Why does architecture seem to be a dead art?

Why does architecture seem to be a dead art?
We used to have so many different architectural styles with so many beautiful buildings.
Pic related is Moscow State Uni. I think it’s a pretty amazing building.
Other famous ones from the US Capitol, Westminster, to Dali’s buildings in Spain. So unique.
Nowadays we have fuck all of any interest unless it’s hideous postmodern filth like the Louis Vuitton Institute in Paris.
Is the lack of any real architectural style a side effect of the globohomo?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>side effect of the globohomo?
Problem in the west is that there's no money.

All the new money is flowing into shitholes right now

>Is the lack of any real architectural style a side effect of the globohomo?
Yes, that and a high level of jewish infiltration. It has a stacking effect. Shitty jewish buildings being praised by shitty jewish media leads to more shitty jewish architects.
People growing up near shitty buildings and doused in globohomo have no concept of beauty, nor any ability or means to create it.

Pic related, architect = (((Ernő Goldfinger)))

Attached: Balforn Tower_ East London, UK.jpg (1500x1000, 308K)

Not entirely, beautiful buildings are often less expensive than ugly ones. Lack of money may be the reason we aren't "surrounded" by new architecture, but it is not the reason that all new architecture is ass.

Pic related cost $690 million, it lost Soldier Field its landmark status, and actually reduced the number of seats by ~5,000.

Attached: Soldier's Field_ Chicago, Illinois USA.png (1346x454, 1.56M)

It's the destruction of individual cultures (even Islam) for the 'greater global culture'
Which leaves us with boring or ugly monolithic blocks that bear no marks of any cultural influence except 'modernism'

I genuinely think it's what make so many of these NPC's and normies so nihilistic, they're surrounded by inhuman ugliness.

Attached: 275px-Seagrambuilding.jpg (275x367, 36K)

Since this will surely now transition into a general architecture thread, posting obligatory stuff:

Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Attached: Ponte city apartments, Johannesburg, South Africa.jpg (1440x1080, 321K)

well said

Attached: architecture threads.jpg (1584x1245, 1.15M)

>The New York Times says this is is the building that showed Brutalism could be “playful.” This may be true, but only in the sense that the cat tormenting a mouse, or the torturer doing “eeny-meeny” to determine which testicle to zap first, is being “playful.”

Attached: SESCPompeia_ Sao Paulo, Brazil.jpg (768x1024, 302K)

because it's not an art but science, people who take it as art create most retarded buildings that have huge maintenace costs and unlivable conditions just for the sake of looking 'wacky and original'

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Because the white race is a dying race.
There are magnificent examples of architecture in India and China but they don't resonate with the white man's spirit the way that classic european architecture does.

architect = (((Frank Gehry)))

looks like a melting paper bag

Attached: Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, UTS_ Sydney, Australia.jpg (1704x958, 332K)

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If hell exists, I expect building like that there

Thank you.
I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I travel to New cities often for both work and recreation.

The theme I've picked up on is that (generally) the more beautiful a place is (either naturally or through beautiful classical architecture), often the local are more content and friendly.

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I love stalinist architecture, I want a future ussr to look half futuristic half stalinist

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you mean gaudi, not dali

Attached: 11.jpg (600x431, 59K)

I unironically like the look of this, at least from the outside. That's the problem with most Brutalist architecture. I actually think they look cool from outside, but they're usually shit inside with not many windows and a uncomfy interior

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It's the result of dying culture

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I disagree, a proper building should have beautiful artistic influences and character, but still maintain all the needs for proper function.

Much like a beautiful car should

Expectation-> Reality

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capitalists left it to rot

heavy homoerotic imagery on the top of that building right there.

Stalinism can be pretty good, and I say this as a die-hard national socialist. Doesn't hold a candle to neoclassicism or art-deco though.

Pic unrelated, brutalist trash.

Attached: Buffalo City Court Building_ Buffalo, New York USA.jpg (1600x1311, 516K)

This picture probably grinds your gears then huh? The horrible combination of (((capitalism))) and (((communism))) into one disgusting mass.

Attached: Genex Tower_ Belgrade, Serbia.jpg (520x390, 46K)

Attached: Bank of Georgia HQ_ Tiblisi, Georgia.jpg (1289x997, 733K)

>Why does architecture seem to be a dead art?
Because Jews want you to have nothing worth fighting for.

Worth watching, and funny:

I like the way that looks and trellick tower it's cyberpunk looking

Attached: 1545555374666.jpg (1674x600, 373K)

the same building, looking up from the abyss

Attached: Ponte City Apartments looking up_ Johannesburg, South Africa.jpg (1864x954, 327K)

because beauty is traditional, thus problematic. Need uglyfication.

Attached: le corbusier.jpg (659x938, 303K)

Attached: modern american home.jpg (1075x691, 230K)

>i like the way that looks
sorry fren, but I think you need to be gassed

Not really though, I'd say pic related looks way more cyberpunk than that abomination. Furthermore you have to consider the surroundings. Trellick and Balforn are on the outskirts of Greater London, they are abominations on their surroundings. Cyberpunk should fit in with the surroundings to some degree, no?

Attached: Moscow_Russia.jpg (1728x1728, 280K)

Why do you do this to me, Jow Forums?

yup, that picture basically sums it up"

daily reminder that the Scottish Parliament building is a literal rare merchant.

Attached: scottish parliament merchant.png (1337x566, 1.29M)

What about the renaissance?


Is this why chimneys fell out of fashion?

Leave genex alone, it's a cool building. I used to hang out a lot there in my teen years

Attached: nap3.jpg (1125x1080, 248K)

Whats wrong with 17-19th century buildings my house has 200 year old wood pillars and they smell like wood still

Can anybody guess what the little grey specks on this television tower are and who designed them?

Attached: Žižkov TV Tower_ Prague, Czech Republic.jpg (1500x1058, 154K)

Did those dirty capitalists pigs also spend billions to secretly modify them into the shitty layout?

Attached: download (2).jpg (622x317, 60K)

get rid of the statue and it'd be 10/10


>I used to hang out a lot there in my teen years
that must have been horrible, that place is an eyesore.

Pidorashka, what do you think about SU buildings?

literally BLACKED, how the fuck was this allowed Parisians???

Attached: Tour Montparnesse_Paris, France.jpg (1840x920, 1.69M)

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Attached: Selfridges Building_Birmingham, UK.jpg (1200x764, 291K)

This is violence against my eyes. Almost worse than my pic related.

Attached: habitat-67_canada.jpg (1200x681, 127K)

>Centre for Design
and people wonder why art/design is getting worse

Attached: Sharp Centre for Design_ Toronto, Canada.jpg (987x1020, 140K)

>Be Lucky Larry
>Pulls down modern architecture

Is Larry, dare I say, /ourguy/?

Attached: silverstein-wtc.jpg (790x415, 390K)

>habitat 67
Nice post m8, I have that one in my folder too. Did you know the architect is (((Moshe Safdie))). What an amazing cohencidence!!!


Attached: Russian embassy_ Havana, Cuba.jpg (1920x2560, 1.44M)

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that's just creepy

It's Drag-On Dragoon!

Attached: Drakengard_Nier_Babbies.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Because the people that do favors for each other behind the law will underbid and get paid on the side to put up shit that will constantly shift ownership and be a source for new jobs with demolition and rebuilding.

You aint seen nothing yet Ivan. Climatefags will soon lobby to make it illegal to build anything except postmodern eyesores to conserve energy. Quote me in 10 years and be amazed.

It's unnerving. They keep exporting internationalist, formless, brutalist looking slums everywhere.

>oh, but it's not dead goy
>it's just that now, errything is postmodernism hellscape with "pure" scandi interiors because nothing better ever managed to take root (oy vey, what a disgusting word) and replace it
>which proves they're the best you can and shall dream of
>now shut ut and take a loan for life

This, and also the 1963 communist goals from the library of congress. Some of my favorites:

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Check out # 22

It is. I pass by there daily. Almost half of Belgrade was built with the idea that concrete will always look like during the first few years. What was at first a modern, minimalistic and clean looking building, today looks like something a bit better than a vertical favela. Multiply that by a few hundreds and you get New Belgrade. God I hate communism...

>I unironically like the look of this, at least from the outside
yikes mate, I think you need the gas too.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an absolutist about this like some people are. In VERY specific cases I think Brutalism can work, but it must satisfy several criteria:

(1) the design of the Brutalist building must not be absurd, ugly nonsense [SESC Pompeia fails hard here]
(2) Brutalism must NEVER be used for housing/residence, and ideally should be a government/financial building because of the emotions it invokes. Nobody should have to return home every night to a concrete monstrosity.
(3) The Brtualist building in question must NOT deface an area that is full of classically beautiful architecture [the pic i'm about to post is borderline in this category, but not quite over the line]

I think pic related is a "decent" example of Brutalism done right. SESC Pompeia however, is absolutely disgusting.

Attached: Boston City Hall_ Boston, Massachusets USA.jpg (1024x768, 403K)

God that eyesore sticks out everytime I go into the city centre!

And the designer of those babies is (((David Černý))) a jewish/czeck sculptor. Imagine my shock!

Pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20190830-104712_Chrome.jpg (1063x1456, 489K)

look how they massacred my boy


Attached: Reichsparteitagsgelände_ Nuremberg, Germany.jpg (2600x1950, 695K)

>A Peter Eisenman building. Note the total lack of plant life. Plant life might accidentally make you feel happy and comfortable, and happiness is a bourgeois illusion. The tiny figures on the left seem to be attempting a picnic on the curve. They are probably cold and windswept—as they should be.

Attached: City of Culture_ Santiago de Compostela, Spain.jpg (768x514, 63K)


Attached: Bolshaya Tulskaya Complex_Moscow, Russia.jpg (1452x737, 158K)

Can any Milanos shed some light on this? Why does it exist? Do people like this? Am I just totally crazy or is this completely hideous?

Attached: Torre Velasca_ Milan, Italy.jpg (750x470, 157K)


Gay communists forbade beauty because it was bourgeois and caused passion in people

People ate shit for 50 years and had no time to return to normal conditions yet

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This just got approved next to me.


How can I stop it?

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>Why does architecture seem to be a dead art?
because the giant stone work that was done a century ago is immensely expensive today as opposed to modern building styles and materials. it isnt that architecture is dead or that engineers are no longer able to build in older styles, its that those styles cost so much more than todays building styles. almost nothing built today is designed to be around for 100 years. they built things a century ago to last for 300 years. thats why they used stone and marble like they did. etc dyor im at work

Don't forget where they drew inspirations for brutalism! House of Soviets, this is what they did to Koenigsberg!

Attached: Incredibly-Outstanding-Futuristic-Architecture-Images12.jpg (400x533, 51K)

Fiat currency destroys any incentive to make anything that is high quality.
In fact, it incentivizes production of the lowest quality, highest profit margin type of products.
This is why planned obsolescence is a thing.
This is why "shrinkflation" is a thing.
This is why the average car is now some plastic piece of shit that moves at a top speed of 80 mph.
This is why architecture in the modern world is shit.

Attached: this_is_your_god.jpg (480x360, 8K)

This is probably the worst thing I've ever seen

Because it all degraded into either pure utility of concrete and glass or "modern art"-level of retardness
Theres no real passion left, not desire to do new
"Art designers" are being produced 10k a year, you can guess the level of their design vision

There is nothing wrong with Fiat lolberg, the problem is PRIVATE central banking. Reichsmarks and Greenbacks were the true redpill, money in the hands of the people/nation, they were fiat.

Gold standard is a meme, ESPECIALLY in the modern age where trades and sales can be done instantaneously. Hitching your nation's currency to a commodity that is owned by the international elite who can manipulate its price at a whim is moronic.

The state of modern architecture has very little to do directly with money anyways, and shitty aesthetics do not automatically mean "cheap and low quality materials".

Attached: cost of architecture.jpg (960x837, 117K)

Let's address the elephant in the room...

Attached: Elephant Building_ Bangkok, Thailand.jpg (1200x900, 234K)

enjoy your stay!

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Attached: Hotel du Lac_ Tunis, Tunisia.jpg (1200x848, 228K)

I would have considered your opinion had you not been a hohol, a living proof that communism or not eastern europe was, is and will forever be a shithole

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>Not entirely, beautiful buildings are often less expensive than ugly ones.

This. Everyone is trying to cut corners so they can profit the difference. The result is a society that is cheaper and uglier.

I'm not from Milanos but I can actually answer this question! This particular building is designed the way it is so that the occupants of the upper floors can stab zombies directly in the face, at a downward angle, as they try to climb the outside of the tower.

this not the hotel you are looking for

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>The best answer.

How would you like to attend this church?

Attached: Jaiyi County Church_ Budai Township, Taiwan.jpg (2500x1875, 462K)