TikTok as propaganda of the Jews

>Over 1 million young white teenagers are exposed to "black men have large dick" memes every day
>"lol my bf cracked up when he saw this so he showed me"
>"so its true"
>"LOL im deaaaad fr fr"
>"sksksksks it's a HydroFlask"

What the fuck is going on with white children? If you think TikTok doesn't matter, you're brain-dead. Children in the West ages 10 and up scroll through TikTok during most of their free mental hours.

Attached: Video Aug 30, 2 00 06 PM.webm (540x960, 1.62M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Tik Tok is Vine for retards, a selective mechanism to negrify that which was already trash.

Why are white males so scared of black penises? Genuine question.

lifetime of J propaganda in film/tv/movies has stated:
>white man babynuts
>black man SWINGING DICK

No one, its poor attempts at demoralization.

That niggers haircut lol

They are big and scary

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Okay is pic related real American anons. I’m deeply concerned for your country?

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because we have to pay and feed what it creates and I don't have that much money

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>boomer getting mad at what the kids are doing these days
how typical

Looks like shes shitting

here's your (((you)))

Looks like shit

How can TikTok be Jewish propaganda if it's literally owned by the chinks?

Because single moms use more of my tax dollars when they inevitably get stuck taking care of the kidz when the father leaves them after knocking them up.

Why are you asking that on pol where there's nothing but black penises posted every day? Genuine question.

Anyways this is a case of misery loves company. Roasties love dragging other women down to their level.

No. The statistics are that people stay in their groups.

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even more likely it's malicious in nature.

Isn't it good for white couples? If mixed couples will make iq90 retards they just will lose competion in the next generation of america and will punish theyself for their race betrayal.

If white want be black and cross his entire famaly tree... well... nothing valueble lost. Just smile and say bb.

And do not forget: there is such thing as INTERracial concurency. One white is a competative to another white. Darwin will be our judge in this game.

I hate niggers but I hate red.ditors more.
.anyone fancy raiding r/brexit ?

Looks like shes getting superior seed

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Black women BTFO


literally a dem talking point a year ago:

>"Tick tock trumpies!"

You people are practically blind.

let's just hope they dont find Jow Forums. the only time i encounter black or tranny nonsense is on this website

>muh dick
I bet you have a Asian sized dong

The BBC meme is a farce.

Stop replying to bait

Yes. If a nigger gets rejected first thing he does is say oh so you raycis den
Women are dumb and fall for it.
I hate niggers and jews for bringing them here

Mixed kids with a White father and Black mother are more happier.

Despite the absolutely insane levels of pro black propaganda, the amount of women dating them is still very low. This speaks volumes to how unattractive the negro truly is, even to the normie.

>gibs me dat

Attached: gibs.png (544x584, 746K)

who cares honestly?
It's well deserved since we're allowing this.
We're the dominated and suicidal class. Not only as white men, but even because we have the worst job, we're lower class people, we're excluded from the good society and we cannot do business.
We Jow Forumsacks deserve to know the truth and suffer the pain, because we're weak.
Fuck you.

Hahaha damn yall killing me. Yall desperately wish it was

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Looks like a massive shit

is malteser the technical term for the kid?


Tattoed, not fit, besides she is white is not like we lose a important woman


Nice digits, bro.


>implying that's real nigger

>some cuck faggot's guide to >tfw no comically oversized dick that causes extremely painful internal bruising
My dick is big. My girlfriend is not. I can't go as hard as I want to without causing actual injury. "Muh big dick good" is a kike meme, it's actually inconvenient as shit.

Lmao look like she is shitting

kek'd and check'd

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You aren't even black you are probably a Jew that hates being White.

oh shit here we go bois

Start being alpha go to your local boxing gym and behave like Russians towards everyone women specially. Then pussy will come.

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No it's Mulatto

Aw shit, here we go again

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They're Asian incels mad that WMAF became a meme

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we can do buisness. Just write a videogame and sell it on steam.

Why are all the niggers sporting these "savage" hair cuts? Put a bone through the nose and they look straight out of an unkonwn tribe.

8x6 and the only girl I haven't at least briefly caused cervix pain in was a total thot and Golden Jugs erector connector. Guys buy into the porn memes

why does that nigger wear an atombomb muschroom on his ugly head?

>When you can't have sex with a girl without causing them pain in their vaginas.

Check the filename buddy. That's straight from my own phone. Heres another one. Once again from my phone

Then you're definitely not as big as you think you are. A big dick moves the cervix aside. If you're just hitting it, especially on a small girl. You a small dick nigga

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put those numbers down nigger

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>faster Cognitive Development???
The person who posted this is either a crypto jew or they do not understand what that word means

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Is this really true?

Of course it's because it's true

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That's an Arab

They know they can't compete

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the whiteboi cant compete

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the problem is not the dick size or the cervix, the problem is that white men are becoming weaker and they're also portrayed as weak, which makes them even weaker. So, you get less and less girls every day, and we must resort to asia where we still have a reputation, but not for long.

It is a farce, non-nigger.

Why are black males so insecure that they have to produce and propagate literal propaganda?

comfy digits

"blacked" porn is so unbelievably racist
most of the pics are just the "BBC" and some dead-eyes smug jewess slurping on a random 0.01% dick
they almost never show the niggers themselves, and every time they do the nog is making a serious chimp face trying to remember not to ook or he won't get the dollars

I can't believe black people tolerate this sort of shit

Then why do blacks lose to Asians when it comes to trivia?

do you think that they always have to fuck in daylight? she wouldn't see him in a dark bedroom...

> Children in the West ages 10 and up scroll through TikTok during most of their free mental hours.
Alright so fill it with anti-semetic edgy memes that will obviously get censored and watch the kids start to post them themselves just to say "fuck you" to the establishment that is ruining their fun.
This isnt a hard thing to get infront of
And with how butt hurt people get about holocaust denial it will quickly be seized on by the younger generation and made mainstream through youth rebellion.

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Scared fuck. Nauseated more like it. I’m special I have a big piss stick. No it’s not important at all so shit up. All niggers should be in Africa.

>good for America
We have a thing called affirmative action, so it won’t matter if they are stupider, they will still get the job because of muh slavery and muh oppression
Also low IQ people can’t create geniuses (see Brazil Nobel prize winners) as the high ends of the bell curve go done
They lack the ability to delay graficition and save, so more loans will be giving out to dumb people like 2007 and more markets will crash
The economy will also become extremely inefficient as billions will be spent on private security, more hospital bills from crime, and trillions of dollars in wealth redistribution because low IQs can’t save.
Taxes will go up and economic growth will collaspe

>hideous bitch with hideous teeth that doesn't even know how to legitimately smile
Wew. Next let's see the shot of her facing away from the camera, staring off a cliff.

lel a fat ugly white man could score any woman in that shithole you call afrcia


keep trying ricedicks

LMAO, you ain't got two Monster Energys on top of each other. Show your flag or you're a kike/currynigger.

She will see him when he smiles that hes fucking her instead of a pussy white boi

Because interracial porn is just softcore bestiality and everybody knows it.

>A big dick moves the cervix aside
Go steal a Human anatomy book, nigger.

he must be immune to the AIDS

>Jew that hates being White
the fuck are talking about? kikes are arabs or niggers or whatever but def not white

ready for a black eye*

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based zoomers most red pilled in history, hopefully they do something good with the knowledge we have handed down to them

I find it hilarious how people genuinely think 99% of negroid genome is an above average penis size. It's a myth created by porn industry, and perpetuated by porn industry as well as cuckold that enjoy seeing their woman fucked by someone else.

The reality is, statistically speaking, the variation is around 2-3 inches between whites and blacks.

Asians, on another hand........

Bullshit. I went to majority white highschool. Out of 2100 kids, less than 20 were black. We had sizable number of white washed hispanics, and a few Asians, but probably about 80% white. Some nogs were friends with the popular girls, but the guys those girls went after were typical Chad types. 6'2, white, nice hair, strong jaws, usually on the thinner side though

lmao, that's a black baby in her, nice try though

Chinese botnet

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Compare western girl tiktok with East Aryan Tiktok

Look at Arimaki on the far-right. She's so cute!

Hearty kek at everyone who thinks western girls are equal or better than Japanese girls.

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Nicely done.

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>Is this really true?

No these are just trolls dude. They post these kinds of blacked threads for the purpose to demoralize.

wow the sources actually check out
what's it like in myanmar