Democratic socialist

> Never worked a day in their lives
> Want "free stuff"
> Delusional
> How do we get rid of them ?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 11.37.30 PM.png (690x368, 200K)

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i like bernie fuck off memeflag

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Technically bernie isn't a democratic socialist. AOC on the other hand is.

>How do we get rid of them ?
Having swung as far left as possible, they're doing a fine job of getting rid of themselves.
Just sit back and enjoy the show, user.

No he is watch this :

Ya but people are dumb. Most of my friends support him. I am not going to stand and watch as he turns America into commie hell. We need to do something now. But what ??? How do we convert them ? Any ideas ?

No you see the problem here is bernie along with AOC confused democratic socialism for social democracy. I don't know how people in such positions mistake the two. They either purposely done it to appeal to the far left or else they didn't know and make everything up as they go along. To keep it simple, democratic socialism is 'socialism'. Bernie policies on other occasions suggest that he is a social democrat. He's either playing stupid or else he genuinely is.

My point is that they are generally on the same team

I am not sure about your EU semantics

Technically they are not. A liberal is very different to a leftist but nowadays anyone with left leaning views are called leftists.

>Weeb shit


You are probably just like us, but unemployed. Get a job and then you will see why he is soooo moronic

require political candidates to have an income greater than $60k a year.

There is an expression in the Army: "Joe ain't happy unless he's bitching."
Let it go, user.

fuck off meme flag boomer

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>anyone who has different views than me is a shill

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That's discriminatory

'free stuff'

>thinks something that every 1st world nation provides free of charge isn't a human right
Cringe bootlicker faggot.

Fuck off Dude Weed. Just because your country is all fucked up doesn't mean you have to let it spill over into your superior neighbors territory. God I wish we could just incase you and get it over with.

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There is only one way

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Bernie said he was a democratic socialist

You’re a moron

Go vote for Bernie "the balloon" Sanders. free stuff

Attached: BernieBalloon.jpg (800x445, 71K)

>Never worked a day in their lives
Who's delusional?