Robbed of our future

Previous poster in the time capsule / american optimism thread is spot on, we expected at a minimum to have lunar commercial colonization by now. If you watch TV shows (Beyond 2000) and read science/sci-fi publications (like OMNI) you will get a better understanding of the optimism we had. After the Soviet Union collapsed, many of us thought that there was nothing remaining to hold us back as a species. We rightly assumed that we would be sending joint expeditions to the solar system, robots and automation would have a much larger foothold then they actually do now.

Race was also not a significant issue in my generation, there was always inner city crime but we actually got along, for the most part as the non-whites I knew tried to emulate and adopt what was wholesome in white culture. The main things we feared were nuclear war, nuclear contamination, AIDS (scope and transmission methods had not been established yet), commercial air disasters and the beginning of drug/crime epidemic.

Otherwise we fully expected to have at least the society from 2010 if not the beginnings of literal Star Trek before most of us where going to be 50+

... And we could of, and should have had all this. It was fucking stolen from us with Wall Street theft, "defense industry" theft, endless pointless wars, the attack on our very core culture, the drugging of our children, the poisoning of our food, outright mind control, social engineering, surveillance state, police revenue seeking, race baiting, TSA scanning, your television transcribing you fucking private conversations and the political class getting away with literally eating children.

I'm so furious about what has been done to us and what they have stolen, they have set humanity back so far right when we were at the cusp of greatness, when the stars where in reach.

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fake, stop believin everything you see at first sight retard. you wouldnt go to the stars retards dont belong there

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With "we" you actually mean white people. But "we" had to save the whole world and try to civilize even the most savage people instead of trying to build a better world.

The issue is that when you are given aid, you are open to be influenced even dictated to, you are told what to buy, from whom to buy, the price for your commodity. Aid is primary given in order to support African countries to open their market for products from the west.

The amounts stolen by the Fed, defense contractors, financial crimes and war profiteers could have literally reached the moon and back several times over if printed and stacked into physical notes.

5 Trillion to Africa is not even a blip when compared to that level of absolute plunder. We could have fed, clothed and housed every human and still have enough for lunar projects with just the combined expenditures for the strategic nuclear forces alone.

>Aid is primary given in order to support African countries to open their market for products from the west.
I don't know if this is true, but even if is, it means that our money is used to buy absolute low-tech products to feed absolute low-lifes.
This money has been distributed, in a way that harmed companies that would have invented new technologies.

"better to rule in hell than serve in heaven"

Yes, I do mean white people. But not exclusively.
The Japanese for example where fully expected to participate in, and be pivotal players in this thrust. In the 1980s they almost conquered the consumer technology and automobile industries.

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Are you working in aerospace, or any field that assists aerospace?
Cause if not, look in the mirror.

But Social Justice is far more important then some vanity project by stale white men. Actual injustices against POC and the LGBT community are still happening today, we need to deal with these first, it the moral thing to do.

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Where is the money going?

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You want a really juicy red pill?
Remember the optimistic pictures of flying cars, technology helping people and other good shit from the 50s-60s? Well, we can't have that, goy, now can we?
Technological advancement has been extremely rapid up to the late 70s after which it slowed down considerably. The future began being portrayed as something bleak and undesirable. When was the last time you saw a movie about the future and actually wanted to live in that time period?
The (((powers that be))) have found their sweet spot of technological advancement for mind control of the masses and want to keep it as stagnant as possible.

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Well why the fuck do I care about what product is being consumed in Africa?

This is not just about space travel. Even if there are ultimately insurmountable issues with space colonization and we are stuck here for the next thousand years, we had enough resources, talent, technology and will to fix almost every problem on Earth.

There are no existential problems facing humanity on Earth today that are outside the scope of our science. Nutrition, energy, housing, automation, communications, environmental quality... all within our current technology, most are off the shelf now, yet we suffer and are deprived of the chance to use our own resources and forbidden to help our people rather than keep 0.0001% in total control of the entire human race.

It was stolen, squandered, regulated, shelved, forbidden and intentionally misdirected to benefit only a tiny few.

Yes I'm certain much of it is going underground but the missing money is just one leg of the tripod.

There are so many laws and regulations designed to pigeonhole the people into nothing more than cows who moo and obey. Rain water collection, property tax, oppressive building codes for remote off grid private property, the war on crypto in the west, social credit systems, prison industrial complex.

All examples of weapons deliberately designed to hold humanity in place and milk us forever.

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Why do you think nuclear was defunded just after US went through peak oil in domestic production which triggered the 1973 crisis? Energy would be too cheap. Can't have that. More money to be made managing the collapse than preventing it. Yes, they are idiots because the collapse will take them down as well.
I'm a scientist, I've seen first hand how research is being suppressed. Look up pic related on amazon and read through the table of contents. Although the cover is enough is you have been here long enough. The author is Jewish BTW.

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Current and past forms of government are shit and will never allow us to advance as species. There are always some (((loopholes))) available for exploitation that ruin shit for most of the people. As long as there will be people in charge same shit will happen no matter which political system you choose. Solution is obvious: put computers in charge that manage everything in such a way that a predefined goal will be reached. Since computers can process massive amounts of data everything could be optimized to a very fine level. No more spending tax money on wasteful things, no more corruption and (((accounting errors))), work gets weighted based on usefulness towards goals (space exploration, well-being...), no more welfare abuse... Everything should also be public and transparent so there is no meddling with the system. Instead of voting for people/parties people should only vote on goals and let system do the work.
>inb4 large project
It should be open-source and portable so that many counties can use it and develop it together. It's completely doable with current technology.

You failed to mention the real problem with the collapse of our "civilization".

>After the Soviet Union collapsed
It just went West

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I'm seriously beginning to think that there is no other solution to this other than ethnostate breakaway. We will never be allowed to grow outside the strict confines of our master's wishes otherwise. It's literally our only hope for a better (or any) future.

The worse it gets, the more willing the masses will be willing to give their lives to have a shot at something better.

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One banana

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I have given this issue of governance significant thought and I believe you are right to some degree.

We should be voting on goals and projects, not party or leader. Blockchain and decentralized networks make this totally possible, every issue from local grounds keeping to nuclear power regulations should be up for public vote, and not once every few years but a 24/7 running stream of online public policy.

Also strict hard coded limits on the total count of regulations, if you hit the reg limit then you must retire old laws to make new ones.

Two banana

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Three banana

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We would be living on the moon by now had the right side won in Europe.

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So basically rationalists like you have destroyed everything by being massive cuckolds and retards. Gotcha.


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Six Banana

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>We rightly assumed that we would be sending joint expeditions to the solar system, robots and automation would have a much larger foothold then they actually do now.
This was unfounded optimism, weak and stupid people do not get things like this. The boomers, and their parents were weak and stupid, they embraced the cultural marxism and demographic change. They had no right to be optimistic, they chose, consciously or not, to babysit infinity shitskins as the mission of our society instead of what you are talking about.
Nothing was stolen, weak and stupid people create the society they deserve, they did not deserve to be optimistic. Only strong and smart people can.

Is not any more

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>could of
360'd and walk'd away

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Also restricted, weighted and verifiable suffrage.

No job or holdings... no vote
Dependency... no vote
Under 30... no vote
Over 65 no vote.
Criminal history... no vote

Taxpayer... 1 vote
Employer... 2x vote multiplier
Mother and Father of 4+ 4x vote multiplier
Military service... 2x vote multiplier
Patent holder 4x vote multiplier
Physician or technology researcher... 4x vote multiplier

and so on...

Also your private key links your voting record, so you can check at any time to see that your vote was actually counted and applied.

You're starting to realize how devastating the 9/11 FF was.

I agree with the genesis of what you are saying but you cannot deny that this was an deliberately engineered outcome.

>every issue from local grounds keeping to nuclear power regulations should be up for public vote
I wouldn't want people voting on that, system should decide without human interaction what is the best course of action based on provided options:
System detects that country's power production is approaching maximum capacity, a new source of power needs to be introduced (this was initiated without anyone requesting anything, power grid is critical piece of infrastructure required to reach set goal). A public order for new power plant is then submitted, companies can submit their entries for evaluation.
>company A submits carefully prepared and independently verified plan for nuclear power plant, included are standardized parameters that system understands - cost of construction, cost of operation, pollution increase, expected lifetime and other numerical values
>company B submits a plan for hydro power plant with same parameters
Based on current available resources system picks objectively best option (no hippies protesting environmental impact of nuclear or hydro messing up local ecosystems).

>muh jews
No, the problem is with our own society. Jews simply find a weak point and exploit it. If your house tumbles down in a hurricane, don't blame the hurricane, blame your architect.

The reason jews were able to sweep into power in America is because America did not have a real intellectual elite, Jews simply stepped into that vacancy. Furthermore, the American system of democracy is very poorly designed, and thus easy to sway with money power.

It's a fundamental flaw in the American system, which doesn't have any real established aristocracy. And even worse, that system was exported all over Europe, leaving them vulnerable to infection.

But that's ancient history, in recent times the fundamental problem has been the inability of the right wing to nurture a real intellectual movement. Thus all of the intellectuals, billionaires, innovators.....etc. go for the left. And because of the way the American system is designed, those with money and media power have extremely outsize influence, so by having this class of people on their side, the left wing is basically able to have their way with the culture (not to mention the legislature).

It's our task to build a real intellectual movement, something that has appeal to intelligent people.
The more you study this problem, the more you understand that Christianity is the real issue here. Right wing philosophy is revolving entirely around this really dumb religious stuff, which is radioactive to intellectual minded people. I can't tell you how many college bound people I've seen get totally turned off by this religious rhetoric. If you go into any predominantly white left wing group, pretty much all their animus is against this Christianity stuff.

That's not to say that Christianity needs to be thrown in the garbage, but that cannot be what your ideology is based around. We are trying to sell this to a particular audience, and you need to understand their psychology.

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I would agree that a fully autonomous system may remove many of the human flaws in decision making, but a large segment of the population would refuse to be governed by such a system out of fear that it would become rogue or that its developers would simply use it as a facade to make choices on it's behalf.

Also I'm not sure that publicly accessible computer technology has advanced enough for that sort of total automation to work yet. However a decentralized blockchain decision, assignment and resource allocation system could be developed and deployed on current hardware within 12-24 months by some ethnostate who all agreed to use and be bound to it.

>tiny few
(((tiny few)))

Also the system must be decentralized.

This hardens it against physical attack and makes every participant in the network a voluntary stakeholder. If the system becomes something unresponsive to the peoples needs, they simply turn it off and deploy a new release.

Yes, everybody who matters knows that already..

You are missing the point, we need to elevate and focus on the most effective practical solutions rather than rehash the Rothschilds and merchant memes forever until this planet becomes Geidi Prime.

It's a large system, it wouldn't be built overnight and would require a lot of simulations. The problem I have with voting is that masses of people aren't always right and fail to see the big picture that automated system would have access to. A popular solution is not always the right solution. Just look at the current state of politics and see how easily people are swayed in one or other direction. Voting weight would solve this to some extent, but still you just don't have access to the same amount of data computer can have.

I dont think that a large and comprehensive system is beyond the realm of possibility.. It certainly could be done but how long? Time is of the essence here.

We cant wait for 20 more years for the languages, design methodologies and specialized hardware to become available. To quote Heinlein, "We are in it for the species boys and girls"
We cant wait that long, but if by some miracle a decentralized resource and management system is developed and deployed within a group of homogeneous peoples with overlapping viewpoints and some critical common values, they have a chance.

After a few years of growing and enthusiastic ethnostate, those people could croudsource the algorithms and APIs into that systems successor to accommodate autonomous operation... within a few short years.

But not if they die in poverty waiting for the perfect system to be finished.

Vote weighting, shared values, recency of experience and ethnic bond can all offset the lack of total automation, until that is available.

In a modern ethnostate as we are discussing, one would have to agree to live by its principals and volunteer to serve it. If it was a state of treehuggers then you would not find any room or sympathy for big oil/nuclear... or if it where religious zealots or nazis... then Jews would be unable to operate etc.. The point is that when everybody volunteers to play by the same basic rules and the rules are deliberately coded to prevent and expose what you dont want.. it eliminates the paralysis of countervailing constituencies.

That's half the battle solved out of the gate, the computers will simply need to provide secure communications, resource accounting and voting.

You can't wait 20 years for ethnostate to form either. We are fucked either way until next big disruptive event happens (war, global scale disaster, asteroid hits us, ayys come visit us...).

Who said anything about 20 years to form an ethnostate?

A new nation can be formed overnight, maps can be redrawn, overnight.

If enough woke people become sick of it all at once... they can change and completely turn it around, at least in a modes geographic area.

Imagine if just 10% of former Trump voters all pitched in some modest crypto, volunteered their service and moved their shit to the same physical space on earth. It would snowball as nobody who was woke would want to be left behind and out in the wasteland.

Instant ethnostate, within months, not years.

Fun fact, Mining an asteroid with current technology would cost 300bil.
The profits would be from 400bil to 2.1 Trillion. wih a 'T'.

Instead, endless billions go to Africans.

This has always been our reality. After decades of subversion, it's just grown exceedingly obvious. They no longer need to hide now that most of the population has been socially engineered to support them.

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>but we actually got along
Bullshit. Niggers have been preying upon whites and yellows since de-seg. No, it's not "muh democrat social programs ruined duh black fambly", that's just a boomer cope. Niggers have always been hateful savages and always will be. What the fuck happened in '92 in LA? How pathetically ignorant can you be of recent history?
>and the beginning of drug/crime epidemic
This was ending in the time period you speak of, it was not beginning.

Not disagreeing with your overall premise of our future robbed, but goddamn did you pick a terrible and retarded way to try to explain it.

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>Race was also not a significant issue in my generation
Actually, it was a huge issue. Most people were(and still are) too cowardly to face it head-on. It's not that the issue wasn't there, it's that you were in D E N I A L. You're talking about the recent past, the post-Wall decades, as if it was a fucking golden age of love and harmony, and it was nothing like that. There were deep tensions that occasionally flared up to the surface. Just because they weren't always out in the open doesn't mean they weren't there. As a Korean, you of all people should know better. But you're probably a US serviceman anyway.

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Yes, I'm not a Korean.

And I get that many of you think blacks are complete incurable savages, and in some ways I can agree. However, that is NOT why we are not moving forward as a society and to continue to discuss dinduisim and argue over which historical perspective resonates most with the majority, only serves to distract from solution based approaches.

Blacks are not at the root of this, and discussing black behavior is not getting us any closer to an ethnostate where the progress of mankind can continue.


Sorry man,

I'm only here to answer direct questions about the function and operation of the RBMK reactor, nothing more... certainly not opsec.

My question, and i think it's a deep one, is: "so what?".

How is that deep?

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The same happened in rome against maximinus thrax. The elites betrayed the people and chossca puppet leader while their civilization sufferedcall for short term profit

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You should expect and demand a ever increasing standard of freedom, health, comfort and material wealth, if you are willing to work for it personally. Technology and its proper application can and does certainly provide this. Humanity only ever progressed because somebody talented was dissatisfied with their current lot and focused their energy on its improvement.

This is also why people from tropical climates never progressed beyond gatherers.

When food grows year round on trees and the climate is warm, what incentive is there for the struggle of progress?

I would agree this is a general rule except each environment has its pests and dangers mainly very dangerous fauna in the tropics or arid landscapes hostile to civilization

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You are very naive goy, i fully expect "us" to be fucking doomed unless literally Jesus the guy from The Shroud of Turin comes back. I expect some sort of AI/Singularity Antichrist Beast System alliance with the Satanic Illuminati to bring about the New World Order, something like that. I've noticed only those of us ummm, snakes, (Semites, Jewish and similar) seem to be aware of this.



"Path of Aware Leadership", do you believe in The Supernatural? btw, you're assuming space is even real. LMAO. You're smart, but you seem to be only specifics-smart. That's most smart people IMO.

My advice? fuck "humanity". You "should" only care about your own kind, which btw, isn't "White people" it's only the people you like, which obviously are going to be mainly White and East Asian with some White-presenting "others".

I should be pathologically altruistic HAHA. White people, i tell ya.

LMAO, this fucking "space exploration and colonization is coming" narrative, muh I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE.

Fuck you and your Science religion, i'm not even convinced space is real. You chumps are the same cats that will call my supernatural experiences and general outlook on life bullshit, you dawgs ain't even street. I did 25 to life son, show respect for an OG.

Okay that's a lie, but hey, "truth? what is truth?"

This is also a dead end.

Some ideas offered are quite compelling but the taint of skinheads, uniforms, tattoos and 1930s German regalia is too much for most to overcome.

What is needed is a separatist movement, not a supremacist one..

There are decades of counter arguments to white supremacist ideas to the point that the well is poisoned and is inseparable from low class, minimally functional whites. I'm sure that there are some there who are quite intelligent, but that really doesn't matter... EVERYBODY associates it with pure cancer,

White separatist and voluntary separatist isolation on the other hand is hard to argue against. If you wish to go away and be left alone, and yet your opponents are determined to follow you and enforce their control over you... then there is no counter argument and you are morally justified (to your own kind) in your own defense.

Do you expect a conflict where they take power or more subversion until everyone is under their heel

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Yo, i've shanked more enemies than years you've been alive. Word. Church.

BTW, i hear Wherner Von Braun and i know i spelled his name wrong became a Christian later in life, and if i'm not mistaken so did James Mason writer of SIEGE. I might be wrong on the latter one though, but it's what i've heard.

Who's they? the same bloodlines who've allegedly been in power ever seen Atlantis? HAHA.


Please consider increasing your daily dosage.

Thats a good tactic but do you have any strategies. What do the logistics look like for this, will there be a port serving the rural areas for trade reasons. Everyone wants seperatism but no one speaks of the tangibles

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No the current crop hebrews, bankers, degenerates and weirdos in power

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Real racists before '45 were unironically thinking of getting rid of the White under-class. Get used to the idea that most Whites prolly "have to" go.

All you really have to do is promote meritocracy goy, meritocracy is implicitely Nordicist and you get to include the kikes and muds that are basically hwhite but merely happen to look non-White. It's a win-win for everyone that matters.

I don't think anyone that isn't a piece of shit actually enjoys being petty with their racism.

religious schizophrenics of the kike/christian variation are responsible for this. Thinking that god will punish them for this is the only plane of existence. That they need to focus on the blood of children because they are larping as evil, demon goat men. And that their temple is more important than rocket engines. Quite retarded I would say. That such primitive and retarded folk could gain so much power.

Apparently promises of lunar bases are nothing to those thing that we live on a flat earth, or to those who think that the blood of young children, or their adrenachrome is the best thing ever. We were foolish to let down our defenses and to hope that our dreams could become their dreams.

Yes there was true potential in those days.
The way it is now is like living in a nightmare of what could have been.

LMAO, you need to watch The Twilight Zone (written by a Jew, but still good). You really are a goy, uh? LMAO.

Yo Jesus. Force me to repent.

Slap me around.


Who the fuck you think has always been in power? it's the same fucking bloodlines more or less. LMAO, how is this not obvious to you? Trump didn't come out of nowhere, he's royalty. Just because royalty temporarily falls into poverty doesn't mean their genetics change.

My fucking pyramids goy, what about them? i used to rule the world seas would rise when i gave the word.

Don't make it more complicated than it has to be.
It was stolen from us by jews.
We should deport them all to israel and send a nuke in tow.

Maybe we should’ve had one last go with the Soviets.

"Being concerned shows a lack of faith in the plan, Arthur".

Oh yeah Dutch? cause if IIRC your gang went to shit i died and you jumped off a cliff in the original RDR. Excuse me if i doubt. Pardon me for my lack of being convinced.

LMFAO, literally why would i give a fuck about space exploration and colonization assuming space is even real? make an argument. You naive 20 something year old, that's not the way the world works. That's not the way people work, not even most Whites work that way.

"We" "should".

HAHA, is that so? no shit.

You're either black pilled or jidf. Either way good bait. I'm not believing in a millwnia long conspiracy on a korean bbq posting thread

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Believe what you want, peasant.

I will spic nigger

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I think that such a nation-state begins on the electronic frontier long before it plants it's physical flag. It must be hashed out on the network and then put into action once consensus has been reached. Tangible details are a critical part of that consensus, the exact territory itself is not as important as the agreement of a large enough group, commanding enough minimal man and material resources to actually proceed.

With the tech-censorship and surveillance in place, a mission specific, custom and hardened application is indicated. There are other sectors that are coming into season to make this actually possible now, rather than before.

1.Tech censorship is out in the open, and undeniable.

2.Everybody of note are well aware of their opposition and their tactics.

3. Cryptocurrency is available to prevent financial isolation / embargo and for flash-mob fundraising.

4. Peak clownworld, and reaching new levels that cant be ignored.

5. Alternative and decentralized energy and communications, food production and rapid industrial production are off the shelf now (solar, wind, 3d printing of houses, automated greenhouses etc..)

6. White people can actually do anything they put their mind and resources to.

7. Whites are targeted for literal extermination, just revealing that alone should redpill any normie.

I think the time is very soon...

>set humanity back so far
true. Human lifespan can be about 2000 years according to Buddhist scripture. Down to 10 years at the worst times. We are in a very degenerate time. We devolved!

It's a power struggle, self interest. Doubt, confusion, not-knowing, not-being-entirely-sure-what-the-fuck-is-going-on. "I wish i was taller, so now i'm going to destroy the world/ruin as many lives as i can".

Seriously, you kids are naive.

This motherfuckers? the elite? they don't want to share shit and who am i to tell them they're in the wrong? i don't know, maybe they're in their right. Might makes right or so they say.


Yeah, life is apparently unfair, innit. Or maybe not, "God is perfectly just" - Terry A. Davis

"All that was done in the dark will come to the light" - The Bible, verse i don't fucking know, chapter i don't remember

fuck you faggot nigger, space is cool. Fuck your stupid shitty as culture and food, if I had a nuke I would use it on your RIGHT NOW, if we could get into space then. Christ I would probably kill everyone who doesnt want to get into space. Like why the fug would I want to breathe in the same atmosphere as you losers? It smells like loser lel.

Speak, go ahead. Try not to waste too much of my time with your ebonics jibberish. And the word "niggerlicious" better not come out of your coon lips, spook.

dem focals are fly, yo. Who u stol dem from?

Atleast we have big black cocks

I don't entirely believe nukes are as powerful as they say they are either, explain why Japs are currently inhabiting Hiroshima and Nagaski like nothing happened.

I don't know bro, I think we need to gain territory and have a thriving business situation before we try to venture into that sphere. Propoganda on our part has failed due to honor being upheld for even the enemy. Civilization is dirty at first, we need to to play dirty to win.

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And God limited it to 120. 1 Moses 6:3
Genesis 6:3 to Amerimutts.

Only person talking like that is you whore hey.

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They come in varying degrees of power and radiation fallout.



"Have to".

"Need to".

Because reasons and also because i say so. HAHA.

You literal losers.

Makes sense, or else Jews would torture people for hundreds of years for thier sick pleasure.

Or so they say, i posit the theory nukes are just big bombs and radiation is prolly maybe largely bullshit. There may be a bunch of self interest reasons for why the sold and keep selling the M.A.D doctrine to the unwashed pleb masses. People in power usually lie, have you noticed this?

if i cap dis one pig i'm home free