Know the difference

Attached: MARXISM VS LIBERALISM.png (1414x539, 1.13M)

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>implying marxists don't drink

I like gommunism too opie

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both are shit

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Yep. Socialism in all forms is shit. National or international.

>40 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 12 million children. A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life. Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States.

>source: dude trust me

How many people die of starvation in the US? How many in the USSR or communist China?

>National or international.
the kikery

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This is accidentally a redpilled image. The cultural marxism is promoting stronk wahmyn propaganda while in reality literal millions of men are dying on the front, doing all of the fighting.

>I want big daddy government to tell me what to buy and where to work because I can't make decisions for myself

scumbag hitler took northern transylvania and gave it to the bozgors. for no reason!
based stalin gave it back to us. forever!

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Struggle [citation needed] is not the same as dieing

Suffer from hunger is such a vague term. Who doesn't feel some hunger at some point in there normal life? The real question is how many people in the us have actually starved to death? Also, when it comes to food shortages communism has a really awful track record.

Communism is trash. Because nobody is motivated by profit, there is little incentive to make decent housing, so the government in the Soviet just made a shit ton of pic related. There was no culture in communism, there were no pretty colours, simply a bleak existence of trying to survive.

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I wonder if starving girls suck dick extra well

I can cherry pick, too.

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OP will do anything to not admit how wrong he has been for supporting Marxism. Just be a man and admit cultural Marxism has ruined everything.

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They might eat it.

People were morivated as hell during my parents lives in the ussr actually

well thats what they tell me, but if there is a thing that is extremely subjective and not measurable in general, then its motivation anyway, so who cares?

Neoliberalism is the most popular ideology of all time pinko, cope more

No need to suck dick well, no guy is better off than the next. socialism/communism is a race to the least

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Wouldn't mind having a skeletal Russian redhead gnawing on my dick a bit desu

I'd obviously be a wealthy outsider in this fantasy scenario dude

stalin took basarabia from us you cuck
fuck ur communism
>scumbag hitler took northern transylvania and gave it to the bozgor
hitler would have returned Transylvania yo romanian if the war have been won

And yet there aren't any deaths by starvation.

Women are garbage regardless of ideology. The cunts on the left were just terrified of being starved to death or thrown in gulag.

>stalin took basarabia from us
>stalin relieved us of moldavian subhumans

Cultural marxism is not stalinism. Culturally speaking there is no difference between marxism and neo-liberalism

Comparing TRASH to TRASH

Communistic party would have had allowed both girls to marry and lay with gypsies.

Is something anti-racist?

If yes, it must be purged
go back to India, subhuman pechenego-ciganic shithead

Cherry picking implies that it is not the norm, my pic WAS the norm.

I was not talking about motivation in general, I was discussing incentives and why they are required. In a capitalist economy, there is the natural incentive to make nice affordable housing so people buy them, in a communist state, the state has a complete monopoly on the entire housing industry, it does not need to compete, it can just build a shit ton of crappy buildings because your citizens can’t buy anything else

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>Irish potato famine
>Bengal famine

Just off the top of my head

You are objectively not European or White though. Fun thing with that picture of your is that a half of brown looking faggots in Ukraine has Romanian roots LMAO

Southeastern/Southern Europe = ,mixed race subhumans

>my pic WAS the norm.
nah, you're just posting buildings in disarray after 30 years of crapitalism.

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All slavshits are mixed race and subhuman Ivanushka. Don’t kid yourself.

more like struggle to finish eating

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Huh, I didn't know Bengal is part of the USA.

>Southeastern/Southern Europe = ,mixed race subhumans
ur are not different tho

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Not capitalism, communism.

Not like they don't build unreliable ugly shit in neoliberal market either. Unless there is a strong state to enforce high European aesthetic standarts, some companies will keep building ugly shit. Just look at crap housing in Manchester
Citation? Because Romanian subhumans for all I care get south asian abbo and even sub-saharan ape on DNA tests all the time

go back from our oh-so-mixed lands, Radu Ciganescue

I want a big tiddy flag ripping 2D communist gf

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>Irish potato famine
This was before the industrial revolution
>Bengal famine
The government tried to centrally plan the distribution of food

I see a means to an end.

Meh, I have a nice house so I humbly disagree, of course if you are poor you are going to have a poor house, though don’t take that as me defending neoliberalism. In a capitalist economy, if people wanted traditional housing, they could buy more traditional housing, forcing the market to adapt and produce more.

fuck off filth

we have capitalism for over 30 years. what meaningful thing has it brought us? nothing!
only trash.
trash food.
trash clothes.
trash media.
garbage for the mind and body.

You can pay to build a traditional house if you want. Modern houses are cheaper to make though. It's your choice if you think a traditional house is worth the money.

>Romanian defending communism
That's honestly pretty fucking disgusting.

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God look at how happy that big hog is on the left as she cracks open a bottle of ranch dressing. What a fucking hottie, I’d love to stuff her full of pizza and then stuff her with my dick.

Did you forget we were talking about the United States here?

Also, the Irish potato Famine was between September 13, 1845 – 1849. Were the Irish even really capitalists back then?

The Irish potato famine happened in ireland m8.
The clue is in the name.

Shut up, memeflag kike.

ik it disgusting

>implying you wouldn't have trash food, clothes, or media if these things were managed by government committees

>u-are mixed roach too just like us abbo-niggerised subhuman half gooks
no, thanks.

Northeastern Europeans will never have anything in common with you southron mongrels. Russians are associated with Nordic-tier fairness, no so much for ROMAnians
> In a capitalist economy, if people wanted traditional housing
That's where you must understand that a lot of people are dysgenic retards degraded by the industrial revolution and retard-tier labour in the fileds

Some "people" listen to rap and vote for the anti-racist parties. You can't trust the people, Nigel
It is also my choice to donate MY MONEY to organisations like Azov and Aidar that will hang you and commies alike once they are back in Kiev.

"Free choice" for the plebs is a meme

>posting western propaganda
what are you going to post next, saddam killing babies with a bayonet?

That’s because your country is dominated by shitty corrupt politicians who advocate for mass monopolies. A capitalist monopoly that benefits from the state is not a true free market at all. Communism is the ultimate economic monopoly, communist Romania was not a good place to live, the GDP per capita in Romania decreased after the fall of communism as a simple result of the complete economic change, and the gdp per capita bounced back eventually. If Romania never became communist, Romanian would be far richer than it is today.

Convincing argument.

Those incidents are as true as holocaust.

Nope you can’t. That is why I consider myself an aristocratic absolute monarchist, the people need to be led, I’m just lecturing the Romanian user on why Capitalism is preferable to communism/socialism.

There are famines all over the world right now, in capitalist nations just no one in the west gives a fuck.

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>it's not real capitalism!!!

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I think we need to try real capitalism at least once before judging it.


>real capitalism hasn't been tried yet!

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Those were great and free, and allowed millions to own their own place and have families. Modern flats are poorly constructed slums.

when you get van's in Marxist Russia

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Everyone is an owner and everyone is motivated then. Are you so motivated to make more money for rich jews?

We have real capitalism. It's not a free market, but it's capitalism. It's better than having government committees try to manage everything.

Come back when you’ve read some basic economics.

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>>real capitalism hasn't been tried yet!

I know.
Why dont we give it a try for like 2 years and then all the people who want to slag it off will actually have some practical evidence for doing so.

No it doesn't, literally individual years and mostly blown out of proportions by cold war propaganda.

>If Romania never became communist, Romanian would be far richer than it is today.
This, but we still have faggots sucking judeo-bolshevik cock

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By we I mean mankind, not a specific country.

why absolute monarchist instead of supporting warrior like high ranked officer military-controlled society. Ultranationalistic officers are more likely to self-control the power than absolute monarchs.

Ultimately we must decrease the amount of people that require being led thru eugenics, selective breeding and sterilisations

if i choose communism then i cant watch porn or hentai
if i choose capitalism then ppl will be degenerate like pic related
what should i choose

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Why is china, with its centrally planned economy, wiping the floor with the US?

In my view its not real capitalism without a free market.

I guess thats just my opinion though.
I think that a lot of what claims to be science is not real science because its not based on repeatable observations and falsifiable conclusions.

taking resources from america and asia is basic economics according to the british.

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Except it's totally different, and liberalism is capitalist circus, not order.

US economy over 20 trillion.
Chinese economy less than 10 trillion.

Thats not wiping the floor with the US is it?


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If I choose communism then I can't choose where I work and my manager has absolute power over me. Also sometimes the committee will accidentally not produce enough food for my city so I'll starve.

I'll put some of it on my cock and wiggle it over your body as it drips onto your chest and seeps into your belly button. As a matter of fact, what kind of belly button do you have, user? Is it an innie or an outie? I for sure love both, and I wouldn't judge you for either my sweet prince.

If anything it more has to do with them being literal subhuman monkeys than system of governance they experience. Same with Romania - socialist, capitalist or fascist - it will remain a shithole, since the ultimate majority of Romanians are dysgenic mixed race retards

And that’s bad because.....?

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90% of native americans died, some from hunger when you killed buffalos.

You’re getting sloppy again Mossad

>partly australoboriginal viet roach
>modern human
literally should be holocausted by the chinks or japs

you're not even a country. you're a federation of mongoloids.

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>And that’s bad because.....?
it has nothing to do with economics.

So were communist ones, before communists modernized archaic feudal economies.

If Marxism was so great why did it collapse?
Seriously why the fuck did every single country decide to fuck off simultaneously, including Russia?

put your vodka down ivan, u are drunk

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