You have to understand 1 thing:

You have to understand 1 thing:

Italians that went to the US are all south italian, nigger tier.

Italy is actually composed of different populations.

North Italians are Europe-tier, while center and south Italians are nigger tier.

Northern Italy is one of the highest GDP area of europe, together with southern Germany and Swiss.

south Italy is like africa tier country: no jobs, no moeny, mafia is running the shit, many people are brown short lazy and stupid.

Just to make it clear for everyone.

Attached: 17C76FA4-989D-4683-B676-5BC6C9C8D199.jpg (699x410, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You will never be a snow nigger Giuseppe, lol

whatever you say moshe

You sound like us coping. Trust me, it’ll only get better when you stop denying that we are being niggerfied and it’s the “boomers” fault.

Southern italians are the true ancient roman warrior. Northern are just barbarian rape babies with low test.

I'm british

Attached: Sfgdghjijkkkgccvh.jpg (310x286, 65K)

Attached: hello i am huwhite47.jpg (484x655, 92K)


I'm Swedish

Attached: Osman_Ahmed_Zelekew.jpg (512x512, 46K)

come on rome was the center of the world for milenia

Sicily is where alot of american itis came from,

Im 70% northern Italian so that’s false my family moved here 4 generations ago

Got some data here

Attached: Italia.png (506x397, 18K)

When Italians first migrated to the USA, they were so poor they had to live in spaghettos.


>When *southern Italians first migrated to the USA, they were so poor

Attached: 1566088746958.jpg (720x849, 151K)

and guess who has plundered the south? the southern kingdoms were richer than the north

Attached: Regno-delle-Due-Sicilie-600x513.jpg (600x513, 140K)

io voto pd

>a clue
umberto gallery, naples

Attached: Schermata a 2019-08-30 22-23-48.png (989x551, 637K)

bene, la tua stupidità ti mette in una posizione lose-lose
o perdi contro i normodotati oppure vieni sgozzato dalle persone che tu stesso difendi

Attached: EC1_-PAWwAYOxpe.jpg (640x864, 56K)

Daily reminder that nord VS south is a shill tactic

>center and south Italians are nigger tier.
>Nigger tier
kys jew.
Plus sicilians are literally master race

But none of you are White, it does not matter

Just joking, we already know that Luigi, Sicilians and Calabria are fucking niggers with pubes for hair
The Godfather fucking was fucking bullseye on that

ma cosa stai dicendo?
qui tutti noi votiamo pd

Everyone on Jow Forums knows its just a meme

The only non whites in europe are the british

yeah we must fight the enemies together

Partito Dementi

I'm more brown than white especially in summer

Fuck you Carlo, Sicily is fucking based.

Anvedi sto ritardato

Il capo dei capi series or book can explain better than The Godfather what sicilian mafia is

è il solito
inizia così poi parte con le immagini pedofetish

>he fell for the meme

Attached: axNW4Ag9_700w_0.jpg (250x250, 11K)

I vote PD, too!

My Italians roots are in the town of Luca am I white

Shut up pasta nigger

same fag


t. seething legaiolo

Lucca, Tuscany

My family is from Parma, what are you talking about?

>t. usually faggot without a gf who spends his days spamming shit because he's frustrated

sotto il po dunque terroni

excellent raw ham

Attached: prosciutto-di-parma-fette.jpg (1500x1000, 63K)

we are the same people

Attached: 015737436-270c4aea-0f93-49d1-8402-2b1cf286b985.jpg (560x315, 21K)

If you say so.

We're so powerful other countries tried for centuries to keep us divided. When we finally managed to unite ourselves again (Italy was a Roman concept, Dante wrote: "Ahimè Italia, resa schiava, albergo di dolore, nave senza timoniere in mezzo a una grande tempesta, non più donna rispettabile, ma prostituta!) we ended up with a shitty elite. Sad!
We need to fix all these things.

Attached: Fascism in Italy.png (1871x245, 58K)

don't consider it as an offense ameribro
he doesn't know what he says


something else?


I want to add:
have you ever wondered why schools teach us to hate fascism and exalt communism? communism has made many more deaths than fascism - for those who have the intelligence to study alternative sources - so why do they want us to only hate fascism? simple, fascism goes against every plan of globalization, fascism exalts patriotism and the consumption of local products instead of the products of the multinationals

Attached: mussolini-brucia-titoli-di-stato-nel-1928.jpg (675x655, 61K)

We needed federalism. It's too late
anche voi pensate che l'italiano sia una lingua frocia? o forse è la più elevata e poetica? I prefer dialects, they sound more human
>translation for barbarian subhumans: do you also think that italian is a faggot language? or is it the most lofty and poetic? I prefer dialects, they sound more human

Attached: DbT5WzXW4AAmXxU.jpg (1200x765, 193K)

>do you also think that italian is a faggot language?
no I don't think so
>I prefer dialects, they sound more human
no, just more masculine

My Nona is from Bologna, she's a cute.

Attached: 20190707_094111.jpg (1033x1969, 1.86M)
Go to 8:35 to understand the cancer of Italy.

do we really sound like this?

based porro
this is called cultural marxism

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>sound like this?
there are many American films where Italian pronunciation and phrases are wrong
for example true romance when the two Sicilians say that Don Vincenzo killed the guy. Their dialect is wrong

Immagina che c'è l'esame "di gruppo" e che ti dai tu il voto...e questi sono i MSM che ci dovrebbero illuminare sulle varie situazioni politiche!

Attached: Laff.gif (193x200, 25K)

learn to filter the "teachings"
I like to distinguish culture and knowledge

Pottery. Still, the population in the south was always scarce and its economy was almost always based on agriculture.

Gas yourself Jow Forums

Open the mouth

Stupid. Shared culture matters way more than having the same skin tone. Sitting next to those with a common cultural identity will bring greater riches from within than sitting next to white people to get a share of their money. Not saying talking to protestants is bad but you have to set your priorities straight.

Stfu Fredo!
Also Salvini is the best!

Salvini is going to jail

My Italian ancestor came from North Italy. Right on the border of Switzerland.