>Current Rundown
Hurricane Dorian is currently at 115 mph sustained winds, expected to quickly reach Cat 4 Hurricane status after it clipped Puerto Rico into mostly open waters & sits about 250 miles from the southeastern Bahamas. As of now, almost the entire Florida peninsula is inside the forecast cone & effects are expected to be felt sometime Saturday night in eastern Florida, with landfall late Sunday/early Monday morning. The current track is uncertain, so plan now accordingly. Many gas & water runs are being reported across the entire state.
>Models and Info
nhc.noaa.gov /#Dorian tropicaltidbits.com /storminfo/ spaghettimodels.com / wunderground.com /hurricane/atlantic/2019/tropical-storm-Dorian?map=ensemble ventusky.com /?p=28.9;-78.7;4&l=wind-10m&t=20190902/00 windy.com /?2019-08-31-15,27.195,-78.725,5 ndbc.noaa.gov /
>Model Run Times (EST)
GFS 00z = 10:30pm 06z = 4:30am 12z = 10:30am 18z = 4:30pm NAM 00z = 8:35pm 06z = 2:35am 12z = 8:35am 18z = 2:35pm ICON 00z = 11:00pm 06z = 5:00am 12z = 11:00am 18z = 5:00pm UKMET 00z = 2:00am 12z = 2:00pm ECMWF (sooner if you go directly to their site) 00z = 3:20am 12z = 3:20pm
>Twitter Feeds
twitter.com /TropicalTidbits twitter.com /NHC_Atlantic twitter.com /Jeff_Piotrowski twitter.com /RyanMaue twitter.com /hurricanetrack twitter.com /NWS
>Preparations and Safety
redcross.org /get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/hurricane.html ready.gov /hurricanes weather.gov /safety/hurricane
>Previous Threads
archive.4plebs.org /pol/search/subject/AHSG/
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August 30, 2019 - 20:54
Wtf I love Dorian now
Attached: 77C3A740-A076-45F7-8AC6-EEF71866F94F.jpg (1125x964, 282K)
August 30, 2019 - 20:55
Attached: 205152_5day_cone_no_line_and_wind.png (897x736, 77K)
August 30, 2019 - 20:55
God will punish the non believers this time. Florida fags have had it coming for far too long.
Attached: 1562911697647.webm (720x720, 1.24M)
August 30, 2019 - 20:56
August 30, 2019 - 20:56
5:00 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 Location: 25.0°N 70.7°W Moving: WNW at 9 mph Min pressure: 970 mb Max sustained: 115 mph
Attached: 205152_5day_cone_with_line_and_wind.png (897x736, 78K)
August 30, 2019 - 20:56
Holy shit it's so fucking slow.
August 30, 2019 - 20:57
Will Mike intercept the storm?
August 30, 2019 - 20:57
Plenty of time to grow and get stronger.
August 30, 2019 - 20:57