What is Jow Forumss goal?

What is Jow Forumss goal?

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Infighting with each other

I added the swastika. An user said that it would look better if I replaced ‘Eldia’ with ‘Hitler’ and made the blood grey so it looks more believable. Maybe an user that is better than me can do it because I don’t know the name of the font and I did it on an iPad lol

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Why is a Jew carving a swastika into his chest?

Fuck you, you don’t know anything about attack on Titan you dumb retard. Fuck you and your whole lineage you bastard

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Chill out. Also why are you avatarfaging

every hole


>he doesn’t know

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That lil hairy traitor didn’t listen

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What a great story AoT turned out to have. Incredibly redpilled.

It was a conspiracy all along.. And the "danger" (Titans) were hiding amongst the TRUE Enemy.. As a matter of fact. They were placed as safeguards, in order for the people to survive - albeit in ignorance..

To identify any who dare to think for themselves or speak against the Jewish world order when they start rounding people up and putting them in Gulags again

darude - sandstorm

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Fuck zeke, but He could get his redemption on the way the latest chapters are going.

White power

Attack on Titan is the most redpilled and based tv program in a long time.

There is no goal, only shitposting about politics and jannies.

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My goal is to buy my own property and be self sufficient and have internet so I can browse /pol without niggers around me

Yes, that’s why Murdoch Murdoch had an AOT poster on one of their episodes

For the Monarchy. For our History hidden from us. For Redemption, & Liberation..

All these things in the show are relevent to today.

Having retarded conversations, achieving substantial, calling each other shills and kikes, and then either accepting the clownpilled normie life or becoming an hero

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Sounds cringe. How old are you? Are you the kind of man a women would want to have a family with?


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*substantially nothing

You need /sig/ my fren.

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