Explain to me how those 2 are different species

Explain to me how those 2 are different species.
Then explain to me why you believe in the joke that the currently presented "evolution" theory is.

Attached: Comparing-African-wildcat-and-domestic-tabby-cat-appearance.jpg (1140x644, 349K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a hybrid of multiples different wildcats and has a lot of traits not found in any wild species.
Are you retarded?

>utterly retarded

all those shitskin genes really did a number on your people


>hobgoblin stupid
makes sense

Do you not learn basic things in school, Stavros ?

If things can make offspring capable of reproduction they are of the same species, if there are observable differences between them, they are different sub species of the same kind.


Species is the lowest rank in biology, meaning animals, meaning animals from the same genus but different species still can breed with each other. They cant have massive differences. What did you expect, that it needs to be min 2 meters larger?

>these 2 spider different colours and one have hairy legs
>lol how are they different
>lmao btfo atheist

The two can mate and make fertile offspring, nikolai.
that means its the same fucking species. you and the niggers have completely different behaviors but you can mate fertile half breeds, means you are the same species.

you are being jewed hard, the cutskin americans come in here to ridicule me, why dont you stop the kikes from the ritual skinning of your infants penises first, you who accuse me?

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ok you, a supposed jap, are night and day when compared to a dutch and a negro from west africa, to the former you are much much shorter and to the latter much much weaker and more docile. yet you are the same species or so does the kike evolution and sociology teacher tell you. Now, you can breed finely with a nigger and produce little nooglets. same from the 2 kitties above. but when a tier and a lion mate, the male is infertile. 2 different species

>he still thinks the existence of evolution is still being debated


I honestly haven't seen a discussion like this since gamergate lmao

Evolution is a dead theory, there are multiple articles per month written by scientists that are abandoning the theory. The trouble is its become a religion and scientists usually lose their career over pointing out the obvious flaws.

you cant debate shit, you are plugged into the CCTV network directly and your every fart is monitored.
accept in your mind that you come from apes like the jews accept the 6 billion. meanwhile I...

>multiple articles per month written by scientists that are abandoning the theory

show some of those articles please, none hardline christian or muslim.

yup, because the truth is being (((occulted))) to us.
Everything they do is a ritual. They say it takes a long time to produce a functional mutation that can be useful in a new environment but you see animals that reproduce 10x more than humans and have much shorter life spans, yet you dont see any new remarkable traits neither diffferent speciation forming.
They claim randomness does it yet randomness doesnt exist. everything has a cause.
Life is engineered according to blueprints, same as humans have begun doing through genetic engineering. The best they could do for (((macroevolution))) was some bacteria that grow resistant to antibiotics. in reality this isnt evolution, lmao

>fedora mamas boy
utterly reddit. why are you even here

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Here's an article explaining the issue

Give my money back or use it for education please.

you can make fertile babies with it user.
they look abhorrent but are still "human" by the jew evolution standards you believe in. try again

SAME species.
Fucking retard.

How does it feel to be a descedent of Goths and Huns and be ruled the nation thats made of the undesirable of Italian gangsters, Irish potato farmers, and some swedish cucks?

Well however as far as I understand it there is no proper alternative yet, even if they might have a point.
Thats they thing, they are a different species
And I am a polish thief by that logic.

It's a different race of cat, bigot

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Reproductive isolation isn't always absolute between closely related but separate species. But what does this have to do with evolution?

U mad witeboi?

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I don't understand the point you're attempting to make, I'm guessing it's some kind of retarded creationist bullshit though.

>The two can mate and make fertile offspring, nikolai.
>that means its the same fucking species.

Wrong. You can mate domestic cats with servals and produce fertile offspring. Stop cucking to Jewish biology.


imagine being a fucking retarded faggot like you hahahahaha

Whaddup faggot, cat got your tongue?

Attached: species2.png (1460x1929, 2.34M)

evolution is a joke to hide the true history.
in a few years when jews shift the paradigm again, evolucucks will be laughed at.
but that will be the one race globohomo future so i dont look forward to it

based and btfo

>Male Savannahs are typically larger in size and sterile until the F5 generation or so, although the females are fertile from the F1 generation.

Semi true. Same goes for ligers. and this isnt really evolution, at least in the way they present it.

Similarity and capacity for hybridization doesn't disprove evolution at all. That's like saying writing a fictional book that's both sci-fi and fantasy means sci-fi and fantasy aren't real genres.
No, what it actually means is that classification of things is difficult and often not as cut and dry as you would think.

oh wow faggot, close genetic relatives can produce offspring, imagine my shock. but your teachers claim that niggers are the same species as a nordic european, they are the same people that teach you about evolution. guess what, if every spieces breeds together, this is not multiplication, this is reduction and it creates exactly what the elites strive for, 1 single race. no proof of evolution here

And it sure beats the creationist classification system.
>felines? That's one kind, and canines are an other kind and bacteria are all one kind and arachnids are a kind

show me evidence of evolution actively happen in just a few observable generations.


yep and its not fiction, life is the product of engineering intent, for us humans have intent therefore its ingrained into the universe. we are the produce of factors we either dont know exist in the universe, or an alien race. all life is

>He still thinks niggers are human

You're setting an impossible goalpost. Evolution does not happen at an observable level within only a few generations. However it's easy to observe among bacteria, which have many many generations in just a few years. Bacterial evolution is why we are seeing increasing amounts of bacterial strains that cannot be treated by antibiotics.

>actively happen in just a few observable generations
And by that you mean a cat turning into a fucking dog. Something of that magnitude happening in few generations would disprove evolution, because there's no way to underlying mechanism for such rapid transformation can be explained.
But unlike you, faggot, we don't believe in young Earth.

fully indoctrinated jew golems. thought this was a redpill board. gtfo reddit scum

Kill yourself faggot Jow Forums has too high IQ to fall for you cultish power games.

no, this isnt evolution, its a natural ability of the bacteria, cats literally spawn several kittens in their lifespans yet you dont see cats with remarkably shorter tails or round pupils or some other genetic variation that would be building blocks to differentiate them slowly as species and thus prove evolution. evolution is bullshit and you are fully indoctrinated. i still wait for the evidence btw

you are a leaf living under cuckland same as UK and US. wtf are you even talking about dog sodomizer?

>We all come from Adam goy, trust me!

The existence of Whites is proof of evolution, we are not the same species as the pre-adamites and the Jewish hybrids.

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Yes, it is a natural ability of bacteria to reproduce rapidly, have large portions of the population killed by antibiotics, and for the remaining antibiotic-resistant portion of the population to reproduce rapidly and pass down the resistance to their children. That's what evolution is.
You denying the readily available evidence doesn't make it untrue, it just makes you a retard.

no, its proof of engineering intent and keeping the balance on the planet ecosystem. im not saying EVOLUTION isnt real but it doesnt OCCUR OVER TIME AND RANDOMLY as (((EVOLUTION))) says, you fucking retard. we are part of the universe, we have intent, therefore intent is part of the universe. simple logic destroys the biggest kike lies. why is logic your enemy dumb golem? Maybe (((evolution))) didnt take care of that for you HAHAAHHAHA

You've already proven your retardation and heresy when you made this thread.
I won't argue with a fool lest I be mistaken for one. Now take your meds and have a happy day.

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>no u
nice argument golem. reminder that you are brain damaged from infancy. good day

Evolution is not science.
How does one species turn into another? Can you demonstrate it?
How does survival of the fittest work? Who are the fittest? The ones who survive?

Read Richard Milton's book: krusch.com/books/evolution/Shattering_Myths_Of_Darwinism.pdf

No way modern Greeks are in any way related to ancient Greeks. No fucking way. The ones who show up here are too stupid to live.

Where do you brainlet sewer people get this fucking material? Have you even tried research before?

well i have proof of the contrary and also you should wash your mouth and fingers before you try to debate hellenic intellect.


Anyways there are 2 reasons why things might be different species
1) historic reasons
Sometimes folks found seemingly different animals and figured they were different enough to call different species. The species definition wasn't very rigid (and still isn't) and as such folks liked to name things without fully testing if it was same species or sub species or different variants. Even if later found out that some species that were previously classified as different could reproduce the species aren't merged because they already have history and might still have unique traits and what not.

2) they can't breed with each other
The most universally accepted definition of a species is population that can produce fertile offspring with each other.

Not sure which one they fall under but it's one of those 2

If these cats can't breed then they aren't the same species regardless of how closely they resemble each other visually. Bit like greeks aren't white despite larping as such often. And if they were classified as different species then they are classified as different species.


Firstly it is basically a mix of species, secondly it has been selectively bred to be different in a number of ways, it didn't evolve.

>The two can mate and make fertile offspring, nikolai.
>that means its the same fucking species.
retarded confirmed

>How does one species turn into another?
Usually it's because they occupy large territory that gets split because of an obstacle (like a mountain or desert or what ever) that then allows the 2 populations on each side of the obstacle to adapt to their local conditions and as a result diverge.
>Can you demonstrate it?
Plenty of examples in fossil records and easily demonstrable in small scales by subjecting 2 populations of some fast reproducing organism to selection preassure

>How does survival of the fittest work? Who are the fittest? The ones who survive?
The fittest are the ones that survive or more specially survive to produce offspring or even more specially the ones who survive to produce most viable offspring that survive to produce offspring (which accounts for stuff like mothers taking care of their young being an evolutionary advantage in certain circumstances)

>>How does one species turn into another?
Usually it's because they occupy large territory that gets split because of an obstacle (like a mountain or desert or what ever) that then allows the 2 populations on each side of the obstacle to adapt to their local conditions and as a result diverge.
>Can you demonstrate it?
Plenty of examples in fossil records and easily demonstrable in small scales by subjecting 2 populations of some fast reproducing organism to selection preassure

imagine believing this and then calling me stupid despite 0 real time evidence of this occuring.
take a noose and you know about the rest..

I didn't call you just stupid I called you a greek

>you dont see cats with remarkably shorter tails or round pupils or some other genetic variation
But you do. You just don't see them often, you brainlet

I think life, here on Earth, was engineered, BUT whoever took on the genetic engineering made sure that there was a healthy "latitude" with the species to adapt, and change with different environmental changes. In short, life was "created" to evolve.

.......also, as a side note, I think the Book of Enoch (book of watchers), and the Book of Adam and Eve, which were suppressed, and not canonized, give a good insight that we were engineered, and not just magically "created" by a powerful "God".

That's not a tabby.

So white!

Attached: (((Greek))).jpg (720x1200, 267K)

Why do these threads about evolution keep popping up on a board meant for discussion of politics and events?
Since when is it a political topic?

Because race is very much a political topic, moshe.

Because it always brings religion, and creationism into the mix.......which is really a form of political control, when you think about it.
But yeah.......technically you're right.

Technically, you're wrong.

jealousy is not a virtue, subhuman.
why didn't (((evolution))) weed that out for you? if I were you I would intellectualize its use as being handy in wanting to achieve more and look up to others. but glad im not you LOL

Being jealous is a survival instinct and serves so it's a direct result of evolution.
If god made the humans he certainly didn't make greeks

the only based and redpilled post..
In reality we don't "evolve", every organisms potential is already locked in and yes, it can manifest in different ways from generation to generation but the traits always remain the same, they just recombine and some go out of view only to resurface some other reproductive era.

Yeah......which is why we came up with the expression "separation of church and state".

Religion has always been a form of political control.

exoteric religion is control, an inside out truth, a mirror you can look head on.
its where esotericism begins that the real party starts. the elites know all about it and dont let random plebs in on the party. some woke people understand SOME thing but only initiated know it all on a fundamental level. god, if this universe wasnt such a shithole prison i'd almost envy them. but my mission is another.............

i can tell you are shaking right now. settle down, those mongolian rage genes have activated in you. you are a man of reason or culture.

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>a mirror you can look head on.

>you are a man of reason or culture.
are not*

if i wanted to create beings I'd make them jealous from the beginning so the balance was perfect from the srtart.
no evolution here faggy.

ofc that would mean im a sadist but the whole universe is the creation of a sadist anyway lol

>i can tell you are shaking right now. settle down, those mongolian rage genes have activated in you. you are a man of reason or culture.
>l-l-literally shaking
>meanwhile he slam dunks with the ol 5 concurrent posts with double replies and replies to himself

you are correct greekbro, if we treated humans like animals we would catalogue them in different subspecies and especies but because of female sufrage we have to pretend we are equal

the greentext percentage of a post is positively correlated with triggered levels.
calm down fingol

>if you produce fertile offspring you are the same specie
if you relly think about it that doesnt make sense, how would evolved partners find a partner to reproduce? obviously the closer you are the easier it gets but different species do produce fertile offspring and we still name them different species
same with humans, we could mate a women with an ancient hominid but he's clearly different
just like niggers

Nobody pointed out your flag?


man i know all about other humanoids claiming to be humans, thats not the point, modern (((evolution))) theory is a kike concept and just like everything else today it's ritualistic in nature until they build their third temple they will keep spewing shit. fact is all life on earth was probably designed from the get go and was spread on earth like a bomb like explosion, synchronized and tautochronous.

Have you seen the movie under the silver lake? its about the elites and their symbolism, the movie itself is also heavily filled with symbolism, you know about predictive programming etc, now listen to this song, the elites like to pass down cryptic lyrics to the niggers who they use to make the (((hit songs))), ill direct you:


Ill save your ears, go to 1:03 and listen to the spic:

>Do you want a little kiss or ñaqui
>Booty blows up like Nagasaki (-Aki)
>Turn on the Kawasaki motorcycles (Kawasaki)
>That the club is full and the Annunaki are here (Eh-eh)

>That the club is full and the Annunaki are here (Eh-eh)
>That the club is full and the Annunaki are here (Eh-eh)

google translate gives disco also as disk (δισkος is a greek word) so that could mean a full moon also. this is way to cryptic to allude it to a random sales boosted as the average normie doesnt get it.

yeah. there you go.

bro you are like a meme npc. do you even have original thoughts or do you just have a script that writes insults based off the flag of who you are replying to?

also they are all dressed in red. as in blood moon. as in sacrifice in esoteric concepts. full blown predictive programming, just like they littered everything with 9/11 predictions pre 9/11/2001. 9/11 is also very symbolic but im not sure what the meaning is. i must keep digging

Because the African wildcat will claw your eyes out if you try to pet it. Wolves look like dogs, but their brains are very different. Dog brains are permanently puppies, literally retarded. Also, wolves don't bark.

another site offers this translation:

>She wants a kiss or a ñaqui (a little bite)
>Explosive booty like Nagasaki
>Turn on the engines Kawasaki
>The club is full
>And the Anunnaki came

they translate disco as club but the literal meaning of disco is disk which comes from δισkος, full moon is a disk on the sky.

and of course i get the slow as fuck captchas when i make these points. yea i know about it, when the truth is out they go mad as evidenced in this thread where bunch of glowies and npcs came to fight the truth


European wild cat

Attached: 682px-Felis_silvestris_silvestris_Luc_Viatour.jpg (682x1023, 208K)

have to go now, keep digging, the wise will find the truth, the rest can sleep and be milked into death.

btw the guy's name is dj snake, as in serpent. remember that every pop culture things that is out is a ritual that is meant to encypt the truth in a way your light can't reach it, because you can never truly vanish your intent, only OCCULT it. hidden in plain sight

looks like a typical cat to me moshe.
if you read this post, just check how many meme flags are in this thread. vaccination and evolution threads always get glowies and shills.

wtf science btfo in one image! never mind that these animals hybrids are very rare!

it's a different species

>if you relly think about it that doesnt make sense, how would evolved partners find a partner to reproduce?
There is no such thing as "evolved"
Changes occur gradually withing a population and 2 different populations of same species with different environmental preassures would initially be able to fully reproduce, then they might prefer to reproduce between their own subset, then it might be difficult between particularly large and small (or otherwise extreme) individuals, then difficult and low success rate across the population and finally generally unable to reproduce at which point they would have became different species.

>but different species do produce fertile offspring
This is mostly due to how the definition of a species is not rigid (like most things in biology) simply because there are established conventions.
The most universally agreed upon definition of a species is capable of reproducing with each other inside the population but there are tons of loopholes and historical examples

For instance if you take a look at
where polar bears can reproduce with grizzly bears which can occur in nature but only extremely rarely would mean they are the same species under most strict definitions. But at the same time they are obviously quite different and no sane scientist would want to argue that there is no such thing as a polar bear. So the line between species is really quite arbitrary and fluid.