
was watching Gran Torino with my gf of 3 years (white) and she told me as of late she’s been feeling like she could never be with or procreate with other races because it seems like it is wrong to ruin her family lineage. She likened it to how people breed dogs to not “extinct” them. She said other races can do it, and that it’s bullshit that white people are racist if they say this.

She is a registered Democrat and gets pissed off when I say racial slurs, would still identify as “liberal” if you asked her.

Remember fellas, what women say they are and what they do are totally different things.

I know a lot of guys that one-night stand “conservative”girls who are coalburning cock carousel roasties.

Stay straight gentlemen.

Attached: 44448CF5-6C50-4933-A8D3-A2C306C5ACCF.jpg (599x803, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you white?

bro, I have met conservative women but what a total snooze in bed.
Is there any conversatard who can take a cock up the ass? Jesus

Yee nigga

In every study I've seen, females of all races prefer White men, and White women do the most, even within that group. The niggers and other shills try to distort reality; don't believe them.

doesnt sound like it..

The answer to that is a resounding no my dear retarded leaf

She's saying that to appease you. I say this as a white guy. You're probably revealing your power level too much. Don't let your guard down

If you're want to poopdick then you should become faggot.

Pussy leaf. I revealed my “power level” early on. She’s coming around to it more and more.

>Yee nigga
no you aren't you nigger

I thought i was on Jow Forums for a second.

dis bitch be trippin'

Das right. We wuz Kangz

>I don't like female asses
you guys are gay or something?
who the fuck doesn't want to smell that sweet poo box?

A (butt)fucking leaf....

you're a homosexual in denial

she thinks your an alpha male then, congrats, now impregnate her while shes young so your kids aren't autistic retards

a woman's asshole is less than one inch away from her pussy, if you're fucking her from behind you can see both and her ass cheeks as you cum in her, if that whole package doesn't turn you on then you are 100% confirmed a faggot

and if you go down on her why can't you lick her asshole too

they prefer wealth, which in the world mean white.
if it was the other way around, and lets say gooks or niggers or spics were the dominant race around the world, the standard would switch to that of the top. people hate us because they know white men are at the top. we always have been. Women from all races know this as well. But what you dont understand is that its not just because of race, its because of what is tied to our race.

That's the best kind of ass, small and tight.

You're naive. She is just saying what you want. My ex was a leftist (all women are) and so was I, then I took all the redpills, and tried to redpill her like you think you're doing. For a while she agreed with everything emphatically.

You are right, appeasement is one of their strongest mechanisms evolutionarily. They will put up with quite a lot, a lot will secretly hate you, but even remain loyal, because they have animal brains and just want you to goo their goo-hole and give them children, whether they act like they want them or not, their brains want them. Also it keeps them relatively safe from beatings, traditionally.

That's a no then

There is no anatomical difference between her asshole and mine.. or yours... or any other guy's, you faggot.

she's lying. your girlfriend will leave you for a black man.

Attached: bmwfhappylife.jpg (1080x1107, 147K)

>if you like to please women by tongue punching their fart box, you're gay
bro, you've got it upside down

If only you know how bad things really are.

Attached: Screenshot_20190830-001238_Chrome.jpg (946x1279, 458K)

I love how ALL successful black guys end up with white women.
Hate them till you join? Blacks want to be whites so bad....

That kid is so fucking ugly. Holy shit, imagine what these women must think to themselves when they look at that mongrel.

I think I've developed Tourettes as I will genuinely walk around my house shointg "fuck niggers xd"
>my gf doesn't give a fuck

Attached: 89e186381849e339821779705114c188.jpg (500x671, 52K)

This. The chameleon picks up on what you like and mirrors it.

they look very happy together as a couple. stop hating and being jealous.

Attached: heydadthisismybf.jpg (732x768, 101K)

>coping that hard
I'm not a monster, I know you feel like shit, I would too if I were a nigger...
Hate on your parents, bro

>your girlfriend
>you holding the camera

Attached: heywhiteboi.jpg (427x565, 41K)

No I don't have a GF. You are trying to get back at me for being empathetic with you and it makes you feel even worse.
Bro, I'm so sorry you're a filthy nigger...

i'm just telling the truth about the future of white girls and white bois... i'm okay being a filthy nigger as long as i get to bang these hot white princesses with my orc dick while the white prince jerks off his sword...

>pic related is a bachelorette party. i'm sorry husbando, but your waifu is bending down for black cawk

Attached: Black Worship.jpg (1092x960, 111K)

Niggers are so ugly and pathetic they have to leech off of white people and white genes.

14 days of nodal destroyed in seconds, fuck you op. Now post moar of her.


i think you mean the opposite. the reason why white girls desire our more masculine and stronger black genes is because we are seen as a luxurious jewelry, we are like a diamond to the white people. breeding with us superior black men is a privilege.

Attached: cutegermancouple.jpg (1399x1830, 1000K)

why white white envy tho? why you so mad?

who's mad? who's envious? the only one who is mad here are white bois and the only ones who are envious are white girls... envious of the glorious, stupendous, magnificant, BBC.

Attached: bbcvsswc.jpg (502x458, 23K)

I've never seen a baby so confused and mad at its own ugliness.

Human females are lying manipulative trash.
Your gf probably fuck more nigger dicks than most.
She is just telling you what she thinks you want to hear.
Stop being a blue-pill retard.

Attached: 1562496530074.jpg (600x600, 59K)

Oh i see, there is no conversation to be had, you want to stay in nigger mode

You are gay

That is a spic in the OP picture.

okay, i'm sorry. i'll break it down for you, the only future you have for yourself at this current moment is to find a white ai fembot. since you don't have a girlfriend, it should be easier for you. i will impregnate and love your potential woman in your place. i will make sure she is happy... good luck canadianbro

Attached: 3DPD VS FEMBOTS.jpg (1024x781, 174K)

you can have them all bro
then what?

Unironically kill yourself. Americans should be rangebanned, you are all so fucking stupid.

mutts are low tier posted, now even a 1st world country anymore

then we will live a happy life. i will invite you to the wedding as the photographer.

Attached: whitegirlsaidyes.jpg (634x424, 63K)

>what are you spooks up to
Best part of the whole fucking movie

Kek she's already been blacked

I'm sure you think bj's are gay too

Hey guys, Black user here

Attached: download.jpg (640x480, 29K)

What are your thoughts on black women dating white guys?

You aren't even black.

hey guys, incel user here calling out other anons here

Attached: (you).png (454x520, 13K)

i am.

Attached: blackarm.jpg (602x452, 53K)

I bet you lose your shit at the sight of a White guy dating a Black woman.

>calling anybody a mutt

Your nation is becoming mongrelized faster than the USA.

That pic is fake dude.

You aren't black you are Asian.

ewwww, why would anybody do that. Do not indulge this fake ugly nigger larper.

lol that's ok. i actually prefer white women over black women.

Attached: WhiteGirlSlave.png (703x698, 1.03M)

Hey guys, debt free virgin with no tattoos here

Pussy beggars and females fear the truth more than anything.
You need to come to terms with reality and the female enemy.

Attached: 1564476427434.jpg (800x1915, 500K)

Of course you do, you are a jewish shill

That's brown skin color Pajeet

fake nig larper. post a timestamp you fucking kike

Okay faggot, that's why this same pic is on Quora quora.com/What-is-the-likelihood-of-changing-dark-skin-to-light-skin

Attached: Aw.jpg (400x490, 22K)

check posts here amerimutt

Attached: Creatura.jpg (777x777, 94K)

Then you are okay with white men dating black women.

Yes, that's what Israeli Jews like you look like

We get it you are a leaf larping as a Nigger.

I'm supposed to believe a woman used the word 'lineage'? Fuck off larper. You have no gf.

Attached: puhlease.jpg (600x600, 35K)

that's me user

lol i am black tho .

Attached: cat.jpg (367x446, 41K)

No, your grammar and spell are far to go for a nigger

Seriously, if you want to larp as a nigger, you need to fuck your grammar and spelling up a bit more than that

Then they didn’t really like you. When a conservative monogamous woman fully submits to you she goes all in and just about anything goes. They are awesome.

Post selfie and not a random image from the internet.

i know this isn't my blog but this honestly reminds me of when a girl asked me to be her bf and i accepted out of autism despite the fact that i didn't like her and she was ugly. she dragged me to west edmonton mall where i picked gran turino as the movie, we watched it, i met her mom and shit, then i just fucking dumped her because i wasnt even interested in the first place but i was autistic and didnt know how to deal with her advances




Kys LARPer

Not really envious, those women look kinda second rate.

lmao so you're using a meme that mocks Americans due to their % of black blood?
I mean, I would also hate myself if my skin couldn't be distinguished from manure.

i am an educated person of african descent, thank you

sorry, but i want to remain anonymous for self esteem purposes

that's me... i uploaded a photo of my arm, and it got spread.

if you say so swede. is it true that i can score any white swede chick for being a minority?

Attached: whiteboistarterpack.jpg (1280x978, 419K)

>i am an educated person of african descent, thank you
So is black science man, and he fucks his grammar and spelling up on his twitter all the time

The best part is when they upload pics from the ER to their Facebook page.

Attached: B384001B-3F3A-49E9-B551-662D474B2B08.jpg (1080x1801, 214K)

That girl in that picture is a jew

Really? Then not all niggers are bad, I suppose

>thats why I can score any girl I want for being a minority
lol clearly you aren't familiar with the "jihadi" attackers in Sweden, who were in fact, Black and Arab incels frustrated because they couldn't get any

Also I know you aren't actually black (ricedick) but a fat and ugly white man could score literally any woman in that shithole called Africa


>Remember fellas, what women say they are and what they do are totally different things.
Yeah but these people hiding their ideals are nearly useless in a democracy. THey tell themselves that they are secretly making a difference, but they're not.

>In every study I've seen, females of all races prefer White men, and White women do the most, even within that group. The niggers and other shills try to distort reality; don't believe them.
You take studies that are years old and assume they still apply to the present. That is not necessarily true.

Of course she is, look at those fucking milkers.


Attached: SwedishG.jpg (855x1024, 101K)

Imagine being a pathetic hapacel and spending 10 hours a day on Jow Forums.org/pol/ posting the same 20 images pretending to be a black man just because you are sexually attracted to white men and think they're stealing "your" asian women when you're actually just a mixed race mutt which was produced because some silly white lad had an asian girl fetish.

Salon's hate her! Watch how one Mudshark (((TRIPLES))) her eye liner in JUST 3 DAYS!

Real Life Testimony (Not Paid)

Shataniana: Dat gurl keeps her secrets!

Koolaidria: She look different n shit.

Qua’Lifriaqui’sha’niquia: How much for a gram? Oh wait what?
