Creepshow 2020

Attached: creepy joe.jpg (548x380, 46K)

Howcome these threads on pedo Joe never get any traction?

Attached: biden 10 yo.png (720x1034, 339K)

based and Creeppilled

Attached: creepshow.jpg (1000x1293, 284K)

The media and dems are so desperate they are actually working overtime to cover for this degenerate fuck. Desperation.

Attached: Biden-Gaffes.jpg (2158x2564, 1.01M)

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Jesus you're grasping at straws. Try harder.

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Any MAGA supporters should be wanting him to be the Democrat elect. Trump vs dementia hmmmmmmmm?


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because we all knoe

Hi Joe! I would suggest reddit as a platform. Any pro-joe posts, no matter how innocuous, are obvious shill posts. You are terrible at your job, btw. At least try to be convincing.

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Get a rope

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Still - unironically - better than failure known as Trump.

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They all need a one-way helicoper ride.

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Lol he scared that girl so bad she became middle-aged

Imagine being such a pathetic incel that you're forced to photoshop pictures to make Trump look bad.

Meanwhile here's Biden with no editing whatsoever.

Attached: 17051Z.gif (450x334, 3.93M)

based ,

grabbing them by the pussy without request

He can't control himself.

You're not wrong.

Did you know that Alzheimer's drugs frequently cause hypersexuality as a side effect?

Attached: y28cNlRb.gif (288x485, 1.77M)

So can certain "anti anti social" antidepressants like Paxil.

Yang should destroy him in the name of New Rome

Send Marianne in to toss him to the lions

then Yang will take the final blow

Attached: Glass_Joe_Biden2.png (320x320, 111K)

Attached: Glass_Joe_Biden.png (790x1364, 649K)

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Attached: lib-dumb-DEM BIDEN (2).jpg (480x360, 12K)

He seemed like the perfect Chad when he was younger. Why is he so weird and creepy now?

Attached: lib-dumb-DEM BIDEN (3)r.jpg (536x640, 93K)

Cant tell me this fucker ain't a perv.

Well, there's nothing wrong with this one, it really shouldn't be in the line-up.
There's plenty of other vids pointing out this guy is a perv.

In touch with the youth. Biden 2020
Pedos for Biden 2020
Biden 2020 caring for America’s future.