What could have made this cop so agitated towards this guy?

>"Shocking moment white Illinois cop puts black drug suspect, 25, in an illegal chokehold until he appears to lose consciousness - less than a week after NYPD officer was finally fired over 2014 death of Eric Garner"
Less than a WEEK, Jow Forums
>Elonte McDowell, 25, was yelling for his girlfriend, Alyssa Retuerto, to record the incident as the officer held him in a chokehold while two others attempted to handcuff him on the ground. A fourth officer fired a stun gun at McDowell by which point he appeared to be unconscious.
>His distraught girlfriend is then heard trying to console him, saying: 'I love you.'
>Illinois prohibits officers from using chokeholds following a 2015 law. The move is illegal 'unless deadly force is justified'.
>An officer is heard telling the woman to get back just moments before another officer pats McDowell on the face and shoulder and says: 'You're OK big boy. It's a nice fake.'
>McDowell's girlfriend, Alyssa Retuerto (pictured) was heard crying in the video as she asked the officers: 'He has a pulse right? Because look at his face.' Two officers, who are seen holding McDowell down, don't check to see if the man is still breathing
>Another cop tells her to get back and asked: 'Do you not understand that I have a dog in my hand and he will bite you?'
In conclusion, WTF!!! What could have made this cop want to hurt this poor girl's feelings and mock the African American man?? Pic related.

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Its pretty obvious. White dude was jealous that he was dicking down a white woman. Same thing happens here in Canada. When I'm with a white woman, white people get so jealous and give that jealous stinkeye look. It's the best feeling. This cop is just some loser with government power that was able to vent his sexual frustration over it on some black dude.

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Go away ricedick

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Around niggers dearly force is ALWAYS justified

Around blacks never relax (your grip)


>Elonte McDowell, 25, was arrested Saturday and charged with drugs possession

that's why.

>in an illegal chokehold
>illegal chokehold
fucking what?

It was an illegal use of deadly force. Chokeholds ARE considered deadly force in Illinois. I don't think you'd choke someone just for simple drug possession, besides look at the way he taunted the guy. Something tells me it might be something else, I just don't know what..

pathetic nigger, no women who is worth anything would date you.

Niggers die and zionist guard dogs go to jail. A win-win for the white race.

>hurt her feelings

She was obstructing justice by getting in the way.

>what made them mad

He's a drug dealing gang member that refused to be arrested, and more appropriate means of subduing him we're implemented.

He didn't die, he was choked until unconscious. The cop will probably get fired though, but I doubt he will go to jail/prison.

Are there any white people in this entire story, Shlomo? Always telling whoppers.

Muh Dik, maple nigger version.

I don't care about you or your whores.

Nope, chokeholds are considered the same as using your firearm in Illinois. This was an authorized use of deadly force.

Stop resisting lol

The beta negro vs the chad cop

>want to hurt this poor girl's feelings and mock the African American man??

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>Alyssa Retuerto
Which is it leaf?

Can both the police and niggers be wrong?

Imagine being THIS much of a bootlicker that you support illegal use of lethal force for minor drug offenses. I hope you never get pulled over for a broken tail light and the cop thinks your car smells like weed.

I support deadly force against niggers.

no wonder she fucks niggers. Poor roastie never had a chance ahahaha.

Kys discord kike.
____ goes in the Option Field

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is the world really so cucked that chokeholds are in the same class as firearms? ffs i got choked out rolling jiu jitsu last week no problem. Chokes are a great way to subdue big guys as well.

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She looks pretty white to me now that you bring it up
>"'The information received advised that McDowell would be driving a tan Chevy Malibu and accompanied by a white female with long brown hair,' the statement reads."

Nigger was faking it

Lol I wish China and Russia weren’t such beta cucks.

>What could have made this cop so agitated towards this guy?
a) hes a nigger
b) hes a nigger
c) his obnoxious wetback girlfriend hindering an investigation and refusing orders.

they should have taken her down too.

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The bald faggot cop is probably on roids and meth

>yfw Jow Forums does not understand that he had a dog in his hand

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Read my other replies, it was blatantly illegal. We really need to get to the bottom of the motivation here.

I'm white so I'll be ok.

>The bald faggot cop is probably on roids and meth
found the paroled pedo

Fuck off criminal nigger scum. Why are you defending criminal niggers?

>it was blatantly illegal.
no it wasnt. in a situation where things get physical, any force is justified. screenshot this and look at it when the court rules the same way, as it has in over 100 cases since eric garner. The only reason the erc garner case did what it did is because he died and the family kept crying along with the liberal white guilt riddled social media fags, like you.

Stop resisting, junkie monkey!

That's vascular compression, not a choke hold. It's not illegal and doesn't injure the person.


Poor babies. They're fucked. Hated by the whites. Loathed by the blacks.

Jesus christ those children are disgusting.
How do coal burners sleep at night?

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>What could have made this cop want to hurt this poor girl's feelings and mock the African American man??
nigs gonna nig

nothing of value was lost

>illegal chokehold
it's not illegal you ignorant fuckasses, it's just against department protocol for subduing suspects

>Drug Dealer
>Resists Arrest
>4 seconds of a rear naked choke.
He dindu nuffin, yt bois. Ya'll crackahs be rayciss as fuck, doh.

It's because the white police officer was jealous of him for having a goblina girlfriend.

So he killed the guy.

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How much more likely are cops to be murdered by a black suspect that they are apprehensive. How much more likely are blacks to respond irrationally to a rational and legitimate request.

READ my other replies. Last time I will say this: in the state of Illinois a chokehold is considered deadly force. This was not an incident that would allow for deadly force aka firing your service pistol, even IF he was resisting.
He fell unconscious.

>cop tases you
>"put your hands up!"
>can't put your hands up because you're being tasered
>cop shoots you

Why do American cops always have these bald, shining red heads? Is it all the seized cocaine they snort or what?


Don't be stone cold, bin that choke hold

Clean shaved is easier to maintain within department hair regulations.

same reasons why boxers have a boxer haircut

>Last time I will say this: in the state of Illinois a chokehold is considered deadly force
Unless deadly force is justified. The officer apparently thought it was. Now it's up to the court to decide. Repeatedly screaming "hurr durrr choke holds are illegal!" doesn't change this.

A cop is someone who has a lot of authority without needing a lot of credentials. It overwhelmingly attracts people with chips on their shoulder who want power or authority over others. Lots of cops are bald or super short because those groups of men have inferiority complexes which lead them to that profession. Not all cops of course, but obviously there's a trend.

I see your point. What a weird law.

Racial profiling is illegal, you do know that right, user?

As if this is even up for debate on whether the use of lethal force is justified in this situation or not. You have to think about it as if he just shot him right there without trying to take him down by other means, that is exactly how the Illinois law is. Ffs you bootlickers disgust me.

Dekalb used to be a run of the mill college town with farmland surrounding it when I went to school there. I wonder what changed...

you should see black bois when I walk around with my black qt3.14. Pure seething chimp out rage.

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Go back, newfag

Not much of a choke. He didnt lock it in. I guess now it's illegal to touch a Nigger neck.

seething hapa incel cope

Why didn't the cop just shoot the nigger instead?

As if this is even up for debate on whether the use of lethal force is justified in this situation
It will be when it goes to court, all a part of due process. In the meantime you are just watching videos and forcing your opinion. You weren't there, you don't know. Wait until the officer has his day in court before you start forming a lynch mob.
This is common sense to anybody that isn't trying to make an emotionally charged debate about race,not bootlicking you insufferable faggot.

>illegal chokehold
In what fucking sport?
There is no "illegal chokehold" in keeping my own ass alive.

Stop resisting and they have to use less force to detain you.
Why do they always keep chimping out?

No, he got choked because he resisted arrest, not because he was dumb enough to be a druggie with two children.
What you don't know is that we expect you to follow the laws, not pretend that they don't apply to you. Carrying drugs in public means you're using in public, which means you're irresponsible with your children.

We shouldn't treat blacks any different
Why is crime so bad
The state of liberal thinking unable to connect the dots

Sick of these stories its so fucking boring hey NIGGER guess what stop being a fucking criminal and dont resist arrest then you would get your god damn teeth knocked out tased or choked
Fuck off act like a law abiding citizen and nothing will happen and dont give me this bullshit of racist cops piss off your just looking for an excuse to be a shithead

Cops serve us, not the other way around. The danger is known to them when they sign up. There are rules to making arrests, and if you ever meet a dick cop you'll understand why and be thankful that they're in place.

White people are killed by police at a much higher rate. So I'm ok if that's what they want.

It can be something else. They changed headlock protocols a while back because some headlocks were more lethal on Blacks than on other races. Something about the windpipe.


Media incitement. Black lives mean nothing to blacks, unless you become the next Trayvon Martin or Mike Brown. So the entire black community keeps trying to get themselves killed in similar circumstances, in the hope they can get the same fame. This has been going on for half a decade, long enough to make some hilariously dank memes.

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>12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.
here you go Shapiro.



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>FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black.

wrong one, see


When a 300 pound gorilla is struggling and trying to get to your gun or his and is generally a threat to your well being you should use lethal force
The entire point of choking them is to get them unconscious so they stop being a threat to you and themselves. If they weren't already on the ground they would have just shot him but choking is lot safer and doesn't lead to the nigger being dead so that's what they went with

>This was not an incident
So you saw all of the actions taken by the suspect, and know all of his arrest history.
I'm impressed.


Mixed race guy dating aryan girl with green eyes. The jealousy is real, although im mixed i can pass for med or italian, but theres defo a lot of hatred. Ive been with my gf for 6 years, we're getting married. I love her, why cant people just leave us alone

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>i'm gonna brag on my situation, why can't you leave me alone
ok good-boi.


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I fuck white chicks basically every weekend

You have quiet the imagination, look at the responses

I give a shit what is legal vs illegal, I'm not a cop, I'll profile your nigger ass till Tuesday, and twice again on Wednesday.
If you want to talk race, talk race, you niggers do 50% of all homicides, kill police officers at 40%, and express yourselves in nigger moments at least once a week, it appears.

You would be happier in Africa, I mean that sincerely, because the rules your idiot dna work with are understood.

That's because African Americans have a much higher rate of homicide which doesn't increase linearly across the board. In reality black men are something like 4 or 5 times more likely, by their %ofpop, to be killed by police.

Race is also one of the best predictors for criminal behavior.

So you're violent and dangerous, by orders of magnitude over other races, and you're confused why people who have to attend to your shitty diaper and dead baby from ignorant shooting clan, treat you like shit?
Seriously though, you would be happier in Africa, you should go there. There isn't enough sun in the Northern Hemisphere.

Imagine how many cumloads this bimbo takes in the eye a week, fuugg.

Because blacks commit more crimes.
You are quick to point out that choke holds and racial profiling is illegal, guess what, guns are highly regulated in the state of Illinois, but that doesn't stop niggers from illegally carrying and using a gun every weekend in Chicago. Fuck you OP.