I’m not ashamed of my body

I’m not ashamed of my body.

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explains why white models get bred by black kings

bro, you absolutely should be. drop the ho-hos and go for a fucking walk NOW

You will be

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hapa boi

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Weird how this thread always pops up along with multiple BBC threads. Same memeflag too.

you look like an oversized baby
you should remove all your hair and find someone willing to pay for this fetish.

You need to lift weights man.
Get a 25 lb. Dumbbell and carry it for 1 year

I am.

Why do pre-teens insist on posting here?

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neither is (You)r president

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You should be though.

it's Tenda Spencer
that's him naked

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Lol, a fucking smoothskin? C'mon tranny cuck boy, don't be afraid to worship your aryan master.

back to plebbiitt faggot

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that's Tenda Spencer naked

You should indeed be ashamed of yourself, Imagine moderating an image board for free.

you can kneel too, faggot

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shut up blonde sissy

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I’m jealous of your clear and smooth skin, bottom boy. Your curves are nice and evenly distributed. I’d be happy to drain your load.

you should be

well you should be

you should be.
i would unironically kill myself if i looked like that.



Hey good for you. You are beautiful just the way you are.

At first I thought you must be the Amazing Atheist, looking for attention seeing as your channel is dead. Then I realized your pee pee is too big. Well played user.

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I agree, the nigger is smooth af

Nigga I'm ashamed for your fat little dick having ass.

came here to post this