I miss her
What do you think she would be doing tonight?
Other urls found in this thread:
double clicking her mouse
Rotting in a grave.
she was precious
kill yourself
>if she were alive she would be rotting in a grave
Chilling with Skyking and Hemeyer probably
God bless Nasim.
feels like happened so quick
Here you go
probably eating baby foreskins
>Rotting in a grave
>Luuk ayt meeee, I sooo stupeedd lawl.
She would be sitting at her computer pissed off at the jews the tech industry and the world at large
planning a proper attack on youtube
potentially but she never intended to hurt anyone
She will always be the one and only queen of Jow Forums
Godspeed Nasim
To many damn martyrs
making creative videos about the evils of the meat industry
excuse me but who is this
Chillin' with her new bunny.
One of the few non-false flag mass-shooters
She'd be brushing her beautiful hair, oh wow, oh wow.
she is the patron saint of /pol
St Nasim
She achieved in death what was denied her in life, poetry
I'll post new videos in a few minutes.
Here's a rare video not in the archive; it's about her vegan version of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz).
This bitch had some creeping fuckin cobra neck and dead souless eyes.
She is pretty.
She also had more guts than you ever will. Sad!
She would masturbate, but only with clitoral stimulation, because full penetration is degenerate.
She would be making more videos dreaming of a husband she probably never would’ve met
You mean this one?
She's a dead shitskin retard who should have never been in the country to begin with.
New translation.
She had a wicked body especially those 'ceps and her heart and soul were pure. I think about her every day bros.
This is a parody of a song about Valentine's Day. She has reversed the lyrics possibly to criticize society; that a day dedicated to hate is unnecessary (because that's every day).
you know what she would be doing
I could have saved her
>became vegan purely on principle
>made over 6000 videos in three languages covering a variety of subjects
>worked out hard to stay fit and healthy
>helped animals
>against censorship and oppression
>loved America and guns
>spoke out against immorality and sodomy
Nasim was a living saint.
What a wonderful and compassionate human being.
RIP bānbishnān bānbishn Nasim, daughter of Ahura Mazdā
>I miss her
He probably had AIS or something like that.
>Tonigh come to me in my house and we will escape together
>Ok. I will be waiting for you
I...i will join you soon...my love, i promise
Doing jumping jacks with a rat in each hand.
Post rares bonus points if Nasim is smiling.
this thread is retarded you dumb niggers sage
they used her as the main suspect of the youtube. even though she was dead already
Here is Nasim's commercial translated.
Better than slide threads filled with mindshock propaganda and meaningless banter fuck off my dude.
Translation of one of her instagram videos.
*click click*
New translation of one of her comedy interviews.
Probably the same thing it was doing when it was alive: being a degenerate tranny.
These are good thanks user.
Final edits to a video to upload.
Thank you. It takes awhile to subtitle these videos; I'll try to dump new ones over time.
greenland user, where are you. it's important, you need to wake up
you are all calling him out, but you don't understand what it is
and yes fuck trump and his mongolian knitters. just you need to understand that the people are drooling on you, don't listen to that idiot quisling traitor
>but to secure greenlands independence, we have to [let the germans invade that was ww], hand it over to the americans, because we are a small country... my god damnit please se this.
you have a quisling there that want's to "secure greenlands independence" and take it away "from the danes" is the only way he goes
vidkun 1940
I've only posted some of these once before, I'll post them again.
I dunno now gren land vidkun seemed kinda based he kept talking about independence and he had a health program
for some reason hitler didn't even want to talk to him, instead it had to go through joseph terboven... I don't know why though, it was like hitler didn't want to have anything to with traitors him self.. did I say traitor? sorry I ment people who fought for the independence of norway
bfa,,, meeh sucks where are you my whale hating brother
Some things are too precious to live. They illuminate our dark lives for an instant but are more than we deserve.
REE she is so creepy and hot at the same time
yeah random song from greenland, again I told all the time iceland and greenland they are still in the 90ies. and I love it
too much greenlandic shit I dont understand
this willl make me sleap
He's be plotting how to kill himself over money
wtf confusing language I pretend you say th and not t
some tranny that shot himself over money.
these fags idolize him
go join him
Það mælti mín móðir
that I should buy nice fabric and oars....
is viking song lads, is eigill singing when he sent out in viking at the age of 13.... he killed his father thrall at the farm... long story
so it goes
This my mother sung... hard life, but his is real
You didn't know she lived until she died.
In an alternate timeline; she's teaching her children and providing a good home for her husband and kids.
Working on her abs.
>kill yourself
I doubt she would have wanted that.
With good reason.
I wish I could have married her
Thanks for the good laugh.
she was too beautiful for this cruel world
Schizing our sleeping in her car somewhere eating vegan snacks and stretching in odd ways
>tfw all she needed was a friend