead eyed loner filled with bitterness and regert.

i was a child runway model for jcpenny. now i'm a scabby dead eyed loner filled with bitterness and regert. why i remember it like it was a while ago, i wore vission street wear, then quick change into cross colors with a nike back pack. yeah i thought i was something back then. the only satifaction i get nowa days is giving my slaves abortions.

Wholly (hehe) attributed to e commerce rather than any slowdown.