We laughed at him, but he was right.
Look at the interwebs now.
The Cyberpolice indeed arrived and consequences will actually never be the same.
R.I.P. Gene Leonhardt.
August, 2011
"We are dun goofed"
We laughed at him, but he was right.
Look at the interwebs now.
The Cyberpolice indeed arrived and consequences will actually never be the same.
R.I.P. Gene Leonhardt.
August, 2011
"We are dun goofed"
whats with all these argis and their shitposts?
She was a waste of cute genes. White trash as it gets.
Post the roast beef
I know you have it
Heard her dad molested her
Need to cope with the economy
You'll find out soon enough if things in your country keep going the way they are going.
He actually now leads the cyberpolice from beyond the grave. He warned us about this. You didn't listen.
Post the nudes
who is this and why should i fukken care
Newfag or b8 cant tell
We went too far back then.
none of you were here
>Back tracing.
>tfw you realise that you've been here mode than a decade
I've been browsing this board for a year and I have no idea who the fuck that is.
It's true, I got backtraced.
dem feels mate, you either die a legend or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, Us ausbros trolled so hard even our own people think that the a emu war was real ordeal not a catchy headline from a 1930s newspaper.
He died pretty shortly after those vids
bruh i've been here since 2006
imagine for a second how i feel
you took their islands
now they have nothing left but shit and posts
Ready to watch it all end?
backtrace the nudes please
I was in Canada when this all went down. Got my first exposure to diversity. Thank you Canada for opening my eyes. You need to be nuked nonetheless
Roast beef will never be the same
In 2015 when Canada became DUDEWEED they started shitposting everywhere
I assume Argentina is the same because their economy is going to shit
Fewer of us with every passing year. Largely due to suicides, I figure.
Happy Birthday!
fun fact that whore is now a tranny
Its not sexy at all. Just a shapeless fat girl that calls herself a boy.
google Damien Leonhardt, that is her tranny name. also in a wheelchair for lulz
what the absolute fuck
I moved here from /d/ the day that Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. It was my first /happening/. December 27 2007.
yeah you killed mitchell too and all of the others
What happened?
Look what /b/ made she do feat taylor swift. Most popular girl of the school became a fail at live and a tranny.
Now internet is cursed and half life 3 will never be released.
You touched yourself at night & turned her into a tranny
Redpill me on this, I left 4chins from 2011-2017
lurk moar
anyone got that trannys new accounts and nudes and fat rolls for >them
You are a faggot leaf.
That about sums it up
didnt she an hero?
No, she's a tranny now though.
Jessi Slaughter now identifies as Damien Leonhardt and prefers they/them pronouns (the surname Slaughter was always sort of a nom de emo). Damien talked with BuzzFeed’s Internet Explorer podcast about how the video impacted their life and why the internet in 2010 was such a mean place.
like a total loser
09 cancer here
fucking delicious. 10/10
>still posting nudes of yourself online for attention
the more things change, the more they stay the same
>half life 3 will never be released
FUCKING LIAR, Gab is just finishing the scripts and getting them perfect.
it is coming. th-there will be HL3, I know it. Gab loves me!
You aren't wrong. We shitpost to hide the pain.
Never give up hope. Ever.
Thinking of the boy I was on /b/ all those years ago interested only in driving white women into degeneracy, and skipping to the man I am now lamenting the rampant degeneracy found in white women these days... I legitimately regret the part I played in ruining Jessi's life.
Do you still like el gato neoliberal Macri? Who's supporting him in Argentina now other than the rich and the CIA?
This is an 18+ board. Please vacate immediately.
RIP in peace, Pops.
Imagine being cute and she had nice tits and Government/Media turns her into this
lol all you newfags are gay
I’ve been here since 1998
this will be you if you stay on Jow Forums
>google to see how things went years later
>find an article from 2016
>reading it find the following:
>Slaughter – who now identifies as Damien Leonhardt, and asked to be referred to with the pronouns they, them and their
She got meme'd into a whole new gender category.
lol that's nothing look up nigga
>hurr durr I’ve been here since the 70’s
Fuck she hit the ham house hard.
Newfag Traitor Shills F, Everyone Else S
What the fuck is this shit, did some faggot mutilate his cat?
I'm already mind jacked
god damn was that 2011?
that was one my first experiences on Jow Forums. glorious days they were
to think that, contrary to what we expected, most women looked at this and though "god, I wish that was me" and the twitter generation was born
what have we done to this girl, it's beautiful, we have ruined this freaks life and it's fucking grand.
We were all backtraced
Consequences were never the same
We dun goofed
Most of you were faggy edgelords.
im on /pol all the time and still don't know who this is. fuck off shitskin.
Can I get some sauce with these tendies?
> you dun goofed
Such a simpler time. Back when being frens meant something and raiding was still a thing.
>100 aids 20 herpes
This predates Jow Forums, newfag.
>roast beef
I've sen it but I don't want to be b& for life and party van at my door
Anyway she posted plenty of 18+ nudes, they should have them on /b
why does the world get bleaker as time moves on
Hand on small tit pic now!
Everyone doing F = Cyberpolice, Every Real anonymous would S at the current over policed world
>Every Real anonymous
truly, an hero
>peronism back into power
>economy immediately shits itself