Greta Thunberg BTFO by Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy

Based frog. He will likely fight against Macron in the next election in 2022.

"When I think of this young Swede, so friendly, so smiling, so original in her thinking …" said Nicolas Sarkozy while laughter was fired in the audience.

"When I was born, it was not so long ago, there were 2.5 billion people," "At the end of the century, we will be 11 billion. But it's done. Whatever we decide, it's done. "

"the shock is not a climatic shock, to which we must provide an answer, but the biggest global shock is the demographic shock."

"Climate disruption, the world has experienced, which led some to the disappearance of 80% of species of life" "But a demographic shock like the one we are experiencing, the world has never known. A shock that will cause a crisis"

"In thirty years, Nigeria will have more inhabitants than the United States of America. I say that the migration crisis has not started. It is coming. "

T"his is the first source of pollution. For wanting to promote sustainable development without asking the question of the explosion of global demography, that is a question. "

"How many human beings can live on this planet at the same time? "But do we see that all the species of the living one day are destined to disappear by overpopulation"

Attached: sarkozy.png (631x304, 220K)

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Yeah, like he really cares right ?

That little fucker has 4 children, he must castrated and send to jail.
I hate the ecologist autistic girl, but I hate that piece of shit of a liar, a cheater, and a crook.
He's egotistic like nobody else in the french politic circle. First president who disavowed justice, and like most of them he enriched, bullshitted the people, and was a total disgrace to the fonction.

Diserve to be tortured.

tfw even Sarko was better than Micron

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Didnt this fuck take out Gadaffi and cause the whole mess?
Some one should kill him.

The mofo has very good and influent friends, agree, he deserve death for what he did with Gadaffi

It's about time to build a wall around Europe and shoot to shoot invaders who try to bypass the border.

>I say that the migration crisis has not started. It is coming.

What a fucking bigoted racist

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There is a video of him saying that if persuasion doesn’t work force must be used to enforce racial mixing couples. That is unless the subtitles were immaculate.

>Didnt this fuck take out Gadaffi and cause the whole mess
He literally warned us

Attached: Qaddafi-Warns-France-If-I-Go-Down-You-Will-Be-Flooded-With-Millions-Of-Blacks-Business-Insider.png (822x704, 153K)

That was Hillary and Barack. (You don't remember "we came we saw he died") Then the hag cackled. Look it up on YouTube. Swamp Hag killed Gadaffi, with Barack's approval.

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Niggers out of Africa destroying the world once more.

based baguette

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i refuse to believe everybody is rich and have them in private schools or something

Then Russia "regime changed" her, Trump is destroying American Globalist Unilateralism in favor of Multipolarism, and now all the mutts except a select few are either seething or in full blown cognitive dissonance.

Nicolas "The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding" Sarkozy

Sarkozy is a jew.
and he push hard for interbreeding like said

he did.
Qaddafi financed Sarkozy's campaign, and that kike killed him so he hasn't to refund him.

>hey user, dont you want to exterminate the climate jew with me ?

Attached: greta_exterminate_climate_jew.jpg (1080x1350, 635K)

Nicolas Sarkozy, otherwise called the Converso of Neuilly

he is correct, which is why the white man must leave for the stars and the infinite resources of the final frontier.

Little did Gadaffi know, this only made (((them))) more motivated.

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fucking based

The French went in first. Sarkozy has been one of the most staunch supporters and instrumental figures of carrying out the Kalergi plan.

>>"In thirty years, Nigeria will have more inhabitants than the United States of America. I say that the migration crisis has not started. It is coming. "

fucking hell lmao.

he's a filthy kike

Sarkozy is a top tier fucking typical jew.
First he threatens the French that they will racemix by choice or they will racemix by force. Then he instigates programs to bring in mass immigration.

Now he's saying demographic change and shock is what will cause all of the worlds problems, which he himself set up to happen. Few men make me more furious than Sarkozy.

Holy shit... why are there so many blacks in Cucknadia?

>forced mixing
Here it is

I’m seeing a lot of (((Questions))) and no final solution

Sarkozy is right. Pic related. The Jew has won.

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kys shlomo

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Sounds pretty based, can someone please nuke Nigeria already????

>Holy shit... why are there so many blacks in Cucknadia?

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