Nigger hate thread
Nigger hate thread
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Misha, how many niggers do you have in u-kraina?
Very few desu
Another kike/shill thread. Are you from the Huffington Post as well?
Dammit, who's got the img of a huffpo writer starting a nigger hate thread, but their autofill put their email contact in the 'name' field?
>implying shareblue doesnt outsource their anti trump shill operations to the ukraine
>implying that I'm anti Trump
anyone who forces divide and conquer memes like this to try and associate the movement with blatant racism is likely a dem operation
>that SS totenkopf
if you only knew
>anyone who forces divide and conquer memes like this to try and associate the movement with blatant racism is likely a dem operation
you're transparent af shill, but the storm is coming
How can i proof you that I'm not a shill?
by leaving this thread and stop forcing these memes
Why are jews smarter than goyim?
No. That makes no fucking sense
because they weren't allowed to own land for a thousand years in europe and were bred to master a lifestyle that required brainpower within the cities they were confined to
okay thanks for confirming what we all know about you to be true :)
bandera gierojs from SS divisons got creamated in auschwitz. their ashes joined together with ashes of jews.
What kind of bag is this?
>implying that crematorium in auschwitz is even real
This picture always makes me laugh.
Fucking schizophrenic
>everyone who shitposts too edgy nigger memes is a democrat leftist globalist who's mission is to make us look bad
That got me
>Po ogłoszeniu Aktu Odnowienia Państwa Ukraińskiego w 1941 przyjechał do Lwowa, gdzie został aresztowany przez gestapo. Od 22 lipca 1942 był więźniem niemieckiego obozu koncentracyjnego Auschwitz (nr obozowy 51020), gdzie po kilku dniach zmarł. Według Petra Mirczuka i Adama Cyry Ołeksandr i jego brat Wasyl zostali skatowani przez więźniów funkcyjnych - Polaków - Franciszka Podkulskiego i Oberkapo Józefa Krala za to że byli braćmi Stepana Bandery
OUN gierojs were killed in concetration camps not SS Galicia gierojs.
this is ukrainian legacy, collaborating with nazis. your country have no history.
>Texasfag driving to university
>About to get on the highway
>Car almost rear-ends me going 100mph+
>Car swerves onto highway ramp
>Two cop cars blast onto the highway behind me
>Notice heavy traffic on the highway
>"Oh man this dude is gonna crash"
>Big dust cloud erupts in distance
>Stay on the frontage, speed up to the scene
>Suspect's car is mangled, police approach with guns drawn
>Park next to the highway (I am maybe ~25 feet away from the action across the grass)
>Get out of my car and enter full gawker mode
>Black dude emerges from behind car bleeding and fires at the cops
>Cops return fire
>Hear a fucking whiz next to me and then an impact behind me but remain standing where I am just like the Joker
>Black runs around car and gets lit up and collapses
>Cops cuff him and secure the scene
>Get back in my car and continue driving to school
>your country have no history
i doubt it
also its quite interesting that the main hate towards ukraine has started after 2014
there is no hate towards ukraine, seriously
that pic from the previous post of yours totally disapproves that
look at id, its my first post mate
besides that its a fucking pic from a chan, you judge social climate based on that?
>1950: Nigger (Racist)
>1960: Coon (Racist)
>1970: Negro (Racist)
>1980: Black (Racist)
>1990: African American
>2000: African American
>2010: African American (Racist)
>2020: Black
>there is no hate towards ukraine, seriously
yep, but if more people acknowledge what bandera scum did to our people in Wołyn and eastern Galicia this would easily change.
your reality shattered. yeah. i got her pregnant and i'm expecting a mixed kid. kill yourself racist piece of garbage.
nigger hate threads are a common staple and have been for YEARS now, fuck off niggerfaggot, you dont belong
not even ukrainians themselves know about it
Sexy body on the left
Do niggers actually have smaller prefrontal cortex? I bet that's a question science is not allowed to answer.
Yes, they do. It's been answered. But it's not allowed to be common knowledge. Just like the civil rights movement lowered the "Mental Retardation" IQ down from 85 to 75 because the Average Black IQ is 85, so 50% of blacks were considered "Mentally Retarded."
Shit the fuck up, kike
Mad nigger
Fucking Kek. I can't believe I haven't heard this one before
Блядь хoхoл, y тeбя в твoeй пoмoйкe oтpoдяcь нeгpoв нe былo. Кpым oтвaлилcя, вcя cтpaнa в гoвнe, пoвicткa cкopo пpидёт. A ты нa aмepикaнcкoм cocaчe нeгpoв нeнaвидишь. Coвeм чтoль пиздaнyлcя yжe?
>White cope the thread
White always love to deny the fact that white women love the bbc even when face with undeniable evidance, pictures all over the internet of white and young white women with their black man they still live in denial, yall love to live in your safe lil bubble believing in your fairy tales in reality women of all races from whites to asian love black men
Whoever made this meme is a champion
How does this make you feel then?
>Nigger can’t handle the bants
Color me unsurprised, niggers are always the biggest trash talkers but the second you shit talk them they scream racism and try to beat you to death.
Doesnt prove anything about what my post said faggot, I can post pictures of white fucking dogs and animals too
You can post whatever you want, but you'll always be a nigger, and nothing more.
They learned from the Jewish