Continuation of 224874643

Continuation of 224874643.

Ok sport, here's one for you. Earth is to a civilization that was really fucking advanced what Austrialia was to England.

Let it sink in and remember, what is the one this we ALL excel at? Not all of us suck cocks.

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>Earth is to a civilization that was really fucking advanced what Austrialia was to England.
learn proper syntax before typing.

Fuck off Jew, or should we say Warder.

English, muthafucka

Being able to use punctuation isn't Jewish, you dumb dumb. Rephrase your question or pose an answer to it since nobody can understand it.

>Nobody here remembers what Ausrialia was originally.

A prison colony. The answer is a prison colony.

yeah, we know that.
read the sentence i quoted from your op, it's literally not proper english vernacular.

I am actually sure what's going on on Earth and behind the scenes of our civilization.

Phone post. Do you want to continue this discussion or not?

The mechanic elves theory that evolved in thinking they are evil because we have the potential to evolve into god like creatures, and they are shaping us to be more kind. Thus us is like a prison / playground before we learn by ourself to be respectful towards other and to handle our power.

I don't think this is true.

Ok, how about a forgotten colony, fuck, maybe even "gas station"?

Earth is my backyard. My dogs live there. They age faster. I live much longer. Every 10 years, my dogs die. Every 10 years, I redesign my backyard. My new dogs usually have no idea that my old dogs were there. The only evidence is easily destroyed. Over the years I've had several generations of dog in my backyard. I am god to them.

Lets go with simple principles. Everything is connected, there is always a bigger holding everything in another scale up. Just like you can break matter into little units in a another scale down.

We as a human species are an expression of a higher entity. Like a cell, maybe there are millions of intelligent beings evolving in different places. Some planets with life couldn't evolve a intelligent species, making them "failed" planets.

Another simple data evidence is that:
-Earth cataclysms reset human civilization every once in a while from 10k to 30k years.
-We are a mix of hominoids and non-hominoids genes (like pigs)
-Moon is artificial
-Solar system arrangement has been modified a lot, artificially
-There is a genetic bottle neck history for modern humans (except Abbos and other low IQ humanoids)

Take for consideration that an advanced civilization back ago had developed super bioweapons (viruses) and after a apocalypse fallout they had to mod the embryos taking genes from other species to bypass the viruses. Or a nuclear fall out. This evidences are wiped due 1 day polar shift, lava and then flood. Maybe the "aliens" are in fact ancient human related "humans". They are watching us, just like we let other nations develop.

>my new dogs usually have no idea that my old dogs were there.

Key word there user. Usually.

Thoughts on the Mahabharata, or do you think thats just a bunch of applying current fictional ideas to the interpretation of what is being described? I.e., the so-called "nuclear argument"?

And the other argument against is pic related. No matter how fuck huge war/cataclysm would be, and adv. civilization that builds to such scale would leave something behind.

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Oh yeah I knew that. Prison for whom exactly is the greater question. What crime did we commit? How did the asteroid belt came to be? What does the eye on top of the pyramid originally represent? Why did all people of Earth speak of a great flood?

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>astroid belt.

Speaking of which, of the systems we have found, how many others have one or two?

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We can guess who the descendants of these children are. They only needed to abduct them once and craft a specific trauma to control their entire bloodlines, trash that manage this shitheap for them and actually believe in a twisted mental gymnastics they're some kinds of gods among men when really they're nothing but mind raped pitbulls of beings whose masters despise them utterly

Sounds kinda boring. Maybe the bigger picture is more fucked than one thinks?

Creativity; and this is Creation; and that is Generation, Nature of God & the Divine

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The key to understanding this planet is the law of free will and non-interference. Several groups want this planet, they battle it out through Earth proxies, nobody wants another asteroid belt(s)

>buying into space propaganda
>selling space propaganda

Don't want another asteroid belt? Flee. This organism is going to remember everything and repay every joule of it. Screencap this and put it on the new Voyager spacecraft. Earth is and always will be the god making centrifuge it was meant to be and anyone dicking around with the product is going to face that product's wrath when it awakens.

this, fuckin' A, man


No one knew what you were talking about Chinaman.

Yeah? And? The chances of meeting Space Communists is unlikely. They will be a breakaway civilisation that pulled ahead of the rest of the slobs on their planet and blasted off leaving them to rot. Their technology will indeed appear as magic when first encountered, but so what? We know it's not magic, it's just physics that we haven't fully explored yet and the second we get a glimpse of the new shit - and assuming we survive the initial encounter, not a given - we'll be all over that stuff knocking out prototypes left right and centre.

Take the Directed Energy Weapon that has just melted some rocket range in Iran. That was fantasy tech until it was deployed during 9/11. Israel looked at what was done, worked out the basic principles of how it could have occured, and now here we are not two decades later they have their own working doomsday ray. It'll be the same for ayyy tech.

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Nice thread. I Like these hypothetical spacepolitik scenarios.

>9/11 DEW
>Israel didn't do 9/11

Pretty sure he was implying they did

You're a fucking retard.

Oh no. Don't leave us behind. Who will rape all of our children???

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Jews did 9/11 but they weren't from Israel, were they? They might have been thinking about Israel when the deployed the death ray that turned steel, concrete, galss and plastic into cold dust, but it's not accurate to depict Israel as the perpetrators of that particular inside job.

And you certainly wouldn't have shared that technology with anyone at all. A two decade development cycle to rig up a working copy once you factor in the frequencies needed to turn steel into cold dust is reasonable. I imagine every military got busy on the 12th.

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Thank you aside from the standard Jow Forums peanut gallery, it is nice. And the argument can be made further. Maybe they are all dead and there is nothing out there waiting for us at all?


Nuclear technology and anti-gravity are to be develop at some point, some say Gomorra and Sodome were destroyed by atomic explosion. There are a lot of Sanscrit tales about city states leaded by Gods destroying other cities with big explosions and light, up to the skies. Nazis for instance had their little atomic bomb near a German beach, where people described exactly the explosion as if it was a nuclear bomb explosion in the night. The bible has 3 floods registered, and two were borrowed from Egyptian tales. Egypt and India are the unique civilizations with more than 4 floods recorded.

Let think in a bigger and more ambitious scale. You know you cant save earth from shifting its pole, but you are so technological advanced to place home in certain orbit, take another planet and use it as a moon for ocean and magnetic stabilization. To move Jupiter to protect Earth from meteors and other passing objects. Who knows what is the true purpose of the moon, but so far we are save and if someday it stops working the creators would had thought something like this. "New humans will have 2131 floods to find out another moon replacement".

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OP is either AI or a kid. Closing thread.


In a way, they think they are, they're not though

That's a total meme. Parts of Australia were used as a penal colony but so were North America.

IC is a bad comedy show. New interns are brainwashed to believe little evil is necessary for greater good, that agencies like the CIA prevents war not create them. Its a half true. Was a new pearl harbour necessary? Probably. Did it help the American society? Doubtfully.

IC was a strong shadow to look on Israel. Its a taboo. Why you ask? America as a nation was built by Masons and Jews whenever you like it or not. Mainly by Christian Masons. What the Soviets did was to hijack the Zionism movement and create a never growing lobby group, by weaponizing Jewish international network. From there they started controlling US society slowly.

Double citizenship was considered high treason for the founding fathers, not senators and congressmen do it as nothing. Even go freely to mass meetings in Israel. The soviets won the cold war in long term, the "hydra" never stops growing and they will soon or later impose Marxism.

This new interns who get the real news joke about 9/11 and JKF/Bush events. Sam Hyde, Trevor Moore and others mock this.
Things have changed, the meme culture reveals half trues. Comedy is now the unique way to tell the something without ending dead. IC new people are getting tired of the "hydra", the deep state and "active measures" in the US system.

Thank God, Soviet assets have not hijacked all Masons yet.

Electric universe theory. Saturn was our star

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The first step to fight back the hydra is to be aware it exists, so who in the last decades have put "Israel on spotlight"? Trump. Obama got calls from Bibi as his subordinate, Trump on other hand twitts like today saying the USA didnt use energy weapons to blow the missiles, leaving Israel alone. Moving the embassy was wonderful too, many American Jews are now reactiionary to Israel. And so on.

He will win 2020, he is not a person he is a program. A doomday program if Soviets tried to get into the White house. Behind him the old "deep state" and boomers who hate Marxism are supporting him. Mainly naval intelligence. Hope they liberate Washigton soon. Nixon doesnt look so evil now, doesnt it?

Ah yes, it is well known that Earth was originally a penal colony.

Earth is the backup to Mars. Mars failed fucking hard.

So hard we still deal with the fallout

But wouldn't there be equipment or evidence of megascale works left behind?

Then what happened to the world between Jupiter and Mars? Ceres is speculated by some to have been the core of as world as it is mostly iron.

This literally sounds like mormonism

Shattered by Jupiter's gravity

No, you're just a retard or a shitskin

A planet got torn to shreds is what happened, Ceres is its remnants. The Tiamat theory is interesting imo

>the one this we ALL excel at? Not all of us suck cocks
It may actually be that we are the only advanced lifeform that procreates with genitals as we know them therefore meaning we would in fact excell at sucking cocks from an evolutionary point of view.
See I thought you meant an isolated habitat of backwards savages.
So whats your point? Aliens send their damned here to live with us or that life on earth were a prison planet colonization effort of a civilization refusing contact with us like we should have done with australia?

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Humanity is a genetically engineered aberration, controlled and vampirized by the Archons/Pseudo creators, a super advanced alien empire at war with God.

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so describe the factions please
youre pretty spot on btw

What's wrong with staying on glp?

>what is the one this we ALL excel at?

havent been there much but if you notice they're turning this place into glp little by little by attracting like minded "schizos" to trash actual discussion. Still i think this thread aint a sample of that shit

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>Earth is to a civilization that was really fucking advanced
what civilization?
fucking retard