Are stocks a good way to increase money?

E.g., I have $300 to invest in.

Index funds, for example, would then be perfect to increase the money in the long term?

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>Index funds, for example, would then be perfect to increase the money in the long term?
Index funds are meant to help you hedge against inflation. The Stock Market itself doesn't create "more money" simply because it's a gambling ring where money changes hands. The only way the stock market truly creates value is via IPOs - which these days are closed affairs. Otherwise, it's just people placing bets on a market hoping they'll win their bets.
>Are you a betting man?

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>300$ to invest with
kys poorfag

If you are in USA ticker LYG. If you are UK its LLOY.L.

This stock has been hammered over irrational brexit fears. Buy all you can afford under $3 per share

No, almost everyone loses money. And you will go nowhere with $300, you need at least $20K to trade stocks. If you really want to try trading, then read Alexandre Elder and other successful traders. You need a clear plan, and you need to follow it religiously, emotions are your enemies. Avoid day trading, unless you're a really good trader you won't win money this way because everything is way too fast for a beginner. Try swing trading instead (where you old your position many days or weeks). Also, avoid Forex, it's legit but brokers use way too many (((tricks))) to get your money.

>I have $300 to invest in.
nice try Jow Forums

With that little of cash you might as well try to buy some drugs and hopefully sell for profit

Read at least The New Trading For A Living by Alexandre Elder. He explains everything and gives examples. He also show how he's executing his plans, he uses a checklist to stay disciplined and rationnal.

forex trading can be done with 500 $

The stock market is going to surge in 2020 when Trump is booted out of office like an incel at a social gathering.

Trump recession

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Watch these
There is a series Martin did. He used to work at a hedgefund.

surge downwards u mean?

Trump has been tanking the markets with his trade war that he should have dodged like he dodged the daft. fucking coward.

not fit to even lead an elephant game

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Go to Jow Forums and ask this question

Traditionally, long term investing in the stock market (not trading) has been an excellent way for the middle class to build wealth. Index funds seem to be the goto right now because active managers can't seem to beat their performance. The stock market is near all time highs, so buying low and selling high would be tough, but in this clown world of illiquid markets and negative interest rates who knows.

I WANA collect unemployment let’s meme this trump recession into full affect

Fuck you I want this market to crash and burn

Yes, and you can trade stocks too, but you won't make much money with that, because you shouldn't risk more than 2% of your money per trade and you shouldn't lose more than 6% of your money per month (if you hit that limit, you should stop trading for this month). Also, Forex trading is a bit more complicated than stocks trading. You have margins to take care of, and leverage is yet another reason to become emotional and do stupid stuffs.

With just 500 $ you will have to trade the most dangerous stocks of all - pennystocks.
With 500 $ in forex you can trade every currency and since the forex market has a much much higher ammount of traders you won't get immediatly shorted if you lets say buy 100 shares of a pennystock.

Mining stocks.

Yes but not now. We are at The end of The cycle. Growth has already slowed down and we know what is coming next.


markets are simply gambling dens for mil/billionares

youre better off losing youre money at a casino, make it quick

>Crash is coming
You're fucking stupid to even invest at all dumbass.

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Buy physical gold OP this trade war is about to get stupid

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stocks are overpriced. I'm shorting SPY currently, but they may prop things up for a while longer too