8:00 AM AST Fri Aug 30
Location: 24.2°N 69.4°W
Moving: NW at 12 mph
Min pressure: 972 mb
Max sustained: 110 mph

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Torontofag here. How fucked am I?

Fuck Yanks and fuck jannies

727 report in

>it's going to go north and alabama won't get anything again

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florida master race here this storm won't be shit

239 reporting in I think we’re not gonna get hit but I get 5 days off so fuck yes

How likely is a gulf of Mexico/panhandle run at this point?

if it gets to a 4, let alone a 5, look out

pretty fucked, but not due to the weather.

You are hosed because your PM is an utter douche.

407. We was kangs!

Any youtube/twitch voice chat streams? For Maria and Irma there were voice chat rooms about prep and assistance that were entertaining to listen to.

239 here, I'm probably not going to be working a few days next week either but my business' Canadian owner isn't going to pay me for any missed work

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I’m fortunate I’m salaried, and there’s no point being open in real estate during all this shit because people are waiting to see what happens


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Based and lake Mary pilled. Fuck all the Indians and yuppies that moved here while I was away at college

Good Ol' Pinhole Eye

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I'm going not the coming monday but the week after to Florida, am I okay


850 checking in. Nervously watching the model forecasts keep pushing the northward turn further and further westward.

Those will start popping up when it is much closer to shore

High thought but what if we installed poles in the ocean to "shred" hurricanes as they approach the coast? Would this save humanity?

If you’re going to Disney, it might not be there when you show up François

comfy stream:


also get fucked Toronto fag.

depends on where you go. Since you're a tourist I bet you're going to Orlando. They aren't on the coast and generally ok during storms

without doxing yourself what kind of RE do you do? I went out on my own as an agent 2 weeks before Irma when we had that terrible flooding and then, well, Irma hit and I couldn't get anything going, then we got killed with red tide, blew through my savings and had to get a shitty job to make ends meet. Terrible timing lol

Watch out for hurricane aftershocks which are smaller localized hurricanes that can build in parking lots

My uncle died that way. He was walking out of a walmart after Andrew and this tiny hurricane was waiting by his car and stabbed him 12 times


It will be a cat 2. Go home, everyone.

This chats not 99% bots like yesterday is it?

Don’t remember the name of the storm, but I (813) evac’d to Orlando in the early 2000s with the senpai. Our hotel got completely BTFO’d because it turned over Orlando.

New NHC Update in 20 minutes


I'm thinking 115MPH @ 970mb

I plan to turn my webcam on the back yard when it approaches. I'm in Largo though (Tampa) so it could be hit or miss

813 here. This will be a nothing burger over here.

this guy i work with recently told me about blowing $9,000 on a real estate/house flipping scam school where he "teaches" people, but still hasn't made any money back. then he nervously said...soooo you wanna buy in?

I wish I had that kind of autism.

Based 813

239 as well. Keep in mind if it keeps its southward trend it can go around the tip, same way Irma did. If that happens we are in trouble.

125 940

Largo here - don't sleep on this

Please be safe belganon! These hurricane aftershocks kill and always come by surprise.


Wtf is cockburntown???

I guess you never miss huh


yeah, those scam schools are crazy. I was a realtor working for a team and then went out on my own at the worst time to build my own clients lol Irma and red tide killed RE in Lee County for like 9 months straight

Lit. I've always wanted to visit maybe one day I will

904 reporting in. Will be nothing as always.

Not even that. Will be a fish storm, people.

Fuck USF for still being open though

My apologies Geert

Maybe it will clear up some land for more parking lots

I'll be having seafood next week.

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Can a hurricane be stronger than 215mph (from Patricia in the Pacific)?

It will turn into a refreshing sprinkling of rain by the time it makes landfall, a complete nothingburger

based /deenz/poster

no amount of bots could ruin an asg thread with a live hurricane tracking to the mainland but yes.

Irma hit just south of tampa as a cat 4 and was a cat-2 by the time it got there

Dorian is hitting fucking miami and going over the everglades before it even SNIFFS tampa

It will be a cat 1 so downed trees and maybe a day without power nbd

This is my first year of wageslaving on a retail store. Why is my schedule telling me I have to go this sunday and monday? This can be real right? we are in the smack middle of miami, and the manager hasnt said a word about the thing.

>tfw the chance of this clapping the fuck out of savannah are basically nil now

As always brother....can always ride the ferry for lulz. I guarantee popeyes will still have lines around the corner though

Seconded. I’m currently sitting in a lecture for a lab

I am real human. How about you, fellow humans?

thanks my niece got raped by a midget refugee in a parking lot once but this sounds much worse

It's all last minute and unless you're a college student living in a dorm who has to evacuate your ass is stuck there

Kek. That sucks my fellow 813 nigger.

Best thing about a hurricane is all the firewood for the winter. I had like three cords of wood after Matthew

Post her feet.

Because they get CRAZY sales before a hurricane from panicked customers and dont really care if you die

Theoretically, yes

Do you actually use firewood in Flordia?

You’re still coming in to work today, right user?

>Dorian is hitting fucking miami and going over the everglades before it even SNIFFS tampa
i was watching Hurricane Andrew footage on TV last night, then woke up to see that its tracking toward Miami. kek wills it.

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Like hell I'm going this sunday, I will call in sick or something

Yep a use the oak to cook with in the smoker, and we have a giant fire pit, it gets in the thirties and forties down here so it's nice

Retail companies will typically leave interpretation to the individual store managers. I can't speak to anything major, but in my experience with sprouts (which just opened another location in Orlando) the company sends hurricane prep supplies to any store with potential to be effected by the hurricane season. In the event of an immediate threat by weather, the store manager makes the call and then reports to regional on why the store wasn't open for business that day. You'll probably get an updated schedule tomorrow or Sunday morning once the path of the storm is basically set in stone for the coast.

dumb ass transplants put fireplaces on their homes. of course we need fire wood to sell to these idiots

no I’m a bot


11:00 AM AST Fri Aug 30
Location: 24.5°N 69.8°W
Moving: NW at 10 mph
Min pressure: 972 mb
Max sustained: 110 mph

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Is there a law preventing me getting fired over not going to work because of the imminent storm coming this sunday?

Checked, based bot

No big deal if you're south of the storm, and there's nothing happening on Sunday

>taking from monday to wednesday to go from north miami to north orlando

Fat fucking american hurricanes jesus christ

Prolly not frendo.

there is no law preventing your employer for firing you for any reason at all


blow it out your ass, newfag

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No, they can fire you if they feel like it and at anytime. Especially if you're close to your 20 years

just don't show up every hardware store in the state will be hiring anyone with a pulse the week after. literal criminals could get a job.

Not as far as I'm aware, but you might be able to get away with burning some sick time if you have any. Wouldn't recommend it though, you can make bank with overtime before a hurricane and then take it easy while the storm hits. To be honest it's really not that bad to work hurricanes, everything sells out by the day before so you basically get paid to fuck around and tell people you're out of shit. I was busy playing with the pallet of dry ice they sent us for the freezers in case the power went out.

>I can't speak to anything major, but in my experience with sprouts (which just opened another location in Orlando)

Lmao that's the direct quote from the NHC website

I hope every hurricane is a home run this year.

I loved seeing euros at the parks when I was younger. Every European mom was a total milf

Why don't we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them ?


Nah, Atlanta. I worked the oveido grand opening tho which was pretty cool.


>NHC website

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