Holy shit Jow Forums i think i've found my trad wife. Too many threads are promoting a general feeling of defeat...

Holy shit Jow Forums i think i've found my trad wife. Too many threads are promoting a general feeling of defeat. In this thread we do the opposite.

Remind yourselves of all things good, both past present and the future we will create.

we're all gonna make it.

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I'm glad to hear user, I've recently been dumped by my girlfriend, but i think it was overall a good thing. I'm gonna go on a two year mission and get her back when it's over!

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This guy will look after you.

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stay strong. better yourself. whats the mission?

Here's you in five years.

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If the ''trad wife'' is a chink then you aren't helping aussie, i'm doing my part by not creating mongrels with huwhite wahmen

I have a pretty trad wife. Her non trad parts arent bad, just different...shes got a lot of 'farm girl' traits, like she used to pack chain through the woods helping her dad with firewood, she shoots, etc. Dyes her hair a bit for fun but shes a stay at home mom and were at church every week and constantly doing stuff as a family with our kid.

Were about to move to an amazing off grid house too.

Life can be good, you just have to be willing to make the changes to pursue it and stand tall in the face of degeneration.

Lose that mindset.
You most likely will not get her back.
And in a year or 2 you won't want to either.
Find yourself a woman that doesnt give up.
Once they do its over.

stay strong. better yourself. whats the mission?


I'm glad to hear user! I was recently dumped by my Girlfriend, but I feel good about it. I'm gonna go on a mission and then get her back, we gotta look on the bright side after all!

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I don't know, they send you somewhere in the world for two years. They tell you where you go after they've prepared you. I plan on writing her everyday and becoming a better me.

this is one of my haram concubines

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>in a year or 2 you won't want to either

Damn straight, dude needs to find himself a woman that will create a loop where he just wants her happy and she just wants him happy.

You find a woman who makes that loop and you got yourself a keeper.

>then get her back

Don't go back to a woman who hurt you.

Find one who's main goal is your happiness. If you main goal with that woman is her happiness then it creates a self-feeding loop that will see you both through thick and thin.

It's corny as shit but it really does work. Find the loop.

Congrats user, does she have any sisters?

>mfw christian dental school in California of all places
>required me to write 2 more additional essays beside the one already in my original app to apply
>bailed the fuck out, I was done written essays by then

I dun fucked up I believe, I think that was my shot.

well shit thanks frontier I doubleposted there fuck

It's a journey user, you learn from every failed relationship. Your wife is out there

Same here, and thanks for your advice! I'll be sure to think about it. The boards are unironically more helpful than therapy at times, so it's good to hear some actual advice.

You can still try again I think

that's just sad

if you're not larping then congratulations desu. Marry her and make many many children.

Not a larp, i will.

good women still exist.

and i will bring more good women into the world.