R8 my epic OC

r8 my epic OC

Attached: comic.jpg (1000x471, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what color eyes albinism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3343j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

i don't understand it.
is it supposed to point out the stupidity of the stormfaggots?

>i don't understand it.
Flag checks out

It grossed me out cause it has faggotry and black cocks.

you shouldn't be talking about such things, norway.
you allowed varg to live.

bretty gud tbqh

It's ok.

This. Work on you're subtlety, OP.

Maybe first you have to admit you came from those blacks instead of larping for 10,000 years and making up phony religions like your fell out of the sky, like youre not a bipedal great ape whos ancestors walked on 4 legs. Google leucism larping chimps. You hate yourself. youtube.com/watch?v=mD_WuRZkbCQ

Attached: Honey Don't!.png (724x1330, 51K)

>Maybe first you have to admit you came from those blacks
lol no

The video evidence begs to differ. Nice cope essay from a .com, simian brethren.

Why would I have to glorify primitive subhumans who represent an earlier stage in Human evolution?

To discard your shame coward. My ancestors are smiling at me imperial.

Yes I'm ashamed that I'm technically related to niggers

breddy gud

its simply stupid.

Yes and you live in bubble where you delude yourself to who and what you are and where you came from. How can you talk down to anyone when you live in a modern matrix where you lie to yourself and the world about the truth. Blissfully ignorant. Intellectually dishonest. We are brothers but its you has recoiled your hand out of your own hubris. I pray you all find the courage to one day accept yourselves.


Attached: leucistic child.jpg (660x689, 102K)

good concept, its a bit text-heavy, but still funny.

too bold to be a meme
not ebin :^( no reddit gold for you

>american educashun
Retard mutt

What drivel is this? The rise of a new pasta?

its your history.

So people have evolved from something else? Yeah that's true. What's your point?

The point is after all this time youre still hiding the truth. The point is you cant accept something like this, to be method of you how you got here, even though it most certainly is.
My point is how can you build a culture of looking down on others when you cant even accept yourself?

Who's hiding what? That we aren't built by a Jewish desert demon 6k years ago? Is this your great discovery? Literally wtf are you talking about it?

Are you gonna say that at one point in the distant past all life started from single bacteria so we are a brothers? Is this the so vaunted iq of Mexican intellectuals?

Maybe we are, that is the basis for the Movie Akira. Maybe you have heard it. Whats your argument? That your some superior monkey? Okay brown eyes brown hair. Brown like my skin. Whats your point?

Why is our past stage of evolution even relevant? I don't get your thought process

No one seriously uses it as a basis for racism. We base racism on empirical truths and daily experience

Because you lie about it like this. Why is it relavent? The point is its not. At all. You hide from these truths and spit venom from your tower of blissful ignorance.

Existence secured.

Attached: twins.jpg (1667x2432, 474K)

We got your back, we always have. If every white died tonight, you would come back tomorrow.

Attached: albino orangatuan2.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Who lies about what? You continue to be unclear about it?

Unless you whole life is a cope about being African and thinking all humans started there? Is this some sort of coping about how we are all Africans and sheitt?

If that's the case you have serious mental problems.

Also are you aware that albinism has nothing to do with race? You can easily tell if someone is subsaharan-African or European with a simple DNS test or just looking at their face

Lol, things like face came from natural selection. IE narrow nose thin lips. To heat up the cold air. Your big nose big lip ancestors died too. The faces of your northern brothers are covered in hair still from natural selection.

Albinism and leucism together birthed the so called white race.

google.com/search?q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what color eyes albinism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3343j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Whites cannot create blacks but blacks can create whites. You can cope all you want to, youve been doing it for a long time. But ultimately youre only trying to convince yourself.


You can act dumb all you want but in the end youre too cowardly to face yourself. Cucked by your own hubris.

xkcd is the buggiest of bugman comics

Severe doubt on your last statements

But I suspect you are a shill or if serious a schizophrenic black Kang